Name:Tony F. DiegoReyes Rodriguez

Position/roleCo-Founder, Interim CEOCo-Founder, Admin


Telephone+34 656339535+34 675671449

Company Name42TEK S.L.42TEK S.L.


  1. Business summary

The 42TEK S.L. is focused on producing new smart materials for water generation, remediation and purification without the need for added chemicals. No water is either too contaminated, or too pure for us to produce. We achieve these objectives through the incorporation based on very recent advancements in the field of materials sciences, and specifically in the field of nanotechnology, where we have a portfolio of patents protecting our intellectual properties. Nanomaterials are being applied across a raft of industries and technologies due to their outstanding magnetic, optical, catalytic and electronic properties, which depend greatly on their size, structure, and shape.

The 42TEK synonymous with maximum flows, at minimum rates. Our Water products can be used as POU (Point of Usage) i.e. under the kitchen sink, or drinking fountain, etc., or as POE (Point of Entry) i.e., Hotels, Spas, etc., as well as for much larger deployments such as Municipal Potable treatment plants or for Residual Waste Water Treatment plants.

We also commercialize our own patented nano-particle reactors based on completely new design whichusesupercritical temperatures and pressures, and whoseresulting products are laboratory grade nano-particles such as highly commercial grades of Anatase TiO2,or SiO2 scaled to production environments.

See table below for a full list of high tech organic and inorganic specialty materials and chemical powders.

Table 1-Nanoparticle Powder production capabilities

Platinum Aluminium oxide Nanoclays
Iridium Antimony tin oxide Nanofibers
Palladium Bismuth oxide Nanosilver
Osmium Cerium oxide Nanotubes
Silver Cobalt oxide Graphene
Mercury Copper oxide
Polonium Nickel oxide
Rhodium Iron oxide
Ruthenium Magnesium oxide
Copper Manganese oxide
Bismuth Yttrium oxide
Technetium Zinc oxide
Gold Zirconium oxide

The same types of reactors are also used to produce class IV ultrapure water suitable for laboratory, IC Electronics manufacture, or for implementation in the bio health industry. These reactors can also be used to remediate heavily contaminated persistent emergent contaminants from residual or waste water treatment.

The 42TEK is classified as a:B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), B2G (Business to Government) and B2NGO (Business to NGO). It currently has a team consisting of five professionals in the area of ​​nanotechnology research and innovation, nanotech International Sales/Marketing/Business Management and Economics.

The core team is closely linked to the field of applied nanotechnology; and is backed by experienced and strategic partnerships with leading Spanish technology centers, participating actively on European Union FP7 Program, (Horizon 2020). We cooperate deeply with technical institutes,universities and internationally recognized private companies.

The 42TEK S.L., companyis embedded in the framework of several programsconsisting of technological centers and specialty clusters connected to the European Union´s concertednanotechnology drives, and we participate at an international level on several project fronts.

We participate on the research and technological development of the products in our industry, and have been part of the elaboration nanotechnology Road Maps as a contributing participant in the field of research for the greater Valencia Region of Spain, and its communities, a hotbed of nanotechnology world-wide recognized.

This awardsus with a unique set of opportunities through strategic agreements in the application of smart materials, products, and proprietary processes all of which have in common and are focused on:the sustainable decontamination of water for industrial, agricultural and consumer use.

These solutions are environmentally sustainable applicable in urban and rural areas, and particularly in cities hampered by both the lack of water and the usual new and emerging contaminants.The water sectors addressed include: gray and black wastewater treatment, potable water, industrial hazardous contaminant remediation, ultra-pure water, and desalination.

42TEK S.L.has contractual agreementsfor the representation of exclusive patents and for the commercialization of these solutions in the field of nanotechnology production and applied to water decontamination. This development is approved for the implementation in all water sectors, and is currently undergoing certification at nationally recognized laboratories.

42TEK S.L.seeks a shareholder partner who can take an active role in the company by creating newidentified opportunities and to generate the needed turnover by implementing our products and services,which are proven to be economically viable as an upgrade to existing systems for water purificationof contaminated water, or new construction. As a case in point we have a singular solution for the removal of difficult and damaging Arsenic levels mandated by the World Health Organization and the EPA for the levels required to be used in potable use, or irrigation based on mesoporous media substrate treated with Fe, and Mn oxides.

We are also seeking funding for R&D, and the patenting of a set of products for the selective separation of dissolved metals in the process of water purification. Our focus is the research and development applications into innovation that ultimately produce a prototype design enabling new ways to increase the performance of these improve our own capability to produce clean water in more efficient ways.

  1. Proposed products/services/solutions

Our products and suppliers are categorized into three different strata:

a. Those that are fully ownedby 42TEK, and are fully developed products and therefore where we have absolute global commercial exclusivity.

b. Products from selected suppliers that allow a particular geography for exclusivity asa master distribution agreement, from leaders in our industry.

c.Products suppliers or partners that make up a part of the solution which is then integrated into a new solution to market with a uniquely value added proposition.

Our Intent to become worldwide leader supplier of nanoparticles materials such astitanium dioxide (TiO2), with our own patented method allowing drastic reductions manufacturing of prime material andits derivatives. The specific nanomaterials that our newly patented reactor positions us in a strategic entry point to incorporate us directly into themarket as a disruptive technology, with the advantage of enhancing superior properties to existing products in the marketplace.

Our products are being showcased in the upcoming publication published on October 2013titled ¨Aquananotechnology: Global Prospects¨ by David Reisner PhD., and CRC Press, USA. It will include the following 6 chapters, which serve as our general product lines:

2.1Water Nano-filtration using Advanced Water Nano-filtration systems by mesh carbon nanotubes (CNT) with the global patent holder for the purification of water by carbon nanotubes. The patented solution uses a mesh formed with CNT nanotechnology to provide a filtering capability and unprecedented water purification. These advanced nanofilters are able to eliminate odor and taste of water and bio-contaminants such as viruses and bacteria, Cryptosporidium and Giardia among others, present in other surface waters. Also partially reduce heavy metals like lead, mercury or arsenic, also eliminating organic matter and sediments.

2.2Advanced Oxidation by heterogenous photocatalysis (AOP) has a number of patents in the use of ultraviolet light for disinfection and decontamination of water. These products have the advantage of performing five different reactions during water purification: photolysis, photo-catalysis, Photo-Redox, Photo-adsorption and photo-disinfection so far the most potent system and produces ultrapure water for use in laboratories, hospitals, and semiconductor manufacturing. It operates by applying a nano layer on a substrate. The photocatalytic reactor is a powerful scavenger of water at point of use as tertiary treatment.

2.3Atmospheric Water generation and capture by a environmentally friendly technology that requires no power to generate high quality water through rainfall, mist, fog and dew capture and its subsequent storage, specifically designed to ensure optimum yields and duration in different climatic conditions. The technique was recognized internationally, winning the Gold Medal and the congratulations of the International Jury at the 28th Swiss Exhibition in Geneva, and the Special Prize of the Swiss Society for the Protection of Environment. These systems include not only the capture of water, but its proper storage, treatment and distribution to use which makes it economical and rational, i.e., that meets the needs of "drinking water", "hot water", "water for irrigation¨ and for ¨consumer products" and still other water usages. No need on mixing these categories into single "water from the tap." Systems can provide water in rural points where the centralized supply is expensive or difficult to install. With no need for power, they do not generate waste and are low maintenance; they become an effective and environmentally friendly way to give water to remote mountain lodges, animal watering, replenishing dry springs, desertification, etc. Especially considering that the water used does not alter the reserves, is continually renewed.The system provides high purity water at high quantities for: human consumption, domestic water,agricultural irrigation or forestry,and livestock, landscape irrigation, in fire safety systems or water reinjection aquifer, supplies isolated areas and those of low quality water. In conjunction with a cogeneration Power Plant and with micro-hydraulics expands its production.

2.4Sonophotocatalytic Cavitation

Currently in the process of patent solicitation in the USA (, and through the Madrid protocol a novel system that capitalizes on the photonic properties of cavitationPhotocatalytic applied research coupled with the use of nano composites are being applied to the growing need to efficiently and economically purify water currently available to us as titanium dioxide TiO2, doped Ag, Au, or N as well as the use of novel graphene, where we can achieve higher yields in the production of hydroxyl radicals (OH.) in resonant acoustic cavities with advanced photocatalytic oxidation methods (AOP).

2.5Ultrapure Water Reactors

Generation of ultra high purity water product with applications in the chemical, or health industry, includes pharmaceutical, hospitals, laboratories and semiconductor manufacturing industry. An effective means of generating clean water using advances on custom reducing organic compounds by oxidation even in the absence of photocatalytic reactions, and achieve high purity water to ultra pure lab grade usage.

2.6Nanoparticle Reactors

In the past two years our researchers have begun to use supercritical fluids (SCFs) as a medium for metal nanoparticle growth. Supercritical fluid precipitation processes can produce a narrow particle size distribution. A gas becomes asupercritical fluid abovea critical point, at a certain temperature (critical temperature, Tc) and pressure (critical pressure, Pc). SCFs possess properties that are intermediate between liquids and gases. Generally CO2is used because of its relativelymild supercritical conditions (Tc= 31°C, Pc=73 bar). Moreover, it is inexpensive, non-toxic, non-corrosive and not explosive or flammable. A possible refinement of the supercritical fluid technology involves the stirring of surfactants (see glossary) with an aqueous metal salt solution in supercritical CO2. This process leads to the formation of micro-emulsions, which can be viewed as potential nanoreactors for synthesizingextremely homogeneous nanoparticles.

  1. Market and competitors

Conservative estimates for 2010 worldwide production of nanomaterials was to be 21,713 tons, a tenfold increase from 2002. Optimistic forecasts for 2010 are 31,574 tons. The conservative market value is currently $2.64 billion. The production volume in 2016 is conservatively estimated to more than double to 44,267 tons, driven by demand from applications in electronics, energy, medicine, chemicals, coatings and catalysts.

Market Sectors

  • Water Engineering
  • Mining
  • Private and public Hospitals, health industry.
  • Civil Construction and Heritage Building Restoration
  • Agriculture, Aquaculture, and general food industries
  • Public Water Works, Water Engineering Firms
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Building Maintenance
  • Swimming pools, spas, and water sheds, ponds, and lakes.
  • Social Housing
  • Wood, and Metallurgical industries
  • NGO and foundations

Industry, Market Size: Past, Present, and Future
Analysis of the collected publications follows that nanotechnology is, globally, on a stage where efforts are focused on obtaining new materials, device fabrication, the practical study of new phenomena, testing and use of theoretical predictions and application development. It is for this reason that the majority of published work has been experimental in character.

Nanotechnology scientific production of the European Union as a whole, is slightly higher than the U.S. (29% vs. 26.83%), standing as the leading world power in this field. This reflects the momentum that nanotechnology is receiving in Europe, especially in countries like Germany, Britain, France, Spain, Italy and Ireland. Furthermore, U.E. is working hard with the goal of becoming the world power based on knowledge, within ten years, which has led the drive since its inception, nanotechnology (Lisbon Strategy).

The distribution of scientific publications on nanotechnology in the EU countries where Germany produces more than a quarter of nanotechnology publications of the Union, and ten member countries account for almost 90%, while the remaining 10% is divided among the other 15 members. Spain is among the top five countries that publish scientific papers in the field of nanotechnology in Europe and among the 12 most published nations worldwide, important data on the development and potential of this technology entrepreneurship Spanish.

This market study reveals however, that not all industrial applications of nanotechnology inspired the same interest. While this was great in biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical applications, technologies and computer communications environment, such relevant fields as textiles or production processes.

The situation is analogous in the case of nano-structures and nano-elements. Most of the expressions of interest are concentrated in the areas of nano-compounds and nanoparticles and nano-aggregates. In contrast, another type of nano-structures such as semiconductor structures or porous materials just showed signs of much interest.

Nanotechnology European projects coordinated from Spain, as they were led from universities, companies or the CSIC. It is observed that coordination responsibility is shared equally between the CSIC and universities, while the number of projects coordinated from the private sector, is significantly less with a clear upward trend due to recent budget cuts in R&D+ innovation putting it at risk of considerable setbacks.

Equally surprising is that 25% of patents found are individual applications. In some cases, it may be a pure business strategy to conceal the strategic lines followed. Thus, the inventions are hidden under the name of individual applicants, making it difficult to track the business entity that performs labor or sponsors.

The four most interesting markets for companies and Spanish inventors include: USA, Latin America, Europe and Middle East. The percentage of franchises in United States is over sized by the fact that, as explained earlier, found several patents inventors result of collaborations between Spanish and American companies, always more interested in their local market in Spanish or even European.

In the classification of patents in nanotechnology, and with Spanish participation, according to according to their industrial applications, excel applications on the medical and pharmaceutical industries, among which are found numerous patents on methods of obtaining nanoparticles and other nano elements applicable to the distribution and use of drugs, as well as new diagnostic methods.

SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

This analysis is based on information collected during the preparation of this study and the experience and knowledge 42TEK S.L.staff that has accumulated over the years in reference to micro-manufacturing technologies, new developments and future patents for different segments related market application of nanotechnology and the use of these materials in sustainable Water generation and remediation.


• The research and development of nano-materials

• In research bio-mimetic (a major source of nano-Innovations)

• Research in nanoelectronics and IT, including quantum computing

• Nano research in toxicology, both in vitro and in vivo

• Nano research in photovoltaic

• In research and development nano-sensors

• A strong industrial base in instrumentation

• In the nano-diagnostic medicine in general (including images), the regeneration of tissues and organs and drug delivery

• Cultural differences resulting in innovative ways to address research

• The ability to work in team

• From access to mathematics and physics experience what was the Eastern bloc

• Acceleration of the new company up training

• The European opening in the development and adoption of environmentally friendly technologies

• Europe, openness to developing technologies for less developed regions


• The lack of knowledge about these technologies coupled with the rapid evolution of the same, especially in terms of research, prevents many companies from assimilating and incorporating them into their products and processes.
• In some cases the investments required for implementation in industrial processes are very costly, which makes it impossible to access them in general.
• The application of micro-technologies in many cases is that in the beginning you need to use basic research projects, where the risk to achieve satisfactory results in the short term is high.
• Need for specific training, when new technologies and with the addition of research and development requires high and multidisciplinary training.

• Lack of cooperation between different companies / institutions both regionally, nationally and internationally since in many cases the implementation of these technologies requires a cooperative environment high both among firms, and between research centers and University.

• Lack of scientific and technological resources and lack of skilled human resources.

• Critical issues (ecological crisis, poverty and disease) is not clearly in the Lisbon Agenda or proposed research framework program of the EU

• The lack of a control panel for earth-friendly: research, regional, national or EU level.

• There are no clear routes of technology transfer to less developed countries.

• The research infrastructure is fragmented across Europe and the lack easy and affordable access by industry to the state of the art.

• Nationally variable industry ¨ ¨ pull-through are not being well managed.