The 6th Mathematics Conference of Payame Noor University

Payame Noor University, Isfahan, Iran, March 5-6, 2014

Instructions For Typesetting Manuscripts

Mohammad Javad Ataei[1]

Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, IRAN

Hossein ghaazavi

Department of Mathematics, Shahid Ashrafi Esfahani University, IRAN


The abstract should summarize the context, content and conclusions of the paper in less than

200 words. It should not contain any reference citations or displayed equations.

AMS subject Classification 2010: xxFxx

Keyword and phrases: Typeset, Latex, Group.


The format of the files must be Microsoft Word 2007. These should be submitted with the manuscripts. Authors are encouraged to have their contribution checked for grammar. American spelling should be used. Please provide a shortened running head (not more than eight words) for the title of your paper. This will appear on the top right-hand side of your paper. For more information please see [1].

Theorems: Theorems, lemmas, corollaries, propositions, remarks, examples, etc. are to be numbered consecutively in the paper. Use an extra one line space before and after each theorem, lemma, etc.


The headings are in boldface; the statements of theorem, lemmas, corollaries and propositions in italics, and the remarks and examples in roman.


The headings are in boldface; the statements of theorem, lemmas, corollaries and propositions in italics, and the remarks and examples in roman.

Major Headings

Major headings should be typeset in boldface with the first letter of important words capitalized.


Sub-headings should be typeset in boldface italic. Capitalize the first letter of the first word only. Section number to be in boldface roman.


Typeset sub-subheadings in medium face italic and capitalize the first letter of the first word only. Section numbers to be in roman.

Main results

Theorems, lemmas, corollaries, propositions, remarks, examples, etc. are to be numbered consecutively in the paper. Use an extra one line space before and after each theorem, lemma, etc.


[1] De Corte, E., Op t Eynde, P. and Verschaffel, L., Knowing what to believe

The relevance of students mathematical beliefs for mathematics education, in B.K.(2002).

[2] Gainsburg, J., The mathematical modeling of structural engineers, Mathematical

Thinking and Learning 8, (2006), 3–36.

[3] Kazemi, E. and Franke, M., Teacher learning in mathematics: Using student work

to promote collective inquiry, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 7, (2004), 203–235.


[1] Speaker