Sneaky Saunders sets stealthy crime scene

On 2nd January 2016 a strange ‘crime’ took place on St James school field.

On Wednesday 4thJanuary, St Jamesschool in Coldwaltham came to school to find that the police had declared an ‘official’ crime scene on their school field! Now, when I went to interview the class teacher Mrs Saunders, she said “this is just a coincidence that this space crime took place when my class were learning about space,” but when Mrs Saunders was talking about this ‘mystery crime scene’ she would not look at me when I was interviewing her, which is an obvious sign of lying, and it lead me to think that it was MrsSaunders who set this suspicious crime scene up.

When I interviewed the other teachers around the school to ask where this sneaky teacher was on the day of the accident, they all said different things as to where she was, which could’ve meant that the teachers around the school played a part in the ‘crime’ and they were lying about where she was on the 3rd of January (the school INSET day). But, when I interviewed MrsSaunders she said that she was in school until 19:00 on the 3rd which maybe gave her the opportunity to set up this fake crime scene, to make people believe her, and that it wasn’t her playing a joke.

I interviewed some of the neighbours to see if they saw or heard anything suspicious on the 2ndJanuary, but they said that nothing abnormal happened, and that therewere no explosions going off at school, which corresponds with the last point, and this is why I think this is fake.

Finally, the last point is that when this ‘space crash’ happened, Yew Class did a lot of work on this, and why would we do a lot of work on a crime that had taken place the day before school started? Surely it would’ve taken a lot of work to plan all the activities that we did than just 1 day to plan all the activities. So this surely would’ve taken more than 1 day to plan.

The school is still foreign to this crime on the school property, but I am definite that Mrs Saunders planned and set up the whole thing.