TCA RADIO PSAs: each 00:30 in length


During these critical times
Individuals and families are facing increasing challenges and stress due to
job loss, military deployment, relationship and mental health issues.
Doing nothing does NOT make these challenges disappear.
Have a Conversation with a professional counselor.
Help is only a click away.
If you or someone you love needs help…
Go to the Texas Counseling Association website,

and find a professional counselor near you.

[to be translated into Spanish]
“BREAKING POINT” “Final 6/11/10”

11 million children face barriers to learning due to developmental

or mental health issues.

Is your child acting out or becoming distant?

Are you feeling frustrated?
Everyone has a breaking point.
Doing nothing does NOT make these challenges disappear.

Have a Conversation with a professional counselor
Help is only a click away.
If you or someone you love needs help…
Go to the Texas Counseling Association website,
and find a professional counselor near you.

[to be translated into Spanish]

“DOMESTIC VIOLENCE” “Final 6/11/10”

Domestic violence involves verbal OR physical confrontations between

household members.
3 out of 4 Texans experienceor know someone who has experienced

domestic violence.
Professional counselors help individuals and families develop healthy, safe relationships.
You and your family are not alone.
Help is only a click away.
If you or someone you love needs help…
Go to the Texas Counseling Association website,
and find a professional counselor near you.

“SUICIDE” “Final 6/11/10”

Suicide affects individuals regardless of age, race, or gender.
Texas averages 6 suicides each day, most related to untreated or under-treated mental illness.
Professional counselors help individuals and families deal with mental illness before suicide occurs.
You are not alone.
Help is only a click away.
If you or someone you love needs help…
Go to the Texas Counseling Association website,
and find a professional counselor near you.

“DRUG ABUSE” “Final 6/11/10”

Each month, hundreds of thousands of Texans age 12 and older engage drug use or binge drinking.

Alcohol and drug treatment reduce crime and increase employment prospects.
Professional counselors help individuals and families overcome drug abuse, alcoholism and chemical dependency.
Help is only a click away.
If you or someone you love needs help…
Go to the Texas Counseling Association website,
and find a professional counselor near you.

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