January 8, 2013 @ 8:30 A.M.

AT MNP OFFICES #316, 5455 – 152 Street, Surrey, BC

Present: Susan Payment, Nick Cheng, Dave Lee, Yolanda Benoit, Leanne Martyniuk, Valerie Cairns,

Regrets: Kelly McAuley, Tara Britnell

1.  Call to Order / Confirmation of Agenda

The meeting was called to order by Susan Payment at 8:40 am and the agenda was confirmed.

2.  Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 8, 2012 was made by Dave Lee. Nick Cheng seconded the motion. All in favour. Motion carried.

3.  President’s Report (Susan Payment)

Laurie will be bringing next week’s speaker to the meeting together with equipment etc.

The FVEPC website domain has been renewed at minimal cost.

Names and category for new members to be put into the Minutes going forward.

Susan confirmed menu will remain unchanged for next meeting.

4.  Vice President’s Report (Dave Lee )

Confirmed three speaker’s gifts would be required for the member panel. Suggested and agreed that three $50 restaurant cards be purchased for this event.

5.  Treasurer’s Report (Susan Payment for Kelly McAuley)

Kelly provided statement of account for November 2012. Confirmed that accounts at CIBC now closed and that banking with TD Canada Trust opened and operational.

Carrie Stocco, of Johnson Archer, CGA would be attending regular group meetings and joining as a member. Carrie will be asked about being a candidate for Treasurer due to Kelly resigning.

Susan confirmed that cheques for the upcoming meeting on 15th January will be brought to event for payment.

6.  Program Committee Report (Tara Britnell via e-mail)

Everything is organized for this year. There is agood description on website of the next dinner speaker: PatriciaDriediger, CA and Chartered Mediator, speaking about angermanagement withclients. No member spotlight volunteer yet.

Working on next year's line-up – hope to get Dr. Martha Donnelly, Head of Geriatric Psychiatry at UBC, for the presentation on competency issues with aging clients. Tara will have an opportunity to talk to her later this month.

Susan added Kelly was to be a part of the three person panel in March from the accounting perspective, but Kelly feels that she would not be the best choice and suggested an accountant specializing in estate planning tax matters would be more appropriate. Susan said she would be approaching a colleague to take this position and invited other suggestions from the board.

7. Public Affairs (Yolanda Benoit)

Yolanda thanked Tara and Laurie for the “write-up” on next dinner speaker - it was very helpful. Would it be possible in future to have the speaker write-ups six weeks beforehand? This would give maximum exposure for upcoming events.

Yolanda provided copies of the Leave a Legacy November 2012 publication for review and reported that the next publication would likely be focused on “the Charity child” and/or creation of an Endowment Fund - Yolanda will let us know once confirmed. If there is anyone willing to consider writing an article on behalf of FVEPC for publication the deadline is April.

8.  Membership (Leanne Martyniuk)

No new members for approval this meeting.

Leanne undertook to call those members who did not renew to confirm status for membership list and adjustment on website.

Leanne will also coordinate with Laurie regarding the membership badges/inventory.

9.  New Business (All)

No new business to report here.

10. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 am.

Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 – 8:30am


#316, 5455 – 152 Street, Surrey, BC

Next Dinner Meeting: January 15, 2013

Speaker: Patricia Driediger, CA

Chartered Mediator

“Issues Surrounding Anger – what to do when your clients are all fired up!”