





Tuesday July 15, 2014

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schmidt at 6:00pm.


PRESENT: Bayer(phone), Bertschy, Canever, Green, Henderson, James,

Kasper, Osborn, Saule, Schmidt, Strayer, Sweetman


OTHERS: Michael Burns DDA Director/Assistant City Manager,

Lynn Markland, City Manager


ART WALK: Thank you to New Moon Visions, Lake Area Arts Council, and Southern Lakes Parks & Recreation for an excellent job on the Art Walk. It was a very good event and all of the activities at the Community Center were a great success.

COMMUNITY CENTER: The Helical Piers have been installed. They may start pouring concrete next week.

PUMPHOUSE: It will be open any day now.

PARKING/CORNERSTONE: We will be talking about this at tonight’s meeting.

LIBRARY: We are ready to start the bidding. We have met with Chris DeBear and have picked out the paint and carpet ect.


Shane said that the auditors will be here September 8th.

SAULE asked why our interest income is down so much.

SHANE advised that the interest rates have dropped.


a)  Accounts Payable Authorize payment of bills in the amount of $41,143.83

b)  Minutes of the June 16, 2014 DDA Board Meeting

SAULE asked Burns about a Landscape Maintenance line item.

BURNS advised that it was probably an outstanding bill.

KASPER asked why there were two sculpture purchase line items.

BURNS advised one should have read Library Study.

SAULE noticed that there were two checks for the same amount $500.00

BURNS advised that it was an error and that one was voided.

OSBORN commented on the landscaping on the island on Main & Silver Lake. She asked if we were paying C J Callaghan to maintain that strip of island in the middle of the road. She felt that something needs to be done with that area as it is the entrance to our city from the east and it is unsightly.

Discussion ensued among board members.

Motion made by Kasper, supported by Sweetman to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with corrections made as discussed above.

MOTION CARRIED, Roll Call Vote: Bayer-aye, Bertschy-aye, Canever-aye, Green-aye, Henderson-aye, James-aye, Kasper-aye, Osborn-aye, Saule-aye, Schmidt-aye, Strayer-aye, Sweetman-aye


Carol Schuler – Sweet Variations 101 W Shiawassee – Downtown Marketing

Stewart Fletcher – Iconic Properties 302 S Leroy – Parking & Marketing Manager

Jesse Anderson – Red Fox Shoes- 104 S Leroy – Marketing Manager

Chip Beltnick– Sawyers Jeweler’s - 101 N Adelaide - Marketing Manager


The City Administration is working with the DPW Director, City Planner, and the Police Department in planning for parking issues once the Cornerstone opens. As a result of our discussion, we have looked at the possibility of placing a parking lot, on a parcel the City of Fenton currently owns, across from the Cornerstone next to the Grain Elevator.

We have asked OHM to develop a proposal to create a conceptual design of a proposed parking lot at this location.

Tim Juidici, from OHM, was present to answer any questions.

Discussion ensued among board members and Tim Juidici.

SAULE asked Tim about storm drains.

JUIDICI said that the parking lot will be connected to the storm sewer and that there will be a catch basin.

SAULE asked about the landscaping cost.

JUIDICI gave a breakdown: Construction $260,000 Lighting $30,000 and

Landscaping $20,000. Total $310,000.

STRAYER asked if the bid included fencing or a wall.

JUIDICI advised that there would have to be some kind of barrier or walkway so that people don’t walk across the tracks.

MARKLAND added that we may be able to get some kind of easement from the railroad.

SCHMIDT asked what the status was of tearing down the building nearest the church that the DDA purchased last year,

BURNS advised that we cannot do that yet. In order to use the State of Michigan grant, we have to have a plan in place for the site.

STRAYER asked how much money we would lose if we were to tear the building down now.

BURNS advised that it would be $1,000,000. The more obsolete the building, the more the State will use the grant.

SCHMIDT asked how many parking spaces were going to be behind the Cornerstone Building.

JUIDICI there were about 40-45 and then some along the side of the building.

OSBORN asked if there was a possibility of having charging stations for electric cars.

JUIDICI said he was not sure but he would look into it. He said he believes the cost has come down quite a bit.

STEWART FLETCHER asked if the new parking lot was going to have shelter and if it was for the residents of the Cornerstone or for public.

MARKLAND said that this is conceptual at this point.

Discussion ensued among board members.

-Most efficient use of space for parking at the Cornerstone and across the street.

-What was going to be public parking and what was going to be possibly car port parking, designated (leased) for Cornerstone residents.

-Parking deck structure behind the Community Center and river area that had begun a few years ago.

MARKLAND advised that the city does need more parking spots. Also, that bids for the Streetscape came in approx. $200,000 under budget and with grants it may be possible to do the structure. It will be considered.

SCHMIDT asked if OHM could give an idea on the cost of doing a parking structure.

JUIDICI said that he could do that.

-OSBORN added that she might like to see part of the parcel by Beanery used for a new building that would look nice at the entrance to the city.

-Others added that they would like much nicer landscaping in that area.

CAROL (Sweet Variations) asked if there was going to be designated parking for the Cornerstone residents, why not designated parking for other downtown residents?

MARKLAND asked Carol where she thought the designated spots should be and would they be willing to pay to lease them. He added that they are not giving away the spots at the Cornerstone they are leasing them at an added cost to the residents to have a designated parking spot. He also added that he would be happy to discuss doing the same for the downtown residents at the museum parking lot.

STACY (Yesterday’s Treasurers) asked if OHM was the only company that we used. She added that she thought it was ridiculous to think to put a parking structure in the small spot by the Beanery.

SCHMIDT clarified that we were talking about a parking structure behind the Community Center not on the lot by the Beanery. We were talking about just adding additional parking there not a structure.

Motion by Schmidt, supported by Saule to table the parking lot agenda item until the August meeting.



During the planning process, the City Maintenance Technician, Steve Langley, informed us that the air conditioning system (built in 1984) is beginning to fail in the building. It will need to be replace because the system in archaic and parts are no longer available to repair the machine. This was not in the original estimate for the library, however, this expenditure along with the planned upgrades are estimated to be will under the $300,000 that the DDA has budgeted for the library improvements.

SAULE & JAMES asked if we were confident that the total was going to be under $300,000.

BURNS advised that with the electrical, paint and carpet that we were still under budget.

Motion made by James, supported by Sweetman that the Downtown Development Authority authorize Goyette Mechanical to replace the current air conditioner at a cost no to exceed $14,476.



As of Monday July 14, 2014, New Moon Visions will not continue to provide services to the DDA Board. The DDA needs to address this matter. In May 2014, I approached the board regarding my recommendation of creating a Full Time Management/Marketing position.

The request by the City Council and the ending of the contract with New Moon Visions will require us to address this in a timely manner.

At the May meeting I discussed the possibility of the City participating in the Main Street Program. That is something that we can continue to evaluate. Hiring a person to meet our current needs would improve our ability to participate in the Main Street Program.

Discussion and comments ensued among board members.

In the discussion some board members felt that hiring a Marketing Manager would end up costing more than what we were paying New Moon Visions. Several board members said that they liked New Moon, felt they did a good job and wanted to keep them.

SCHMIDT advised that when he talked with members of New Moon Visions at the Art Walk they told him that they were not going to seek renewal on their contract. He learned through their conversation they were upset that groups in the city put on pressure to get rid of them. He added, his personal opinion was that he wished it had not been done this way. He said New Moon had always done a good job and worked great with the merchants. They all seemed pleased with all New Moon provided to them.

JAMES said he also thought they did a great job. He was concerned we would not be able to find one person with the money budgeted for a Marketing Manager to do the same job as New Moon.

BURNS explained that other communities choose to have a Marketing Director and a DDA Director. Some choose not to be in the Main Street Program. You can’t call your marketing person “Main Street” unless you are in the program.

MARKLAND added that you must have a full time employee. Most Downtown DDA Directors do Marketing & Events.

GREEN added that he liked New Moon and felt they did a great job.

JESSE ANDERSON of Red Fox Shoes said he had a great experience with New Moon when he first opened his business. They came to him and explained all of their services that they could put in place to help get their store started in the City of Fenton. He was concerned how we would be able to replace a marketing firm like them.

CAROL of Sweet Variations added that New Moon was always there for her and helped her tremendously. She, along with other merchants liked them and want to keep them.

STEWART FLETCHER agreed with the other merchants that New Moon was always involved with the business owners and very helpful. He felt that they would be very helpful going into the Streetscape Project.

CHIP BELTNICK of Sawyer’s Jewelers agreed also, New Moon was great to work with and he felt that when you bring in someone in from the outside you may lose.

JAMES felt that Council needs to hear these comments from the merchants.

SWEETMAN said that New Moon was familiar with us and the City of Fenton and asked if we could get them back. She asked if anyone had pooled the merchants about this. She said she was very upset about New Moon and felt we had a great experience with them.

STRAYER said he thinks it might be a good idea to have a Main Street person. Other communities do this.

OSBORN added that some on Council felt we could save money. Now after listening to the merchants and board members she felt we need to look into it more.

OSBORN turned to the Lake Area Arts Council members and asked their opinion of New Moon since they had just worked closely with them on the Art Walk. They did not want to comment at this time.

OSBORN felt that there needs to be a joint meeting with City Council, DDA and the Merchants.

OSBORN asked that this item be tabled untill next month’s meeting or before.


SCHMIDT thanked Pat Lockwood and her committee for a great job on the Freedom Festival. He felt it was the best one we have had so far.

SCHMIDT also thanked the Lake Area Arts Council for their hard work on the Art Walk. He felt it was the best one yet.

JOAN from the Arts Council thanked the DDA and appreciated their support.

PAT LOCKWOOD thanked the DDA for their support. She said there were lots of other groups involved to make the Freedom Festival happen. She is looking forward to the challenge next year for the 25th Anniversary.

SHELLY DAY thanked the DDA for the Taste In Fenton support. She is excited to have their event on a weekday night this year with Back to the Bricks.

YESTERDAY’S TREASURES owners felt the artists did not make any money and they did not like having the Bastille Day Race on the same day.

SCHMIDT advised that the purpose of the Art Walk for most artists is not to make money, but to introduce art to people and to encourage people to come into the downtown businesses.

JESSE ANDERSON of Red Fox Shoes said he has been meeting with business owners and they were talking about developing a website so they can log in and communicate with other merchants. He asked if the DDA or New Moon could help with coordinating this effort.

MARKLAND said that we will look into the “Be Closer” website and see if we can put a link in there just for merchants.

Motion by Schmidt, supported by Kasper to go into CLOSED SESSION to discuss the purchase of property.