Student(s): Lindsay Rye, Chelsea Kriksey, Paige Johnson, Bri Minando, Amanda Kiely

Mentor Teacher: Jennifer Lambouris District: Clarkston Community School District

Grade Level: 2nd Subjects: ELA, Social Studies

MSU Instructor: Kim Keglovitz Email:

Name of Project: A Hunger Banquet

Theme: Hunger, Homelessness, and Poverty

Type of Service: Advocacy and Indirect

Project Overview

Give a brief overview of the project you are planning.

Second grade students work together to plan, fundraise, and carry out an event where food is served to raise awareness and fundraise for an agreed upon hunger-based charity.

Rationale & Goal

State the goal of your SL project.

To help students gain an awareness of the issue of world hunger. The projects help satisfy the curriculum requirements, in a fun, inspirational environment.

Effective Practice: MEANINGFUL SERVICE

Service learning actively engages participants in meaningful and personally relevant service activities.

What community need will you address and how did you determine the need?

We are addressing the world community and its issues with poverty and hunger. We are also pulling together the local community and the school community to raise awareness about the cause at hand.

What service will you provide to address the need?

We will be raising money to donate to a charity that provides food for countries in need.

Effective Practice: LINK TO CURRICULUM

Service learning is intentionally used as an instructional strategy to meet learning goals and/or content standards.

How is this project related to your curriculum?

The work that the students do for this project tie in curriculum standards in subjects of math, language arts, and art.

What are the educational goals?

It incorporates research, planning, critical thinking, listening and speaking, exploring different perceptions, creativity and group work.

Curriculum Crafter Connections

Strand: 02ELA:(Writing)

TLW: Read and write poetry. (Gist: Read and Write Poetry)

Strand:02 Math:(Measurement and Data)
TLW: Work with time and money (Gist: Time and Money)

Strand: 02 ELA:(Writing)
TLW: Demonstrate the production and distribution of writing. (Gist: Production and Distribution of Writing)

Strand: 02 ELA:(Writing)
TLW: Participate in shared research to build and present knowledge. (Gist: Research to Build and Present Knowledge)

Effective Practice: REFLECTION

Service learning incorporates multiple challenging reflection activities that are ongoing and that prompt deep thinking and analysis about oneself and one’s relationship to society.

What form(s) of reflection will you use with the students to help them identify what they have learned and accomplished?

We will use worksheets to help enhance the lesson and the students’ thinking. Group discussions to review what has been learned. Journaling and drawing to reflect on the ongoing progress and end of the project.

Effective Practice: DIVERSITY

Service learning promotes understanding of diversity and mutual respect among all participants.

What types of diverse perspectives and experiences will be explored as part of your project?

(i.e.: cultural, generational, abilities/disabilities, learning styles, etc.)

By reading books, and through the group web search session, students will explore cultural diversity. Also students will have opportunities to learn using different learning styles.

Effective Practice: YOUTH VOICE

Service learning provides youth with a strong voice in planning, implementing, and evaluating service learning experiences with guidance from adults.

How will students gain ownership of the project?

Through guiding questions, students decide on this project and its contents. Group leaders will be students who will be in charge of a specific group and its tasks. Each student gets to pick the group in which they would like to work.


Service learning partnerships are collaborative, mutually beneficial, and address community needs.

Who will you partner with for this project?

Local businesses and community members.

How will students benefit from this partnership?

Recognition at the banquet for their support and partnership.


Service learning engages participants in an ongoing process to assess the quality of implementation and progress toward meeting specified goals, and uses results for improvement and sustainability.

How will you assess the student learning goals?

Worksheets will be reviewed to assess if the required curriculum objectives have been met.

How will you assess your service goals?

Successful planning and participation by the students as well as the number of community members who take part.


Service learning has sufficient duration and intensity to address community needs and meet specified outcomes.

How will you prepare students for this experience?

We are introducing them slowly to the idea. It takes about a week and a half for the students to become fully immersed in exactly what the project is. Using books and other classroom materials, the students are transitioned from a lesson to a project.

What are some sample possible activities students might do as part of this project?

Activities may include journaling, letter writing, story writing, drawing, writing poetry, math (measurement and money), creative thinking.


The three arms of sustainability are environmental stewardship, economic growth, and social progress. Think planet, profit, and people.

Describe how your project addresses the issue of sustainability?

World hunger is an issue that plagues this world and stops the globe as a whole from becoming self-sufficient and sustainable. By helping to fight world hunger, we are getting one step closer to helping make this world sustainable.

StoneShores 2010