ClassifiedPosition Request Form

Instructions: Complete one form for each classified position requested

NewPosition(notinlast year’sbudget)

ReplacementPosition(inlast year’sbudget)

ConversionPosition(from granttogeneral fundsnotinlast year’s budget)

FormerlyEliminatedPosition(notinlast year’sbudget)

Title of PositionRequested:Office Supervisor

Program/Department/Area:______Maintenance & Operations______

Number of Hours per Week:______40______

Number of Months per Year:______12______

Brief Abstract:(Howdoes positionimpactpresent areastatus, affectworkloadreduction, impact studentsorprovidesupport/services?)

With the implementation of using school dude as out sole source of work request, this position will allow us to monitor, assign, review, and close work orders more efficiently. Cost associated with work orders can be inputted and Maintenance reportsproduced from the system,. Our department is also seen a large increase in ICA’s & Po’s needed to be produced. We need constant oversight on the daily spending of the department to ensure we are staying within our budget.

This work is currently being done by our DA III, who is working out of classification, I would like to reclassify this position to better meet the needs of the department.

Rationale and ApplicabilitytoCollegeStrategic Goals:(Substantiaterecommendationswithdataand theguidelineslistedintheBudgetDecisionCriteriadocumentandCollegeStrategicGoals.Does this needfulfill acompliance/mandatedposition, i.e. State,Federal, regulatoryboards, contracts?Does this needaddressgrantpartnershipcommitmentsand/orcritical communityneeds?)

ImpactonCollege/District if position is not filled:(Includehowhaving the positionornothavingthepositionimpacts FTES, services tostudents.)

If The position is not filled our time to complete work orders will increase, some work request that are not prioritized as a safety or health concern may not be completed.





TotalAmount: $______

Revised by: Program Review Committee (June2, 2013)Page 1)