Guidelines for Inclusive Feedback

These guidelines have been written to encourage the production of inclusive and accessible feedback for students. They are intended to inform feedback for all students and do not relateexclusively tofeedback for those with a disability. The rationale behind this is twofold: a) good practice for students with a disability, particularly dyslexia, is beneficial to the majority of students; b) although most students with a disability will have declared this, and therefore a Student Support Document will have been produced, some students chose not to declare. There may also be some students who are waiting for an assessment of a possible disability.

If a student’s disability means that further adjustments or alternative feedback is required, this will be indicated on the Student Support Document

  • Use clear, literal, unambiguous language and concise sentences.
  • Produce electronic feedback. Use a sans serif font such as Arial and at least font size 12
  • If feedback has to be hand written, ensure writing is legible.
  • Avoid red pen and crosses, both of which often carry negative connotations.
  • Feedback given only in writing can increase anxiety for some students. Offer all students an opportunity for them to discuss the feedback in private, not at the end of a lecture/seminar. Alternatively, a named contact may be elected with specific office hours to deal with feedback issues.
  • If a meeting is to be arranged regarding the feedback, give written information regarding time and place, anticipated length of the meeting and what can be expected from such a meeting
  • Consider the use of feedback in an alternative format, such as audio taped. Oral explanations can often be easier to comprehend than written
  • Electronic feedback may be more suitable for a group
  • If feedback is to be collected, make sure the collection point is fully accessible
  • Ensure that there is a straightforward way to request that feedback is mailed to the student if physical access is difficult for the student
  • Be aware of possible limitations beyond the student’s control, e.g. a visually impaired student may not have access the full range of recommended texts.

02/10/2018 H:\Spld- Information Sheets\Guidelines For Inclusive Feedback.Doc 1