Academic Guidelines


WORTH: 50 pointsDUE: Friday, May 20th


  • To become familiar with the varieties of trees native to our area.
  • To learn the method of leaf identification and classification.
  • To have the opportunity to be outdoors appreciating and making observations about your environment.


  • Collect a total of 5 leaves (from the list below). Leaves should be organized in alphabetical order using their common names.
  • Extra credit will be awarded for the collection of ONE (1) additional leaf. The extra credit depends on the accuracy of the information collected about the leaf. Please be sure to mark the leaf that you would like counted for extra credit.
  • Collect only whole leaves. (Especially if it is for a compound leaf!)
  • It’s spring, there should be good specimens. You may have to wait a week for the leaves to mature a bit in size before collecting. (In the meantime, start becoming familiar with the trees/leaves.)
  • Collect leaves from your neighborhood, Arcola, and/or local parks.

Tree/Leaf Facts:

  • Identify BOTH the COMMON NAME and the SCIENTIFIC NAME for each tree. The common name and scientific name are not written in the same format. The scientific name should be written in italics or underlined. The Genus name is capitalized and the species name is not capitalized. (Ex., Homo sapiens)
  • Identify the following information about each leaf: type of leaf (simple or compound), leaf arrangement (alternate or opposite), and leaf margins (smooth, toothed, or lobed).
  • Identify in a complete sentence two usages for the tree.
  • Identify in complete sentences a description of the bark and fruit. Do not copy words directly from the website given.


  • A photograph of each tree must be present for each leaf sample taken. The pictures should be clear and the leaves should be visible. To receive full credit, the collector must take the photographs at the collection site. Pictures copied and pasted from the internet will NOT receive full credit. If photographs taken at the site are used, try and include yourself in the picture and/or list the street location of the tree. (For example - Intersection of Arcola Road and Pinetown Road or Front of Arcola by tennis courts.)

Leaf List: (Choose 5 total from the list, one must come from each category)

  • Maple Family – Norway Maple, Red Maple, Silver Maple, Sugar Maple
  • Oak Family – Black Oak, Chestnut Oak, Pin Oak, White Oak
  • Compound Leaf – Black Ash, Black Locust, Black Walnut, Honey Locust, Buckeye
  • Evergreen – Colorado Blue Spruce, Eastern Hemlock, Eastern White Pine
  • Choice – American Chestnut, Flowering Dogwood, Sycamore, Tulip Tree (Yellow Poplar), Sweetgum


  • Leaves should be pressed for a couple of days before mounting. To flatten, place a leaf between sheets of paper and place heavy books on top of them so that they will be pressed flat.
  • Leaves can be laminated, if you choose. This would certainly help preserve them.

Helpful Hints:

  • For help in identification, use the attached handout, tree identification books, ‘Common Trees of PA’ website, and knowledgeable friends and family. In addition, students will be given the chance to sign out tree identification books for up to two nights.
  • For iPad or iPhone: App – Leaf Snap