Village of Franklinville
May 9, 2016
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Village Office at 7:00pm. Members present were: Mayor Robert Breton, Trustees Ryan Jordan, Harvey Soulvie, Mike Sikora and Melissa Sullivan. Others present were Chief Tony Wolfer, Nancy and Bruce Dallas, Jeramy Hanner, Brittany Olson, Alec Hanner, Mason Hanner, Jesse Hanner, Dominic Hanner, Natalia Bellaus, Jon Hanner, Brittani Dallas, Braxton Skinner, Tina Hanner, Rick Miller, Brianna Naughton and Maria Jordan.
Trustee Sullivan moved, 2nd by Trustee Sikora to accept the April 25, 2016 minutes. All ayes. Motion carried.
Petitions and Request from the floor:
Mayor Breton presented Nancy Dallas with a plaque for 40 years of dedication to her job as a Crossing Guard at the Franklinville School District in the Village of Franklinville. He thanked her for so many years of service. She told Mayor Breton that she has always loved her job.
Police Chief Tony Wolfer added his appreciation for her dedication and sacrifice she has made to make sure the children were safe crossing the busy Rt. 16 road. She cancelled doctor’s appointments; she stood through extreme cold temperatures, snow, sleet and rain. She always kept our children safe. In 40 years of service, there was never an incident of a child getting hurt. She is a loving, caring and a wonderful person. She also was a police matron who would work along side Chief Wolfer when incidents occurred that needed her support. We wish her well in her future endeavors and thank her for her service.
Reports from Department Heads-
Chief Wolfer stated all of the officers completed Narcan training and which combats overdose effects of opiates. There are three doses within the department, one for each vehicle and one to be kept at police station.
Trustee Jordan moved, 2nd by Trustee Soulvie to accept the bills totaling $30,340.01 from the General Fund, $2121.75 from the Water Fund, $7831.45 from the Sewer Fund and $315.00 from the Tree Commission donation fund. All ayes. Motion carried.
Trustee Sullivan moved, 2nd by Trustee Sikora to adjourn meeting. All ayes. Motion carried.
A brief reception was held in honor of Mrs. Dallas.