Executive Summary for Submission of Paper to the Trust Board

Paper No. NHST(13)009
Subject: Summary of matters discussed at the Finance Committee on 28th November 2012
Purpose: To summarise the Board of matters discussed at the above meeting
The reportpresents the key points that were discussed and agreed at the November finance committee.
Corporate Objectives met: N/A
Financial Implications:N/A
Recommendation(s): For the Trust Board to note the contents of the report.
Review Date: April 2013
Author : D Finn, Director of Finance
Presenting Director : Mr. D. Mahony, Non Executive Director
Board date: 30th January 2013



  1. Chief Executive Update
  1. Foundation Trust Update

Ms Marr provided a summary of the Trusts position on its FT timelines and asked the committee to consider the implications of extended its current milestones plans. I was agreed to carry on working to the original timescales but to evaluate our options after the oversight meeting with the SHA.

  1. Collaboration Across Merseyside

To support Trusts in the QIPP agenda the new LATs have sponsored a number of events looking at collaborative working.

  1. Rehabilitation Service

The contract for this has now been signed andinitially 10 beds will open over a phased period from January 2013, serving the Merseyside andCheshire conurbation. The unit will open to full capacity of 20 beds in the Spring.

  1. A&E Performance

Due to current performance the Trust has commissioned the DoH Intensive Support team to review current practices and provide recommendations.

  1. Infection

No hospital acquired MRSA cases in the month, but five C.difficile cases.

  1. CQC Inspection

The CQC undertook an unannounced inspection of the Trust on 5th October 2012. The report from this confirms that the Trust is meeting all standards. Much positive feedback was received from patients and carers.

  1. Clinical Commissioning Group Quality Assurance

An agreement was reached about the information the CCGs receive, and the forum in which this will be discussed.

  1. PFI Contract

There are problems with water ingress into the brick and render panels covering the building (Whiston only). Remedial work will be extensive, and the Executive Directors have received a presentation from Vinci about how this will be managed

  1. Appointments to Director Positions

A process was undertaken to make a permanent appointment to the post of Director of Nursing in early October. No appointment was made, and Chrissie Cooke has agreed to extend her secondment until March 2013. The post will be re-advertised in January 2013. The interviews for the Medical Director post were held on 22nd October 2012 and Kevin Hardy was formally appointed and took over the role on 1st November 2012. Terry Hankin will continue as Deputy Medical Director.

  1. Performance Report
  1. Ms D. McLaughlin noted key items from the Performance report including:
  2. infection control
  3. Issues relating to A&E and the visit of the Emergency Care Intensive Support Team
  4. The Trust is doing significantly more activity then in previous years. Non elective activity is higher than plan, outpatients and day cases are below plan. There is a recovery plan to recover this by end of December. The risk in quarter 4 is to maintain elective activity levels despite the growth in emergency cases.
  1. Finance Report
  1. Mr. D. Finn outlined key points from the finance report
  2. The Trust must continue to deliver the levels of activity expected at the cheapest rate possible giving a financial contribution.
  3. On-going meeting with the cluster and SHA regarding the affordability of payment for the unexpected increase in demand for services.
  4. Trust must ensure delivery of CQUINs
  5. Damien outlined the cash flow of the organisation noting that the £13m national money has not been received to date.
  1. Integrated Performance Report
  1. The Finance Committee noted the intention to develop and implement a new Integrated Performance Report and supported the initial high level project plan. The first draft of the IPR will come to the Board on 30th January 2012.
  1. St Helens Income & Expenditure Review
  1. The Finance Committee noted the results of the analysis of income and expenditure by site for 2011-12, and noted the system changes to support future reporting by site.