United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust Pilgrim Hospital.

Pain Management TEAM

AN Educational Package for Student Nurses.

Welcome to the Pain Department. We are located on the first floor, go down the ramp, look left, the Department is in front of you (The door has sign Pain Department on it) please feel free to enter.

About Us

The Pain Team are;

Lead Consultant: Dr S Malik (Pain Consultant and Anaesthetist)

Consultant: Dr C Gosavi (Pain Consultant and Anaesthetist)

Consultant: Dr Hassan (Pain Consultant and Anaesthetist)

Associate Specialist: Dr A Mowat (Associate Specialist in Pain and Anaesthetist.

Associate Specialist : Dr Shanoy

Clinical Nurse Specialist/ Lead Nurse: Tracey Potter.

Junior Sister: Sharon Laverton.

Junior Sister: Lucy Buss.

Junior Sister: Gina Wise .

Junior Sister Jayne Gowshall

Senior Health Care Support Worker: Sandy Watton.

Pain secretary: Bet Phillips.

Pain /Anaesthetic Secretary: Belinda Wood

Our Contact Number is: 01205 446612/446758. Bleep 331.

The Pain Department offers a 9-5 service Monday to Friday.

We offer care for all aspects of Pain Management, including Acute and Chronic Pain.

To help people with these, we take In-Patient referrals, offer clinics within the Primary and Secondary care settings

We offer a wide range of Procedures our Patients which include Facet joint and Sacroiliac Joint Injections.

We also care for a wide range of Patients requiring post –operative pain management, to those requiring support for a long term chronic pain condition.

The Pain Department works alongside other multi-disciplinary members. These include Pharmacy, Macmillan, Critical Care Outreach, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and the Medical and Surgical teams on the wards.

On your first day you will have to park in the main car park which is on your left as you come in the entrance, then go to main reception, explain you are a student, they will then either give you a pass for staff car park, or a day voucher and park in the main car park everyday which ever it will cost £1 a day .

There is staff car park is around the side of the hospital, as you come in the entrance on the one way system follow the road round past A+E then round to the left and the car park is on the right past the Nursery.

Your day will begin at 09.00 and finish at approx. 17.00. You will be introduced to the members of the team. Please bring your paperwork with you, so we can go through it. This should mean that by the end of the day we will know what you require to achieve all your outcomes and hopefully you will know what we can offer to give you the support you need.


You should wear uniform at all times whilst on placement and adhere to the ULHT Uniform Policy. PLEASE NOTE There are no facilities for changing in the Department.


Valuables can be left in the office. However we would suggest you try to leave valuables at home, as there may not be a locker for you. On leaving the office empty the door is always locked.


If you are unable to work due to sickness ,please phone and let us know, and also inform the University.

Enclosed within this package is a Rota of what you will be doing on a weekly basis, but it may change slightly depending on any clinic changes etc.

Within your placement, time will be given for you to do some reflective practice. You can also expect to work with your mentor for the majority of the time that you are with us, due to being such a small team.

You are more than welcome to spend time with other members of the Multi-Disciplinary Team, you may also like to spend some time in Outpatients learning how to set up and run a Pain clinic. Go for an insight visit to MRI, X-ray, spend a day on the Day Case Unit and see how they admit patients for various procedures.

What experiences can I expect?

As part of the Pain Team you will be given the opportunity to develop skills in the assessment of pain. The Patients care package may include injection therapies, acupuncture, or education about the medication which they are taking for their chronic pain condition. There will also be opportunities to attend our Community Clinics. During these clinics it may be possible to follow a patient’s journey from their initial contact to the Department and to see how their treatment may follow a suggested pathway. Whilst on the Day Case unit it is possible to follow a patient from admission to discharge.

As a Department we also care for patients following surgery, trauma and those with cancer pain, who may require Palliative Care. Ward referrals and visits are an integral part of the Nurses role and therefore the on-going follow up care is part of our work.

Issues specific to Pain Management include;

Medication Therapies and Intravenous Drugs; Students should not be involved setting up PCAs or the administration of Intravenous Drugs. However, you can gain an overview of which drugs are commonly used in Pain Management with their potential benefits and complications.

The administration of IV drugs and the use of Infusion Devices is an Extended Role Practice within the Trust and cannot be performed by Student Nurses or Qualified Staff who has not completed a period of Preceptorship.

Student Rota

Week one Welcome to the Pain Department.
Monday Am
Introduction to Department / Fill in Student Paperwork , Preliminary Interview / Monday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic / Consultant Clinic
Tuesday Am
Nurse Led Clinics , Consultant Clinic / Tuesday Pm
Day case List / Wards
Wednesday Am
Wards / Wednesday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic ,Consultant Clinic
Thursday Am
Nurse Led Clinic / Thursday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic
Friday Am
Nurse Led Clinic / Friday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic
Week Two
Monday Am
Consultant clinic / TENS Clinic / Monday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic
Tuesday Am
Nurse Led Clinics / Tuesday Pm
Day case List / Wards
Wednesday Am
Insight visit / Physio / Wednesday Pm
Insight visit MRI, X- ray
Thursday Am
Nurse Led Clinic / Thursday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic
Friday Am
Nurse Led Clinic / Day Case Ward / Friday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic
Week Three
Monday Am
Day case Waiting List / Aseptic Technique / Monday Am
Nurse Led Clinic
Tuesday Am
Nurse Led Clinic, Insight visit ( Day Case Ward ) / Tuesday Pm
Day case List, Insight Visit ( Day Case Ward )
Wednesday Am
Insight Visit / Wednesday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic
Thursday Am
Nurse Led Clinic /Intermediate Interview / Thursday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic
Friday Am
Day Case List / Friday Pm
Week Four
Monday Am
Day case Waiting List / Wards / Monday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic
Tuesday Am
Nurse Led Clinic, New Letter History Taking / Tuesday Pm
Day case Waiting List
Wednesday Am
Wards / Wednesday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic – New Letter History Taking
Thursday Am
Insight visit / Nurse Led Clinic / Thursday Pm
Insight visit / Nurse Led Clinic
Friday Am
Nurse Led Clinic – New Letter History Taking / Friday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic – New Letter History Taking.
Week Five
Monday Am
Consultant Clinic/ Wards / Monday Pm
Consultant Clinic / Nurse Led Clinic / Wards
Tuesday Am
Nurse Led Clinic / Wards / Tuesday Pm
Wednesday Am
Wards / Insight visit / Wednesday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic / Insight Visit
Thursday Am
Insight Visit / Thursday Pm
Insight Visit
Friday Am
Nurse Led Clinic / Wards / Friday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic / Wards
Week 6
Monday Am
Day Case Waiting List / Monday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic / Wards
Tuesday Am
Nurse Led Clinics / Consultant Clinic / Tuesday Pm
Day Case Waiting List
Wednesday Am
Insight Visit /Wards / Wednesday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic / Wards / Insight Visit
Thursday Am
Nurse Led Clinic / Insight Visit / Thursday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic / Insight Visit
Friday Am
Nurse Led Clinic /Day Case Waiting List / Final Interview / Friday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic / Wards
Week 7
Monday Am
Managing Day case List under supervision / Monday Pm
Nurse Led Clinic / Consultant Clinic
Tuesday Am
Nurse Led Clinic / Consultant Clinic / Tuesday Pm
Managing Day Case Waiting List
Wednesday Am
Wards / Wednesday Pm
Wards / Nurse Led Clinic
Nurse Led Clinic / Wards / Thursday Pm STUDENT CHOICE
Nurse Led Clinic / Wards
Day Case Waiting List / Wards/ Nurse Led Clinic / Friday Pm STUDENT CHOICE
Wards / Nurse Led Clinic

Please note: Some of our Nurse Led Clinics are held at Boston Health Clinic , Spalding Johnson Community Hospital and Skegness Hospital .

Internet Resources

Current Learning in Palliative Care; Current Learning in Palliative Care with 15 Minute Tutorials for you to try. www.helpthehospices.org.uk/clip/

Chronic Pain Policy Coalition; The Chronic Pain Policy Coalition is a forum established in 2006 to unite patients, professionals and parliamentarians in a mission to develop an improved treatment and management strategy for the prevention, of chronic pain and its associated conditions. http://www.policyconnect.org.uk/cppc/

Fibromyalgia Association UK; The independent voice ofUK Fibromyalgia. Absolutely everything you need to know aboutFibromyalgia. www.ukfibromyalgia.com/

International Association for the Study of Pain;

Founded in 1973, IASP is the world's largest multidisciplinary organization focused specifically on pain research and treatment. www.iasp-pain.org/

Action on Pain; Action on Pain is a national charity established in 1998 by Ian Semmons, as a result of his own frustration that it took so long to get treatment for his pain. www.action-on-pain.co.uk

BackCare ; A Charity website for healthier backs. www.backcare.org.uk

British Pain Society; The British Pain Society has a membership of over 1,400 and is involved in all aspects of pain. www.britishpainsociety.org

Pain Concern; Pain Concern is a UK based charity for those living with Chronic Pain, and those who care for and about them. www.painconcern.org.uk

Pain Support; The Pain Support website is packed with pain relief techniques for those with chronic pain. www.painsupport.co.uk

Pain Relief Foundation; The Pain Relief Foundation was established as a registered charity in 1979, in response to the need for specialised research into the causes and treatment of chronic pain in humans. www.painrelieffoundation.org.uk


Key Topics in Pain Management . Kate M. Grady, Andrew M. Severn and Paul R. Eldridge ( 2006)

Pain Management Secrets . Charles E. Argoff and Gary McCleane (2009)

Clinical Pain Management Second Edition: Chronic Pain .Peter Wilson, Troels Jensen, Paul Watson and Jennifer A Haythornthwaite ( 2008)

Acute Pain Management (Cambridge Medicine) . Henry McQuay, Raymond S. Sinatra, Oscar A. de Leon-Cassasola and Eugene R. Viscusi (2009)

Advancing Nursing Practice in Pain Management ; Carr, Eloise (ED ); Wiley-Blackwell; ( 2009)

American Academy of Neurology : Understanding Pain : What It Is, Why It Happens, and How It's Managed;

Gould, Harry J.; Demos Medical Publishing, Incorporated; 2006

Caring for People in Pain; Davis, Bryn D.; Routledge; 2000

Cognitive Therapy with Chronic Pain Patients; Winterowd, Carrie ; Springer Publishing Company; 2000

Complementary and Integrative Medicince in Pain Management; Weintraub, Michael I. ; Springer Publishing Company; 2008

Complete Guide to Relieving Cancer Pain and Suffering; Patt, Richard B.; Oxford University Press, USA; 2003

Exercise Your Way to Health : Back Pain; Coates, Paula ; A & C Black; 2010

Feeling Pain and Being in Pain (2nd Edition); Grahek, Nikola; MIT Press; 2006

How to Manage Pain in the Elderly; D'Arcy, Yvonne M.; Sigma Theta Tau International; 2010

Inside Chronic Pain : An Intimate and Critical

Account; Heshusius, Lous; Cornell University Press; 2009

Low Back Pain FAQs; Gutknecht, David; B.C. Decker; 2007

Management Of Pain In Older People; Schofield, Pat; M&K Update Ltd; 2007

Managing Chronic Pain : A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach Workbook; Otis, John ; Oxford University Press; 2007

Managing Pain the Older Adult;Jansen,Michaelene P. ; Springer Publishing Company; 2008

Pain and Depression; Clark, M. R.; Karger Publishers; 2004

Principles And Practice Of Managing Pain:A guide for nurses and allied health professionals; Parsons, Gareth; McGraw-Hill Education; 2010

Social Relations and Chronic Pain; Roy, R.; Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2001

Under the Medical Gaze:Facts and Fictions of Chronic Pain; Greenhalgh, Susan; University of California Press; 2001

Understanding Chronic Pain; Koestler, Angela J.; University Press of Mississippi; 2002

This Package was written by Lucy Buss 2013 /Updated 20.01.15