Intro to Math Mr. Bowen Spring 2011
Mr. Marcus Bowen Phone: 828-632-7063 ext. 2262
Email: Afterschool Assistance: Room 222
Required Materials
Notebook Paper Blue/Black Ink Pens
(2” – 3”) 3-ring binder Pencils
Notebook Dividers
Calculators: Graphing calculators are an essential tool to completing the explorations and work for this course and the ones that follow it. The purchase of a TI-83 Plus or a TI-84 Plus graphing calculator is highly recommended! This calculator will be adequate for each of the four (or more) math classes a student will take while at ACHS. I will have calculators in my classroom that students may use during class. However, students will not be allowed to take calculators home! There is a link on my webpage gives you possible online calculators that you may use.
Course Policies & Procedures
Classroom Rules:
1. Respect individuals and school property
2. Be on time to class
3. Be prepared for each class
4. Follow directions
5. Ask Questions!!!
1. Verbal Warning
2. Parent Contact
3. Break Detention and Parent Contact
4. After School Detention
5. Office Referral
Cheating is not tolerated. Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment.
Warm–Ups (15%): During the class we will frequently have warm-up activities at the beginning of class. Students will be allowed to ask me any questions they have on warm-ups and all warm-ups will be taken up and graded for correctness.
Homework (25%): Homework will be assigned daily. Homework will be graded by completeness unless I inform the students otherwise when the homework is assigned. I will check homework everyday.
Quizzes (25%): We will have periodic quizzes to assess understanding of the course material. Quiz corrections may be done to receive half credit on problems until the next chapter test occurs.
Tests (35%): At the end of each chapter, students will take a test. These tests can be cumulative and can be retaken up until the next chapter test occurs.
Any coursework submitted without work will receive no credit.
Extra Help
Extra Help: There may be times throughout the year that you will need extra help on your work, and I will be more than happy to answer your questions. I stay most Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 4:15; I will give students advance notice if I will not be present on one of those days. I will be in Room 222 afterschool if asked to meet for assistance at that time.
Class Attendance: Absences & Tardies
Make-up Work: When you are absent, arrangements must be made for missed work within three days of your return to class. You may obtain missing assignments via my school web page or upon return to school. It is extremely important that you remain current in this class. If you miss class for a school-related activity (i.e. field trip or athletic event), you should be prepared with completed assignments for class the next day.
Tardies: Three tardies count as one absence. After the first 3 tardies you will receive a break detention . Upon receiving six tardies students will be referred to the office for disciplinary action.
Parent/Student/Teacher Communication
Communication between students, parents and teachers is vital for student success. The easiest method of communication between us may be through email at . Phone calls are also welcome. My planning period is 3rd Period. I will send home progress reports every two weeks. If your child is failing I will be giving you a call to that we can discuss options to help get your child back to a passing grade.
Student Signature Date
Parent Signature Date
Parent Email Address:
Preferred Parent Phone Number(s): home/work/cell