Turpin Band Boosters Mtg.- Mon., Oct. 3, 2016
Meeting called to order by Booster President – Tina Arvizu
Guest Speaker: Rep from Otis Spunkmeyer
Our fall fundraiser will begin next week. We will be selling Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough and other food items. Payments will be collected at the time of ordering. Sale will last 2 weeks and then items will be delivered on 11/16/16. Online sales will not be available but orders can be mailed in. The boosters will receive 40% of sales. Mr. Wesche reminded us that the boosters do not maintain individual accounts for fundraising.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Previous meeting minutes were APPROVED
BAND DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Joe Wesche & Shaun Day
Shaun Day: Jazz Ensemble auditions for open spots (returning students do not need to audition) will be the week of 10/24. Jazz Ensemble rehearses on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, Jazz Lab (open to all) rehearses on Wednesdays.
Joe Wesche: We are headed for the last 2 weeks of regular competitions. We are competing in AA at every competition this year for the challenge. The band has already tied the district record (2) for Grand Champion awards in a season. The students are expecting to win which can be good and bad. This week at Kettering will be the hardest yet with 7 AA bands and only the top 3 bands will receive awards.
Mercy Hospital may donate $500 for the performance at the hospital ribbon cutting. Would like to use those funds for a celebration for the band.
Trip information is on the website. The cost per student is only $85 thanks to the boosters contributing. Hotel room and museum signups will happen soon.
Nagel Night is this Friday 10/7.
State Finals are on Sunday 10/30, tentatively at 5:15pm.
After Prom: Anna Anderton & Anne Sells
Thank you to Anna & Anne for volunteering to be chairs for After Prom! The first planning meeting is next week.
Band Camp: Tina Arvizu & Nanette Bentley
Chaperone Coordinator: Justine Jones
Still in need of chaperones for games and competitions, especially State Finals. Please see the link to the sign up on the website.
FHIMA Rep.: Kristen Gygi
Coupon books were distributed to students through homeroom teachers. If you have not received your book check with your student.
Fundraising: Connie Feick
Cookie Dough- See Above
Kroger Cards-Tina Arvizu
Please choose the Turpin Band Boosters as your charity on your Plus Card. You can change your group whenever you want but you have to renew your selection each spring.
Popcorn Sales- Susan Sewell
Second home game went much better with sales over $500.
Hospitality: Karen Schofield
Will provide pizza, dessert and drinks for Nagel students. Sign up for Senior Night will go out for volunteers to provide desserts and help with lining up parents and serving dessert/coffee.
Membership: Karen Schofield & Board
Membership is currently at about 30% of the band, so still gaining members. If you have not yet joined the TBB please do! Funds go directly to band activities, like band camp and keeping the per student cost of the trips low. The membership form can be found on the website.
Pit Crew: Jennifer Mayhall & Nick Gressle (not present)
Publicity: Nanette Bentley
If you have photos from the competitions, please send them to Nanette so she can share with district and local media. Be sure to label with student names (in order) and names of awards.
Senior Night: See Hospitality
Senior Plaques: Rebecca Brinkmiller & Nanette Bentley
Spirit Wear: Karen Schofield
T-shirts were ordered for Nagel Night and will definitely be in on time to hand out that night. Working on doing another spirit wear order in time for Christmas gifts. Shirts for staff/volunteers will be reconsidered next year.
Sunshine: Tina Arvizu
Uniforms: Debbie Klenk (not present)
Yard Signs: Mike Brinkmiller
Popcorn – sold $500+ at Homecoming game
Nagel Night- 10/7. No volunteers needed
Trunk or Treat- 10/26 Connie Feick & Pam Gorney. Will take place on 10/26 at the end of practice.
Senior Night- 10/21 Sign up on website
Indy Trip- Info on website
Band Expo- 10/22 Kristen Gygi & Pam Gorney. Still need a sponsor for Grand Champion trophy. Volunteer sign up on our website.
Fundraising-10/11 Connie Feick. Will have gift card incentives for students. Will need volunteers on 10/25 and 11/16.
Treasurer Position- Still looking for volunteer with accounting experience for next year.
Tax Exempt- Need to file T.E. paperwork with frequented stores and keep up to date so the boosters are not paying sales tax unnecessarily.
Credit Card- Mr. Wesche asked the boosters to look into obtaining a credit card to use for band purchases so the directors don’t have to use personal credit cards. Steve will check with the bank.
Next Meeting: Monday, November 7, 2016, 7:00pm
PLEASE CHECK www.turpinband.org for Calendar Updates