
Rumukoroshe School

Port Harcourt, Nigeria

/ Rumukoroshe School is operated by the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria. It is located in the Shell Residential Area in Port Harcourt. The core purpose of the school is to provide great learning in the primary education years (from the term a child turns 3 up to 12yrs) for children of Shell expatriate staff posted to SPDC in Port Harcourt. Admissions applications for Shell Nigerian and expatriate contractor/third party employees are accepted based on qualifications outlined in the school’s Admissions Policy.
The school has a clear focus on children’s learning, following the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and the Literacy and Maths frameworks from England. Learning is implemented through themes with subjects, including maths and literacy, being integrated across the curriculum. Modern Foreign Language, Music, ICT and Art learning also link into the themes and PE (including Swimming lessons) is a vital part of our learning timetable.
Other learning opportunities are available through After School Activities run by teachers, parents and members of the community.
/ The school population is made of many different nationalities and this diversity is celebrated across the curriculum. Through the Personal Goals (see Persy opposite), we support children in achieving their full potential with an international and enquiring mind, able to adapt to new environments through respect, thoughtfulness, communication, resilience and cooperation, whilst always striving to do the right thing.
Personal learning is a constant focus across the school and children are very aware of each other’s expectations of them, and the expectations of teachers and other adults within our learning community. New children often comment on the friendly atmosphere in school:
“I really like this school... I have made a friend already.” (A five year old girl after being in school for one morning.)
“This school is awesome!” (A 10 year old boy after a week at school.)
Our facilities, in addition to well-resourced classrooms, include an ICT suite, a kitchen (currently being refurbished), a playing field and a library with over 10,000 books. The courtyard in the centre of school is painted with many scenes to support learning across the school in various subjects. Each classroom has several laptops and iPads, with wifi capability, and a projector; children are encouraged to use these resources freely. The Shell Residential Area where the school is situated has a good variety of recreational facilities and is a pleasant environment for children and families.
Rumukoroshe School also hosts sports tournaments with other schools from around Port Harcourt (eg. We recently held a football tournament for 20 teams) and continues to look for opportunities to share learning with other schools in different ways. We are part of an established collaboration with two other schools in Nigeria with Shell affiliation. Head Teachers from each school meet termly to identify areas for improved learning for all children. Visits by teachers to other schools are also encouraged to support shared good practice across the locations.
The school also supports the local community through fund-raising events run by the PTA or children (School Council), donating resulting funds to local orphanages and other causes eg. children raised money through a ‘Crazy Hair’ day and this was used to support families affected by an earthquake in Turkey.
The PTA supports school events and all parents are encouraged, and do, take an active role in school related activities and events. We encourage parents to be involved in their children’s learning and there are many opportunities to do this at both a class and whole school level.
Supporting our international learning community, teachers are recruited from overseas to deliver quality learning across the school. Teachers have access to professional development opportunities to further their own learning, within Nigeria and outside, which in turn benefits the children within the school.
There is an active Parent Teacher Association that works to promote the best learning and social opportunities for the children.
For further information contact:
Head Teacher: David Gorman
HR: Charles Gbandi – (HR Manager Nigeria)