This term we have been learning about Titanic. We have found out lots of facts about Titanic by listening to, and watching, a DVD about the history of the ship.
Here are some of the facts we have learned:
- That it only sailed for five days before it sank!
- It 53m high and 269m long.
- It was built between 1909 and 1911 and sailed in 1912
- White Star Line owned it and it was by the Harland and Wolf Company.
- Over 1500 people died in the disaster and only about 700 people survived!
- When it was launched on its maiden voyage it nearly hit another ship while leaving Belfast!
- There were not enough lifeboats to save everyone on board.
- Its survivors were taken to New York by the ship called the Carpathia.
We learned many more facts than this! Please ask anyone in room 9 about it!
As part of the topic we visited the Tall Ship, The Glenlee at the Riverside Museum on 12th October, 2016.
We went to do two workshops about the Titanic. In the first, we were Junior Marine Archaeologists! We had to excavate lots of different artefacts from sand without damaging them as some were valuable.
Here we are at work!
After excavating the objects we had to put the use a grid to show the position we found it in, using co-ordinates which we have beenlearning about in class! So we were able to use our new maths skills here!
Our other workshop was about setting the Captain’s Table and the tables for first class passengers on the Titanic. We learned that first class dining rooms had fancy napkins, all neatly folded to stand up and there were fancy cutlery and glasses as well as an ELEVEN course menu!
The third class passengers ate at long tables and sat beside strangers. There menus were less fancy.
A few children dressed up as first class staff and assessed our ability to set the tables correctly!
Napkin Folding
Setting the Table
We also toured the Ship and the Riverside Museum. Here are some of the things we found and did there.
Beside the steam Locomotive.
On the Bus
On the Tram Car
“Petting” the horse pulling the funeral carriage
“Going Underground” on the Subway!
Dress Up time!
“Scrub the decks, you landlubbers!!” (Accompanied by a chorus of “It’s a Hard Knock Life” from the musical Annie!
Trying to control a wheel.
On our Scavenger Hunt we found the Lazy Ship’s Cat having a snooze!
Just before lunch it was time to….climb the cargo nets…..
…… was time for a sat down.
Children said the day was