Norcross High School

High School Course Syllabus

Course Title IB Physics II Term Fall, 2015
Teacher Dr. Jonathan Crymes room # D-229

Email Address

Teacher Web Page /

Teacher Support

(Help sessions etc.) / Help sessions are available after school on Tuesdays (D-229) and Thursdays in VBJ.
Remind: TEXT “@physicsib2” to 81010 for class updates and reminders.

Course Description

This course is a rigorous mathematical approach to an in-depth study of matter in motion. Emphasis is placed on mechanics, thermodynamics, electronics, electricity, magnetism, nuclear, and modern physics. Students will be prepared to take the IB Physics exam upon completion of this course. Prerequisites: Trigonometry.

*For a listing of specific course related skills, please refer to the IB Physics course page on the World Wide Web.

Course Curriculum Content

The entire list of Academic, Knowledge and Skills for each of the following curriculum strands in this course can be accessed through the district web address at

AKS Strands / Units/Topics / Approximate Dates
A.  Characteristics of Science
B.  Academic Knowledge / 1.  Relativity Ch 29
2.  Thermodynamics Ch 16-17
3.  Electromagnetic Waves 25, 26, 28
4.  Internal Assessment
5.  Group 4
6.  Atomic, Nuclear, Quantum, & Particle
Physics Ch 30-32
6. Review, Review, Review / Aug 10-31
September 1-18
September 21 – October 30
November 1 – 30
January 4 – February 19
February 20 – May12

Instructional Materials and Supplies

Published Materials / Instructional Supplies
Walker, Physics, 3rd edition: $108.97
The textbook is now provided online at / 1)  Notebook/Binder
2)  Pencil and Paper
3)  Calculator
4)  Webassign (

Evaluation and Grading

Assignments / Grade Weights / Grading Scale
Daily Work
Laboratory Reports/Projects
Unit Tests
Final Exam / Class Assessments 35%
DDA 2%
Summative Assessment 43%
Final Exam 15%
Performance Final 5% / A: 90 and above
B: 80 – 89
C: 74 – 79
D: 70 – 73
F: 69 or below

Other Information

Expectations for Academic Success / Additional Requirements/Resources
1)  Be punctual and prepared for class
2)  Respect everyone and their property
3)  Ask questions and participate in learning
4)  Participate constructively as a team member
5)  Proof read written assignments and edit meaningfully
6)  Review multiple sources of information
7)  Challenge yourself to continuously improve / ·  All policies on the NHS website and handbook are
·  Tutoring available
·  Helpful website resources available
·  Lab safety contract required

The syllabus may be updated as needed throughout the semester.