Arab-Israeli Conflict Summary
I) Historical Origins of the Conflict
A) Ancient roots
- Both Jews and Arabs see Jerusalem as their capital
- Jews were driven out of Palestineby the Romans in 71 AD
- Palestinians fell under the rule of the Islamic empire, then the Ottoman Empire
1897- World Zionist Organisation established. To create a Jewish state in Palestine
B) World War I
Britain invaded the Ottoman Empire and took Palestine. They promised Palestinians independence after the war if they would support Britain against Turkey.
Britain also wanted the support of the US in the war and therefore supported Zionistswho were hoping to form a Jewish homeland in Palestine. (1917Balfour Declaration)Arthur Balfour-foreign min
C) Between the Wars
- Ottoman Empire fell apartand Palestine became a British mandatein 1919
Britain allowed Jews to enter. Large numbers went to Jerusalem to establish a Jewish homeland.Arabs protested.
- 1924-US isolationist policy meant immigration restrictions to the US.
More Jews immigrated to Israel
- Britain limited immigration to 10,000 a year in 1939.
- The rise of Nazism meant increased immigration toPalestine. By 1940, half the population in Palestine was Jewish
D) Post-WWII
- After the Holocaust hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees needed a home. The US pressed Britain to allow 100,000 immigrants but Britain refused.
- Zionists begana terrorist campaign against Arabs and the British, blowing up the KingDavidHotel
- Britain, weakened by the war could not cope and gave up Palestine to the UN in 1947.
The UN Partition Plan1947 divided the region. It was never implemented.
II) The Wars
A)1948 War
1949- David Ben Gurion declared Israeli independence . Israelwas then attacked by Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon
- Israel gained ¾ of Palestine.
- Most Palestinians fled
- Israeli government wouldn’t let them return and refugee camps were set up in border countries.
- Those Palestinians who remained were discriminated against
- The Arab states never recognized the ceasefire as permanent.
B)Suez War 1956
- Colonel Nassar of Egypt was anti-Western and annoyed the
US, UK and France:
- Helped Algeria against France
- Bought Russian arms from the Czechs.
Egypt now part of the Cold War
- Persuaded Arab countries not to join Baghdad Pact
- The US canceled a grant that they’d promised to build the
Aswan Dam so Nasser nationalized the Suez canal
- Britain and Francemade a plan for the Israelis to attack Egypt
while British and French troops would occupy the canal for “protection”
- Within a week, Israel captured the entire Sinai peninsula
- Nassar was a hero. Increased Arab nationalism
- The UK and France were criticized worldwide as aggressors
- Britain realized it could not continue to act like an imperialist power
- The US was unhappy with France and Britain
- Israel gave back the land it had won
C)6 Day War 1967
- Nasser wanted to attack to get rid of Israel. Russia hinted that they would aid them.
- Egypt, Syria, Iraq, with contingents from Jordan Lebanonsent troops to Israel’s border
- Israel launched air strikes before they could be attacked.
- IsraelCaptured Gaza Strip, Sinai, West Bank, Golan Heights
- The UN ordered Israel to give back captured territory but Israel refused.
- Israelis settle in lands occupied in 6 day war (Jerusalem, Gaza, West Bank)
- More refugees and 1 million more Arabs on Israeli territory
- PLO(Palestinian Liberation Organization) formed –Israel must be destroyed.
D)1973 Yom Kippur War
- An extremist faction of the PLO embarked on a series of terrorist attacks. They hi-jacked 3 airplanes and killed members of the Israeli team at the 1972 Olympics
- Anwar Sadat, president of Egypt, was unhappy with the actions of the PLO and attacked Israelin order to get the USA involved to help create a long-term peace agreement.
- Arab success at first but Israel prevailed.
- The USA and USSR intervened to create a peace settlement
- Oil producing countries reduced oil supplies to Europe and the US causing an oil shortage.
The red areas were gained by Israel.
III) Fluctuating relations-1980s and 90s
A)Camp David 1978
Anwar Sadat (Egypt) Menachem Begin (Israel), Jimmy Carter (USA)
1979 Treaty-
The state of war which existed since 1948 was ended
Israel would leave Sinai
Palestinians given limited local powers in West Bank and Gaza
Israel could use Suez Canal and Egypt would supply her with oil
The PLO and most Arab states condemned the Treaty
Israelwas not serious about West Bank, Gaza
Sadat was shot by extremist Muslim soldiers in 1981
Distrust and conflict continued between Arabs and Israelis
B) 1982Lebanon
- PLO forces attacked Israel from Lebanon
- Israel invaded Lebanon to get rid of PLO
PLO leaders to Tunisia
- Arafat changed his ideas. Wanted compromise with Israel
- American demands
PLO renounces terrorism
Recognize Israel
Accept ideas of UN Resolution 242-exchange of land in return for peace
C) Intifada 1987
Refugees in West Bank and Gaza Strip-spontaneous attacks on Israeli troops
Israelis imposed curfew and shot people
1988-1990 Palestinian schools closed
World saw Palestinians as underdogs and want peace
Israel ready to negotiate since in position of power.
1988 Arafat accepted US demands for limited power in Gaza, W.Bank
1988 Hamas founded-strict fundamentalist org. No compromise.
Attacks on Israel,
Community orgs in West Bank
Gaza women in scarves
D) Peace Accords 1993
Labour govt in Israel (Yitzak Rabin) and Yasser Arafat
- Israel recognized the PLO
- The PLO recognized Israel’s right to exist and promised to give up terrorism
- Palestinians given limited self-rule in Jericho and part of the Gaza strip
E) Self Rule for Palestinians (1995)
- 5 year plan for Israeli withdrawal from most of the West Bank.
- Palestinian parliament would be elected to rule these areas.
- Palestinian prisoners released
Rabin was assassinated by an Israeli right-winger
Extremist violence continued
Israelis continued to live in settlements in Palestinian territory