Staying Pure in a Filthy World 597

Text:James 1:26-27

1)Do you think that “Purity of Life” is of much concern to God?

a)Psalm 24:1-5

(1)Do you have “clean hands” and a “pure heart”?

(2)Are you an honest and truthful person?

b)Can you say that you are “unstained” by the world?

(1)The Bible says we ought to be (James 1:27)

(2)This is what “pure and undefiled” religion is.

c)Again I ask . . .

Do you think it’s important to “Stay Pure in a Filthy World”?

2)Let’s look at the scriptures today to see if we can find a way to begin doing better than we have in the past.

I.What’s in the World that “Stains” us?

A.I John 2:15-17

1.“Lust” = inordinate desire (against God’s Law; can’t have)

2.Three areas of human desire:

a.Pleasures of the Flesh (some things feel good, but you can’t have)

b.Pleasures of the Eyes (some things are exciting to see, but can’t see)

c.Pleasures of the Ego (some things make you feel big, but you’re not)

3.The garden contained many more ordinate things than “in-”

a.Likewise - God has filled this world with things that:

make us feel good

excite our sense of vision

boost our confidence and self-esteem

b.But Satan is constantly holding up the things that would be bad for us:

to engage in

to look upon

to think about

B.Romans 1:28-32 Paul talks about the filthy things of “the world”

1.What’s in Paul’s list that condemns us?

Greed? Envy? Deceit? Malice? Arrogance?

2.Are we ever . . .

Boastful? Disobedient? Untrustworthy? Unmerciful?

3.And even if we really don’t have . . .

a depraved mind

And even if we really don’t do . . .

improper - wicked - evil - murderous things

4.Do we ever “give hearty approval” to those who do practice these things . . . by . . .

a.watching their movies?

b.looking at their lurid books or web sites?

c.listening to their filthy conversations?

C.Staying Pure in a Filthy World is not a very easy task.

II.What are some ways that we can “Stay Pure in a Filthy World”?

A.Let God’s Word teach you right from wrong

1.Mt 4:1-11

“It is written ... man shall not live by bread alone ...”

“It is written ... you shall not test the Lord your God”

“It is written ... you shall worship the Lord your God”

2.Ps 119:9-11; 97-100; 104-105

3.God’s Word will guide you away from filthy things of the world

B.Think about good things

1.Phil 4:8-9

2.There are some things we dwell upon which are over-rated

Proverbs 23:1-5

don’t give in to your appetites

don’t give yourself over to pursuit of money

3.Think about important things - think about good things

4.This will help you stay pure in a filthy world

C.Avoid bad influences

1.Paul said . . . I Cor 15:33

2.Jesus warned us . . . Mark 13:5

3.Solomon made this observation . . . Proverbs 13:20

4.David made a resolution . . . Psalm 26:4-5

5.Brethren . . . be careful who you fellowship:

a.Paul wrote words of wisdom in this regard

II Cor 6:14; Gal 5:9

b.This was the downfall of the children of Israel

Psalm 106:35-36

c.And . . . it will become a snare to us as well.

6.To stay pure in a filthy world - avoid bad influences

D.Stay busy in the Lord’s work

1.I Cor 15:58

2.“Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop.”

3.If you stay busy doing good things for the Lord

You won’t have the time nor the interest to get into mischief

E.Train your body and your mind to be disciplined

1.I Cor 9:24-27

2.“Getting Help” is over rated

a.As though someone else can do it for you.

b.As though someone else can relieve you of responsibility

c.Others may be able to:




d.But – in the end – you must want to be “Free” very badly

3.Illus. - Shawshank Redemption

a.“Freedom” is worth whatever price you have to pay

b.Gal 5:1

c.Balloons were meant to soar

d.Cut those tethers so you can be happy and free

Concl.1)There’s no doubt that God wants us to be “Pure” in our walk before Him

2)We all know that this is not an easy task.

3)But . . . here are Five Suggestions to help you:

a)Let God’s Word teach you right from wrong

b)Think about good things

c)Avoid bad influences

d)Stay busy in the Lord’s work

e)Train your body and mind to be disciplined