Training Plan
Guidelines for RTOs

1 Apprenticeship Competency Based Completion arrangements

The Victorian Training Guarantee (VTG) entitles all eligible Victorians to government subsidised training designed to build their skills to meet future challenges and opportunities. Fully implemented in 2011, the VTG in combination with apprenticeship arrangements means that RTOs receive government funding once they have secured an apprentice’s enrolment. Employers and RTOs must discuss the business needs and the learning needs of the apprentice to develop a Training Plan. Employers have the option of finding an RTO that can best meet their needs.

The full implementation of competency based completion arrangements for all apprenticeships commencing from January 1 2011 places significant importance on the agreements that are documented in the Training Plan. These agreements form the basis on which the apprenticeship will be completed, involving regular contact between the RTO and employer, RTO assessments and employer confirmation of competency. More information on CBC arrangements can be found at:

2 Training Plan Obligations

The development of a Training Plan for trainees and apprentices is an integral part of the regulatory framework in Victoria.

Employers will support the RTO in the development of a Training Plan given their responsibilities under Section 5.5.13 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 which requires them to ensure that their apprentice or trainee is enrolled with an RTO and that a Training Plan is developed and signed by the apprentice, employer and RTO. This requirement is also referenced in the Approved Training Scheme and Training Contract which stipulate that employers are required to have Training Plans for their apprentices and trainees.

Registered Training Organisations need to comply with agreed standards to gain and maintain registration. RTOs that are regulated by the national VET regulator, Australian Skills Qualification Authority (ASQA) that was established on July 1 2011 can refer to the national Standards for Continuing Registration (SNR) to inform their Training Plan development. These standards can be found at:

RTOs that are registered with the Victorian Recognition and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) can refer to the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) 2010 Essential Conditions and Standards for Continuing Registration as well as the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers to inform their Training Plan development. The VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers can be found at:

3 What is the purpose of a Training Plan?

The Training Plan provides detailed information on training and assessment agreed to by the employer, the apprentice/trainee and the RTO. This information ensures that all parties are making informed decisions about the services required and the respective obligations in the delivery of these services. A Training Plan provides details of the arrangements and underpins the Training Contract. It is an important document that the employer, apprentice and RTO must sign and provides a record of intent and progress during the apprenticeship.

4 How should a Training Plan be developed?

RTOs should develop Training Plans in conjunction with the apprentice/trainee and the employer. In the case of a School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT), the Training Plan must be endorsed by the School. The Training Plan must be consistent with the requirements of the qualification to be attained. Any customisation of the qualification must be consistent with the needs of the apprentice/trainee and employer and consistent with the guidelines for customising the qualification.

5 What should be included in a Training Plan?

Sufficient information should be provided to an employer to enable informed choices about the services provided by an RTO and the employer’s contribution to training and assessment. In order to meet these requirements, a Training Plan should include the planned contact points between the RTO and employer as well as the following information:

ü  Name and details of the employer, and host employer if applicable, RTO and

ü  apprentice/trainee

ü  Title of the qualification in the approved training scheme

ü  Competencies to be obtained

ü  Scheduled hours for competencies to be obtained

ü  Timeframe for achieving competencies

ü  Delivery modes to be used

ü  Detailed training activities and responsibilities for training to be undertaken as part of any workplace based training arrangements;

ü  Assessment details and arrangements

ü  Party/ies responsible for the delivery and/or assessment of each competency

ü  Details of the time allocated outside routine duties for structured training

ü  Record for Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer where granted

ü  Signatures (including date of signature) of the employer, apprentice/trainee, and RTO representative (SBATs also require the signature of the school’s representative).

Any other specific requirements to be met in accordance with the Training Contract or the Approved Training Scheme.

6 What are the requirements for monitoring a Training Plan?

The details of the Training Plan should be monitored and amended where required. For example, changes to time frames or to the person responsible for training or assessment should be amended on the Training Plan. The Training Plan should also provide evidence that training and assessment is progressing satisfactorily and regular visits have taken place.

7 Workplace Based (WPB) Training Plan

Skills Victoria has developed three Training Plan templates (generic, automotive and engineering) and a specific WPB Training Plan template (part III) to assist RTOs, employers and apprentices/trainees meet their respective regulatory obligations. Templates for Part I and II for automotive, engineering and generic training plans are available on the Skills Victoria website. In addition a Workplace Based Training Plan template for part III is available as a separate document on the Skills Victoria website at:

There are sample Training Plans for the majority of major apprenticeships and matching work task documents that have been developed by CMMs in collaboration with teacher networks. These samples and documents can be located on the Training Support Network at:

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