Thursday 10:30- 11:50


Supervisor: Elise

OVERVIEW: This is a long standing and close knit group. We get materials from the Aphasia Center of California under Book Connections. This website also has good resources. All the members in this group experience word finding difficulties some are minor and some are moderate. Some members of this group also have motor speech challenges such as apraxia. Most of the members of this group feel as if they are still making gains in their ability to communicate and like to have a personal goal for the term. They are for the most part aware of what strategies help them improve their communication and are independent in using them but they appreciate reminders and the ability to self-rate and track their progress at times. One member, the newest has a difficult time recognizing when he is using a strategy. It is especially helpful that the other members talk about using communication strategies and their continued desire to improve their communication. Information on their personal goals as well as the group data sheet can be seen in RDS.

The book for the term has usually already been selected and the members have purchased it. They will receive materials the first session. The first session is dedicated to introductions. The members will often tell the story of their stroke or incident and perhaps about their families and careers. Clinicians should be prepared to introduce themselves as well. The participants are especially interested in where clinicians are from and what their academic interests are (past, present and future). Student clinicians do not need to share any personal information they don’t feel comfortable sharing. Please ask a supervisor if you would like advise on how much to share.

Another task of the first session is to decide upon the term schedule. A sample schedule is provided in the book club materials but we need to make a customized copy to fit our term. This group likes to volunteer as co leaders and help to run the session. Therefore, the adapted schedule should include a slot for the participant leader. The schedule should include what chapters the participants will need to read each week. It is best to not have a heavy reading assignment for the last week because it is often fun to view media (You - Tube videos, movie or television clips etc) from the books they are reading.

As a Clinicianlead, it is helpful if you are able to read the book as you go through the term. You will not have time to go through every question in worksheets A and B. I recommend you select some of your favorites. Your book club member co-leader may not need assistance selecting questions to go over but you should be prepared just in case they do. One thing you will want to be prepared to assist with is time management. For example “ Let’s go over one more question from chapter one and then move on to Chapter 2”

The tables are set up in a square in the middle of 188 for this group. There is space in the cabinet labelled “BOOK CLUB” this holds the reading materials for the clinicians and the book club members (which are passed out first session). This group also has mugs and tea and coffee. You should always have writing materials and pens and paper on the table for this group to use. One member in particular uses writing and drawing as a communication strategy.


1)Email members and remind them of time and Book/ Topic Selected

2)Get Book (Locally- Smith Family Book Store has great prices on used books, the library, or Amazon are also great resources - if you have concerns or questions – speak with Elise )

3)Review Book Club Materials for Book

4)Review Group information on RDS

5)Have Blank schedule created for term

6)Ask participants to help co lead sessions-put this on schedule

7)Have Blank data sheets ready

8)Create lesson plans

9)Manage Data in RDS

10)Allow for catching up for first 20 mins or so

11)Ask the group if they would like to read chapter highlights if someone did not have chance to read. Pick some you find most helpful

12)Select some questions form worksheet A and Worksheet B to discuss – you won’t get to them all

13)Each clinician completes self reflection

14)Delegate SOAPS Notes ( 1 finals SOAP for each member)

15)Plan end of term fun-watch clips from BOOK if has been made into movie or show

16)Vote on materials for next term


THURSDAYS 10:00-11:20


OVERVIEW: This is a more fluid and more recently formed group. However there are three main members who have been together for awhile. Other members have come and gone. We co facilitate with a Center for Healthy Relationships graduate clinician. This is a nice opportunity to work with someone from a collaborative profession. Some members of this group have less family and friend support. Some members of this group are still processing various levels of grief from experiencing big life changes. The CHR clinician leads the “check in session” during the first 20 minutes of this group. Traditionally this group has watched 5-10 minute clips of TED TALKS or D news and then discussed the topic. One of the roles of the clinicians is to prepare additional supports such as a one to two page summary of the talk and the talk sheets which have visuals. Visual materials are very helpful to this group. Most members of this group have a motor speech disorder (apraxia or dysarthria or both). This groups is becoming more aware of what strategies are helpful for them and for each other to utilize slowing down, using gestures, utilizing an AAC device). They are also often very open about wanting feedback and offering feedback to each other. Facilitators of this group may need to monitor everyone’s opportunities to participate. We are anticipating a new group member Winter 2017.

Previous data Sheets and SOAP examples can be located in RDS. This group is located in the BOOK CLUB Folder in its one subfolder.


1)Call participants and remind them when are starting up and date and time. Please coordinate with participants individual clinicians and be aware of individual session times. It can be confusing to get multiple calls from multiple people. I recommend choosing one clinician, preferably the individual clinician to make the call. This requires some coordination and communication.

2)Make sure all materials are ready. Video is cued and you are familiar with how to play/ display it in 192. Discussion sheets and Summaries are printed and ready to go.

3)This group typically begins right after class. If you need to start at 10:05, please let participants know you will do so. Please end by 11:25, this group needs to know in advance to coordinate with ridesource.

4)Have data sheets for all clinicians

5)Coordinate with participant’s individual clinician ( if they have one) to help carry over strategies. Review past individual files in RDS or via paperfiles.

6)Sit with different participants

7)Communicate with CHR clinician regarding weekly discussion topic

8)Complete a self reflection


Hilyard Community Center

Thursdays 1:30-2:50

*Be there1-3:30 for set up/clean up

Supervisor: Elise


Takes place at the HIlyard Community Center. The favorite game is scrabble. Most supplies are stored at HIlyard community Center. Supervisor will assist with set up and clean up first session. However, one binder with medical authorization forms and consent to treat forms travels back and forth and needs to be locked up back in HEDCO file roon by the end of the day. The paperwork needs to remain current ( Updated once a year or for new participants). There is a longstanding core group of participants however we could get new participants at any time. Please welcome any new participant and assist to get paperwork complete and get to know client. Clients communication strengths and challenges vary quite a bit in this group. The group data sheet located in RDS under GAME DAY, serves two purposes. One is practice taking group data and multitasking. The other is some ideas of support that might be appropriate to provide. The clinicians assist clients as needed, take score or delegate to participant or spouse, welcome clients and assist with seating suggestions. This is an opportunity to work with a variety of people in a fun environment, I appreciate your initiative in getting to know the participants and their communication needs and styles.


9)Call participants and remind them we are starting up and date and time

10)Make sure Binder, pens, name badges make it to community center and back

11)Be there on time to set up and welcome participants- they come early

12)Have data sheets for all clinicians

13)Designate a clinician to update Data sheet in RDS weekly

14)Make sure Paperwork is up to date

15)Sit with different participants

16)Assist participants with where to sit

17)Each Clinician writes a self reflection

10)Plan end of term celebration if appropriate

Conversation Group

Wednesdays 1:00-1:50


Supervisor: Karen


1)Binder located in Student room

2)Update forms

3)Put Data on RDS- see folder for examples

4)Have Pen and Paper

5)Have fun and help facilitate if needed

6)This group often does an end of the term lunch

Stroke Support Group

First Wednesday of Each Month 2:00-3:30

Oregon Heart and Vascular Institute, Room 200 FA

3311 RiverBendDr Springfield

Spread out and sit with participants. Participate if appropriate such as in short introductions at the beginning. Monitor particpants for understanding during presentation. Assist with supported communication or ask clarifying questions if you sense it would help the group. If members are attempting to communicate, model appropriate waiting time or encouraging participants to use strategies or communication devices in a respectful manner. Help facilitate small group discussions following the guest speaker. Encourage a spokeperson from your small group to summarize your discussion.