Teams Medical Practice
Teams Medical Practice Health and Wellbeing Action Group
Meeting Thursday 16th June2016
GP surgery 11.30am
Roy Tilley, Sue Jennings, Liz Keating, Tracey Jones, Jean Lonergan,Steve Bramwell,Janet, Norma, Winn, John & Margaret, Bill, Chris Tait & Sue (Thrive), Steve Torres & Sally Wilson(Live Well Gateshead)
Vicki Taylor,Forough FiorouziMargaret.
The Minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
The group welcomed John & Margaret and we hope to see them again at our next meeting.
Financial update
The balance at the bank was confirmed and agreed.
Thank you to Chris and Sue from Thrive for coming along and informing the group on the work that they do in Gateshead. Thrive run gardening for good health courses that are tailored to suit the different needs of those that attend. More information can be found on their website We look forward to seeing them at our summer event.
Summer Event update
Sue gave an update on the arrangements for our summer event. The walking group is going to meet with Terry at Redheugh Football club on Thursday 23rd June to discuss event arrangements further.
Teams Festival – feedback
The group had two tables at this event. Jean’s new take on a tombola proved very successful, it sold out within the first half hour and raised£84.00. The Group agreed that wrapping the items and giving a gift per ticket would be the way we would do the Tombola at our summer event.
47 books on sport, diet, fitness and health were given away at the event.
During the event group volunteers spoke to visitors about the work that the group does and handed out cards promoting the walking group.
There was a good atmosphere at this event which was partly due to the live music,this maybe something to consider for our summer event. Liz and Roy have agreed to make enquiries with Trevor at the Community centre and the Sound Room.
The group members who attended the event also felt that it would be worth purchasing a pop up gazebo in time for our summer event – this was agreed by the rest of the group.
Practice news
The Practice is currently recruiting for a new GP as it is uncertain as to when Dr. Hett will be coming back to the practice (as she has extended her sabbatical) and Dr. Mulroy will be leaving the practice at the end of August. The Practice may also introduce a Nurse prescriber in the future.
The Practice has been able to open up online access to very high percentage of the patients registered at the Practice.
Any other business
Liz attended the Carers UK annual ‘Party in the Park’ promoting the work of the group and was successful in enrolling 2 new members to the walking group.
Sally from Live well Gateshead discussed the possibility of introducing a Wellness coach into the practice. Patients would be referred for advice on developing healthy lifestyle choices.
Tracey & Liz have visited Fountains Court sheltered accommodation and have been given permission to visit residents during their afternoon tea events to deliver books.
Tracey has spoken to Eileen McMaster from Teams and Bensham Community Care who is also open to the idea of a regular book service.
Reminder – The next Walking Group training will be held on the 23rd August.
Date & time of next meeting
Thursday 21st July, 11.30am at the GP surgery.