TUTOR NAME: Lizzie Godden
COURSE TITLE: Spanish Improvers
VENUE: Coleford Community Centre NO OF SESSIONS: 8
DAY: Monday TIME: 10 - 12
1 to be able to pronounce Spanish effectively and confidently
2 to use the target language in a train station, hiring a car and at a petrol station
3 to use the target language when shopping
4 to use the target language at a doctor’s and chemist’s
The group is made up of some learners who’ve been with me for one to two terms (Spanish for Beginners), a learner who completed a year with me two years ago and some others I’ve yet to meet and assess.
Some Spanish – the course is not for complete beginners
Assessment takes place throughout the course as the learners use new target language and practising previously learnt structures and vocab. Assessment methods include Q&A, listening to and observing the learners in open and closed conversation pairs, gapped handouts, listening and reading comprehension.
Voice recorder is used so that learners can hear themselves speaking and to record progress and achievement.
Some learners will need more support to learn and to build confidence. Others will be stretched with more complex structures and more vocab, using vary-levelled tasks activities such as answering questions after watching a video.
There are tasks set that all learners will achieve.
RFDC runs two one year courses - Breakthrough if they have done one/two terms - Possibly preliminary if they completed a year.
20/04/09 / Introductions.
Recap and practise using verb tener.
Initial assessments / Photocopies, whitebard, laptop and projector, white sheet / To say name, where from, where live, their age, talk about another. Use the verb tener.
Practise verbs ser and estar
27/04/09 / Travel – at a train station / Photocopies – train timetable, conversation pairwork exercise, photocopies (from Pasos 1) CD player, CD / To ask for times of trains leaving and arriving to and from a destination, ask prices and platform numbers.
11/04/09 / Travel – Hiring a car, using a petrol station / Photocopies (from Pasos 1), CD player, CD, conversation pairwork exercise, voice recorder / To be able to hire a car, to get and pay for petrol, to call breakdown service.
18/05/09 / Doctor’s and chemist’s / Photocopies (from Pasos 1), CD player, CD, conversation pairwork exercise photocopies / Parts of the body, vocab of medication, to describe a symptom, to ask for frequency of use
05/06/09 / Tourist Office / Photocopies (from Pasos 1), CD player, CD, conversation pairwork exercise photocopies / Recap on asking for and giving directions. Telling the time, asking about excursions, distances.
12/06/09 / Description of places / Photocopies (from Pasos 1), CD player, CD, conversation pairwork exercise photocopies, projector and laptop / Adjectives, recap prepositions of place
19/06/09 / Shopping for useful items / Photocopies (from Pasos 1), CD player, CD, conversation pairwork exercise photocopies / Colours, recap numbers and prices, asking for items
26/06/09 / Practise of all language learnt / Photocopies (from Pasos 1), CD player, CD, conversation pairwork exercise photocopies, voice recorder, laptop and projector

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