Unit 2 Organizer: The American Revolution

The Big Picture:

The British victory in the French and Indian War (1754-1763) brought additional lands in the West, but significant war debts as well. To pay this debt, the British parliament moved away from salutary neglect in favor of more strict colonial control. Colonial protest to new taxes, restrictions on colonial self-government, and influence from the European Enlightenment led to a colonial Declaration of Independence in 1776. During the American Revolution, the overmatched colonists found a leader in George Washington and badly-needed French assistance after the Battle of Saratoga. When the war ended, the Treaty of Paris in 1783 brought independence and the formation of the United States.

Last Unit:

Colonial History /

Current Unit:

The American Revolution /

Next Unit:

The New Nation
Suggested Activities: / Key Terms and Phrases:
Schedule of Content
8/21 -The French and Indian War
8/24 –Path to Revolution Activity
8/25 The path towards revolution Notes
8/26 Town Hall meeting and debate
8/27– Declaring Independence
8/28 - The American Revolution
8/31 - The Treaty of Paris, 1783
9/01 - Unit 2 Quiz / Reading HW
8/21 – Read/notes pg 37-39
8/24 – Handout
8/25 – Read/notes Ch 2.1
8/26 – Common Sense
8/27 – Read/notes Ch 2.2, DOI handout
8/28 – Handout
8/31 –Handout
9/01 -TERMS DUE / 1.  French and Indian War
2.  Treaty of Paris, 1763
3.  Proclamation of 1763
4.  Stamp Act
5.  Quartering Act
6.  Sugar Act
7.  Boston Massacre
8.  Boston Tea Party
9.  Coercive Acts/Intolerable Acts
10.  Sons and Daughters of Liberty
11.  Committees of Correspondence
12.  Enlightenment philosophes
John Locke and Montesquieu
13.  Thomas Paine’s Common Sense / 14.  “No taxation without representation”
15.  Salutary neglect
16.  Parliamentary Sovereignty
17.  Virtual Representation
18.  Thomas Jefferson’s
Declaration of Independence
19.  George Washington
20.  Marquis de Lafayette
21.  Lord Cornwallis
22.  Lexington and Concord
23.  Valley Forge
24.  Saratoga
25.  Yorktown
26.  Treaty of Paris, 1783
Essentials Questions:
1.  In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-1763) transform the relationship between Great British and her American colonies? (B.1.g)
2.  Why and how did the American colonists oppose the Sugar, Stamp, and Intolerable Acts? (B.1.g)
3.  What impact did the ideas of the Enlightenment play in the American Revolution? (B.1.f)
4.  What role did George Washington and Marquis de Lafayette play in the Revolutionary War? (B.1.g)
5.  What were the major provisions of the Treaty of Paris that ended the war in 1783? (B.1.g) / ACT Standards
1.  ACT B.1.f-g

Course Website: http://www.harlan-ind.k12.ky.us/olc/teacher.aspx?s=997