GPSG Application Process

**Please note that this process can be applied for other conferences as well but the example given is for ASHP Midyear 2017***


Application Process Overview:

  1. Submit the GPSG Travel Grant Application in one of the application windows (you must list your allotment from the Pharmacy school):
  2. December 1-10, 2017 AFTER presenting at ASHP Midyear or January 1-10, 2018, following ASHP Midyear.
  3. ** Application is due during the first ten days of the following month in which the conference was held**
  4. However, if your conference was held during the first ten days of the month, you can submit your applicationduring the first ten days of that month or the first ten days of the following month, but NOT both. For example, if your conference was held April 1 – April 2, you can submit your GPSG Travel Grant applicationeither during April 1 – April 10orMay 1 – May 10.

2.Make sure you have the supplemental documentation needed to complete the application above:

a.Proof of participation: submit proof that your work (poster, etc.) was accepted at the conference and that you were registered.

b.Advisor letter:SSHP has drafted a letter that Dr. Johnson will sign if you fill in your full name and poster title. The letter is attached to this email, and should be returned yNovember 10, 2017.Professional Council will then email you back a signed copy of your letter for use in the application process. You must be a member of SSHP for Dr. Johnson to sign your letter, so please contact Rachel Cartus f you are not a current member.

c.Documentation of expenses: you must present receipts for registration, lodging, and travel as described on the GPSG website.

3.Email your GPSG Travel Grant application and supplemental documentation r send it to their office at 825 William Pitt Union.Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

4. GPSG will contact you, letting you know if you have been awarded a Travel Grant.

5.If you are awarded a Travel Grant, you will submit a Travel and Business Form to GPSG within 30 days of notification of your award.

**Please Note:

  1. Please let APhA know if you are awarded a Travel Grant through GPSGwithin 5 business daysof the notification from GPSG.Email your Travel Grant approval with a displayed total to

This information and any questions you have should be verified through GPSG, as mentioned. I encourage you all to apply, if possible.

Common Questions

1. Can a student in their second year of pharmacy school be eligible to apply if he or she has obtained an undergraduate degree prior to attending pharmacy school? In broader terms, what makes a student eligible as a graduate student?

Graduate status infind.pitt.eduwould make them eligible for the grant. So, a 1st or 2nd year PharmD student with a prior BS degree would be registered as a graduate student, would be paying the graduate student activities fee and thus be eligible.

2. What types of activities qualify as presenting at a conference besides presenting a poster?

Qualifying activities can include a poster, presentation, or speech.Awards are considered for individuals involved in the conference, not simply attending.

3. What is the best way for a student to show evidence of their poster presentation at a conference?A confirmation email, a list of poster presentation times (from a national website), or a photograph?

A confirmation email of poster acceptance or the list of presentation times with the student’s name serves as evidence.

4. Are there any other stipulations for applying other than presenting at a national conference through an organization and being a graduate student?

Students can only receive one GPSG travel grant award per fiscal year. Students may also apply for funding through their school or from outside sources. However, the total amount reimbursed from all sources cannot exceed the amount of the expenses incurred.

5. If a conference occurs from December 4-8, 2016, will students be eligible to apply from either December 1-10 or January 1-10?

Since the conference occurs during the application window, the student can apply either during December 1-10 (for review and award status in December) or during January 1-10 window (for review and award status in January).

6. When will a student know if they have been awarded a travel grant if they apply in either of the above listed date ranges?

Once the application cycle closes on the 10th of the month, the Finance Committee reviews applications and will provide an update on the status of the award by the end of that month.