Buddies Cyfeillion is about Enhancing Lives through Opportunities for people who live with High

Functioning Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome.

There are certain rules which Members need to be aware of in order to encourage a sense of pride and respect as a group. If the rules are not followed there are consequences which are outlined in Section 2 (Sanctions).

  1. Respect

It is very important to treat people the way you would like to be treated by them. You have to give respect in order to gain respect!

  1. Looking Out for Each Other

We are a Buddies Cyfeillion. We do activities together as a group. We make decisions together as a group. We must treat each other with respect and look out for each other. If you notice someone becomes ill give them some support and inform the Project Leader as soon as possible. We are all part of a group each of us playing an active role. We must act responsibly and be mindful and respectful towards other including the general public.

  1. Bullying

Bullying of any kind is simply NOT tolerated. Bullying is cowardly, malicious and completely dis-respectful undermining other people’s feelings, emotions, dignity and individuality. Everyone has the right to be who they are at all times. As human beings we need to be strong minded enough to stand up for ourselves and ignore the bullies. If the situation becomes worse, the bully needs to be told to ‘Back off’. Depending on the severity of the clause the Project Leader reserves the right to terminate the bully from the Buddies Cyfeillion with immediate effect. If someone feels they are a victim of bullying by someone else in the group, they have every right to inform the Project Leader in confidence. If somebody in the group feels that somebody else is being bullied they have every right to inform the Project Leader of the situation in confidence.

  1. Maintaining a Positive Image of the Buddies Cyfeillion

It is always good to show a sense of pride as Members ofBuddies Cyfeillion. This portrays a positive image of the Club to the public eye and demonstrates that we are proud to be representing our Club in a positive way as a group of mature adults.

  1. Free time

On occasions during Buddies Cyfeillion activities there may be some ‘free time’ allocated for members to do their own thing independently for a short while. The Project Leader decides when this is appropriate as this allowance does depend on the nature of the activity. This is on condition that Members are aware they are still representing Buddies Cyfeillion and so the rules still apply. Members also must carry their mobile phones on them at all times during ‘Free time’. Those without a mobile phone will have to stay with the Project Leader at all times during the activity until the Members have got to know each other well enough to be trusted by the Project Leader to have free time with a Member who possesses a mobile phone.

  1. Alcohol and Substance Misuse

Generally the rule is: NO ALCOHOL & NO DRUGS!!


If Members are found to be in possession or under the influence of alcohol during the course of a Buddies Cyfeillion activity this will be deemed as unacceptable behaviour and may lead to the Member(s) being permanently excluded from Buddies Cyfeillion.

There is the exception of events such as the Christmas Party or if we go out for an evening meal where Members are allowed to purchase alcohol from the licensed premises. At Social Events, Members are responsible for their own wellbeing when consuming alcohol and are encouraged to be sensible and responsible in drink. Drunken and dis-orderly behaviour will not be tolerated. This will be deemed as unacceptable behaviour and may lead to the Member(s) being permanently excluded from the Group. If a Member of the group turns up to a meeting or activity in a drunken and dis-orderly state, or smelling of alcohol, the Project Leader reserves the right to refuse entry and send them home. In the event of this taking place the Member(s) will automatically receive a Verbal and Written Warning and will be advised to attend Discussion Session with their Social Worker/Key Worker before participating in future activities ofBuddies Cyfeillion.

Illegal Drugs

The use of illegal drugs is stated by law as a serious criminal offence. Drugs are simply BANNED from any activity arranged via Buddies Cyfeillion. If a Member(s) is caught to be in possession of drugs and/or under the influence of drugs they will automatically be permanently excluded from the group. They may also be prosecuted. This is in the interests of Health and Safety and obeying the Law.


Smoking is permitted but only in designated areas. The law operates a No Smoking Policy in all public buildings and public transport areas including bus stops, ferry terminals, airports and train stations. Please be aware of this law and refrain from smoking in these areas. The No Smoking Policy also operates on public transport modes as well, so please refrain from smoking on public transport.


Knives, blades, sharp objects, firearms, laser pens, stink bombs, aerosols, sprays, and chemicals (other than creams and gels prescribed by a medical practitioner) are all dangerous and harmful to human beings. None of these items are permitted on Buddies Cyfeillion activities of any kind. If Members are in possession of any of these items action will have to be taken which could lead to permanent exclusion fromBuddies Cyfeillion and possibly prosecution.


Members are encouraged to get involved inBuddies Cyfeillion as much as possible in order to gain the full benefit of being part of the fabric of the project. Buddies Cyfeillion is a Membership only group (excluding Volunteers and Staff where separate conditions apply). We understand that there are times when people cannot attend every activity or meeting due to personal circumstances, commitments or illness. It is important that Members inform the Project Leader or a Volunteer at their earliest convenience to let them know of absences. Members are encouraged to maintain regular contact with the Project Leader to keep up to date with developments ofBuddies Cyfeillion and to build a rapport so that if there are any personal issues which may have an effect on the Members attendance, or progress as part of the group, they can be dealt with more quickly and sympathetically. There are also two Member Representatives who sit on the Committee and are available for support. Members will be informed about their Representatives during the course of activities. Members are also required to attend an Annual General Meeting where they have the opportunity to elect two Members to sit on the Committee.

  1. What to do in the event of illness

Inform the Project Leader as soon as possible should you, or a close family member becomes ill which may ultimately have an effect on your attendance. The Project Leader is then aware of the situation and can monitor the situation by keeping in contact to see how things are going. If you become ill on the day of a Social activity you must also inform the Project Leader. He will then keep a close eye on your wellbeing and if it deteriorates, make a phone call home, or ultimately make arrangements for you to be sent home safe.

  1. What to do in the event of an Emergency

Contact the Project Leader as soon as possible. He will assess the situation and arrange for the Emergency Services to respond to the situation if necessary.

  1. What if I have a medical condition and need to take medication for it?

You must inform the Project Leader to make him aware of your condition and prescribed medication as it may affect your ability to take part in certain activities. This information will also be recorded on your Personal Health Questionnaire and will be treated as Confidential.

  1. Transport

Should there be a requirement for the use of hired transport and/or public transport during the course of an activity this will be arranged by Buddies Cyfeillion. Transport to/from meeting points are the responsibility of Members. Drivers are advised to check with their insurance before transporting any Members in their vehicle.

  1. Have Fun!!

Everyone has the right to have fun and enjoy being part of an active community project.


Should the rules outlined in Section 1 (General Rules) be ignored and dis-obeyed the following Sanctions shall be enforced. Depending on the severity of the clause, the Project Leader reserves the right to Suspend or Permanently Exclude a Member from the group with immediate effect without having to go through the Warning System.

Clause / Action
1st time a rule is broken / Verbal Warning Recorded in Behaviour Book
2nd time a rule is broken / Written Warning Recorded in Behaviour Book. Member to attend a Discussion Session with their Social Worker.
3rd time a rule is broken / Suspension from taking part in Buddies Cyfeillion activities. Member to attend a Second Discussion Session with their Social Worker. Length of Suspension agreed between Social Worker and Project Leader depending on the severity of the clause.
4th time a rule is broken / Permanent Exclusion from Buddies Cyfeillion.


By signing below, I understand and accept the Buddies Cyfeillion Rules and Sanctions.

Member Signature……………………………………………………………………..Date…………………………………………

Name (Print)……………………………………………………………………………….Date………………………………………….