JANUARY 11, 2013
10:00 A.M.
ROOM 112
I. Call to Order
Lt. Colonel Paige called the hearings to order at 1004 hours. The meeting was tape-recorded and the Licensing Specialist of the Professional Licensing Section will maintain the recording. The following members of the Board of Examiners were in attendance:
Lt. Colonel James Paige
Mrs. Sandra C. Taylor
Mrs. Heather M. Shupe
Mr. Wayne A. Keller
Ms. Kelly R. Jansen
Mr. Michael D. Connelly
Mr. Harvey A. Woods, III
The following people were also in attendance:
W. Michael Tupman, Esquire
Sgt. Jeffrey C. Whitmarsh, II – Professional Licensing
Ms. Peggy L. Anderson – Professional Licensing
Mrs. Lisa M. Trolinder – Professional Licensing
Mr. Thomas Weaver
Mr. Stephen Burke
Mr. Robert G. Burke
Mr. Walter G. Wills, III
II. Review and Acceptance of Minutes
A. October 11, 2012
Lt. Colonel Paige, with a second by Ms. Jansen, made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was carried.
III. Appeal Hearings & Actions
Mr. Tupman will be the facilitator of the appeal hearings with the Board members having the opportunity to ask questions of the individuals. There will be discussion, if necessary and then the voting of their status.
A. Requested Hearings
1. Robert G. Burke
Ms. Anderson presented the background on Mr. Burke as follows:
Ø Processed on 12/14/07 for SG under old admin
Ø Processed on 12/18/12 for SG – RJ
Ø RJ letter sent on 12/28/12
Ø RJ for Possession of a non-narcotic schedule I controlled substance – guilty
Ø Marked YES on both apps for drug arrest
Mr. Burke asked that his brother Mr. Stephen Burke be permitted to speak for him – allowed.
Mr. S. Burke stated that his brother has had only two jobs over the last 37 years with no other arrests or convictions. He is a veteran and they have prepared a folder with information – handed out to the Board. He is employed by G4S Secure Solutions for approximately 10 years – 2003 to present. His work record is excellent. They have started the pardon process.
Mr. Burke was given his license previously under the old administration that went by the seven year rule. Arrested for a felony drug but reduced to a misdemeanor.
After discussion, it was determined that the Board is bound by the law. It is recommended that they pursue the pardon as swiftly as they can.
Mr. Woods, with a second by Mr. Connelly, made a motion to uphold the denial of Mr. Burke’s security guard ID card but allow Professional Licensing to issue the ID card once the Board of Pardons recommends a pardon for this charge, and before it is signed and final by the Governor. The motion was carried.
5. Walter G. Wills, II
Ms. Anderson presented the background on Mr. Wills as follows:
Ø Processed on 10/18/12 for SG – RJ
Ø RJ on 04/27/94 – Theft under – 2 different complaints – guilty for both
Mr. Wills explained that he was working at Service Oil and employees were permitted to take items from the store but that they must sign a 3x5 card per the owner. He had done this but the card had been misplaced. He paid a fine for the arrests.
Again, the Board is bound by the law. It is recommended that Mr. Wills pursue a pardon as swiftly as possible.
Mr. Connelly, with a second by Mr. Woods, made a motion to uphold the denial of Mr. Wills’ security guard ID card but allow Professional Licensing to issue the ID card once the Board of Pardons recommends a pardon for this charge, and before it is signed and final by the Governor. The motion was carried.
2. Dante C. Butler
Mr. Butler did not show for his requested hearing.
Mr. Woods, with a second by Ms. Jansen, made a motion to continue the suspension until such time that Mr. Butler contacts Professional Licensing with the disposition of the charges. The motion was carried.
3. Ama A. Cartwright
Ms. Cartwright did not show for her requested hearing.
Mr. Connelly, with a second by Mr. Woods, made a motion to uphold the denial of Ms. Cartwright’s security guard ID card. The motion was carried.
4. Sergio V. Howard
Mr. Howard did not show for his requested hearing.
Mr. Woods, with a second by Mr. Connelly, made a motion to continue the suspension until such time that Mr. Howard contacts Professional Licensing with the disposition of the charges. The motion was carried.
B. Notice of Intent to Suspend or Revoke
Ms. Anderson presented the facts as follows:
Ø Certified letters of intent to revoke sent
Ø All given 30 days to request hearing
Ø Either no request or mail was returned from last known address
With no response from anyone they have waived their right to a hearing.
1. Alex J. Harrington
After presentation the facts of being found guilty of felony charges, Mr. Connelly, with a second by Mr. Woods, made a motion to revoke the security guard ID card for Mr. Harrington. The motion was carried.
C. Notice of Emergency Suspension
1. Anthony P. Essick
2. Deonte K. Kilson
3. DaJuan A. Leonard
4. Julio O. Livingston
Ms. Anderson presented the facts as follows:
Ø Certified letters of emergency suspension sent
Ø All given 30 days to request hearing
Ø Either no request or mail was returned from last known address
With no response from anyone they have waived their right to a hearing.
Lt. Colonel Paige, with a second by Ms. Jansen, made a motion to continue the emergency suspension of all ID cards until such time that the Professional Licensing has the disposition of the charges. The motion was carried.
IV. Adjournment
A. Next Meeting
1. Friday, January 18, 2013 @ 10:00am
Tatnall Building, Room 112
B. Next Hearing
1. Friday, April 19, 2013 @ 10:00am
Tatnall Building, Room 112
C. Next Meeting
1. Friday, April 26, 2013 @ 10:00am
Tatnall Building, Room 112
Mr. Connelly, with a second by Mr. Woods, made a motion to adjourn the hearings. The motion was carried. The meeting was adjourned at 1037 hours.