OPTICAL INSTRUMENT Research Assignment 2003

An optical instrument is one that uses mirrors, lenses or prisms to help us

see different things better. A selection is listed below:

Due Date: Fri 15 Aug

What Do I Have to Do?

Choose one listed optical instrument that no-one else has selected

1.  Write a bit about the person who invented it.

2.  Describe in words how the optical instrument works.

3.  Hand-draw a full page diagram clearly labelling the types of mirror/lens/prism used. You will probably need to add this information to any diagram you find.

4.  Describe some things that the instrument is used for or has been used to find.

How Do I Have to Present it?

·  As a written report understandable by the average year 9 student.

·  Write or print on paper separate to your science book

·  This report should have a total of about 1 side of hand-writing (ie 300 words or so).

·  It MUST be in your own words.

·  The information must be collected from at least 3 different types of references (such as books, pamphlets, magazine articles, internet, CDrom or resource people).

·  You must include a Bibliography – a full list of the references used, e.g. internet addresses or titles of articles or books or the name of any knowledgeable person you spoke with. The sources must be in some recognizable order (eg in alphabetical order of author).

How Will I Do It?

1. Collect appropriate information.

2. Carefully select information that is relevant.

3. Put it all into my own words.

4. Then combine it all in a logical order.

You will be given only two periods of class time (once everyone has found information) and so most of this will be completed at home.

Name: ______



5 = Exceptional presentation, attention-grabbing, well organized

4 = Very good presentation, appropriately set out, some design thoughts evident

3 = Satisfactory presentation, neat & tidy

2 = Below-average presentation, rough, inappropriately set out

1 = Poor presentation, untidy, incomplete

Relevant Information in a Logical Order

10= Exceptional, information well selected & organized, all 4 Q addressed well

8 = Very good, relevant information & organization, 3 or 4 Q addressed

6 = Satisfactory, some information is relevant, some organization, 2 Q addressed

4 = Below average, information not processed, rambling, & incohesive

2 = Poor, few relevant facts, no evidence of logical order, few of the 4 Q addressed

Note: Direct copying will result in few marks in this section.


5 = Exceptional, well set out, evidence from many types of references

4 = Very good, clearly set out, at least 3 types of references

3 = Satisfactory, at least 2 types of references

2 = Below average, at least 1 reference named

1 = Poor, present but few references or poorly set out & hard to follow


5 = Exceptional, prepared, organized, much work done in class time

4 = Very good, prepared, a fair amount of work done in class time

3 = Satisfactory, some planning, work done in class time

2 = Below average, distracted, but some work done in class time

1 = Poor, often distracting/distracted, little/no work done in class time


5 = Exceptional, well drawn by hand, clearly & usefully labeled & titled

4 = Very good, clearly set out, some labels, a title

3 = Satisfactory, good drawing or at least 1 label, title

2 = Below average, just Xeroxed with no evidence of student input

1 = Poor, hard to follow, untidy