The House on Mango Street Reading and Homework Schedule

Honors English 10

Date of Class:Class Activities:Reading/Homework Due:

Oct 9 / Building Background Knowledge: Group Research Projects
*Assign Groups & Topics
*Go to Lab to Conduct Research
Oct 13 / Presenting Knowledge to Your Groups
*Each student presents his/her research to his/her group
*Groups put research into visually neat and creative posters / * Research on your given topic is paraphrased and typed (with the sources listed) into 1-2 pages in Microsoft Word
Oct 19 / Presenting Knowledge to the Class
*Groups Present Topics
*The House on Mango Street book sign-out
*Anticipation Guide / *10-12 minutes group presentations, on research topic, are due
Oct 21 / *Journal: Turn to pages 6-7, in The House on Mango Street, practice writing similes and metaphors describing the hair of people you know. Emulate Cisneros closely.
*"The House on Mango Street" activity in partners
*Practice similes, metaphors, personification, and the proper use of the dash
*Discuss the other vignettes, if time permits / *Read and bring notes onpp. 3-22
"The House on Mango Street", "Hairs", "Boys & Girls", "My Name", "Cathy Queen of Cats", "Our Good Day", "Laughter", "Gil's Furniture Bought & Sold", "Meme Ortiz"
Oct 23 / Reading Quiz #1
*Journal: Pick"Meme Ortiz", "Louie, His Cousin & His Other Cousin", or "Marin". Label the direct and indirect characterization. Characterize someone you know, emulating Cisneros' vignette.
* Introduce The House on ____ Street Writing Assignment
*Practice alliterations & assonances with "Cathy Queen of Cats"
*"Those Who Don't" activity individually
*Read & Discuss the other vignettes, if time permits / *Read and bring notes onpp. 23-42
"Louie, His Cousin & His Other Cousin", "Marin", "Those Who Don't", "There Was an Old Woman She Had So Many Children She Didn't Know What to Do", "Alicia Who Sees Mice", "Darius & the Clouds", "And Some More", "The Family of Little Feet"
Oct 27 / Reading Quiz #2
Journal: Emulate the use of juxtaposition in "Alice Who Sees Mice" and "Born Bad".
*Practice symbolism with "The Family of Little Feet"
*"Chanclas" activity in partners
*Discuss the other vignettes, if time permits / *Read and bring notes onpp. 43-64
"A Rice Sandwich", "Chanclas", "Hips", "The First Job", "Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark", "Born Bad", "Elenita, Cards, Palm, Water"
Oct 29 / Reading Quiz #3
Journal: Compare and contrast Cisneros' "Geraldo No Last Name" and "My Name" to Kingsolver's "Naming Myself". How do the three pieces treat the theme that names are necessary to one's identity differently? How do they treat the theme the same?
*Practice allusions & analogies with "Four Skinny Trees" and "Rafaela..."
*"Sally" activity individually
*Discuss the other vignettes, if time permits / *Read and bring notes on pp. 65-85
"Geraldo No Last Name", "Edna's Ruthie", "The Earl of Tennessee", "Sire", "Four Skinny Trees", "No Speak English", "Rafaela Who Drinks Coconut & Papaya Juice on Tuesdays", "Sally", "Minerva Writes Poems"
Newsela Due
Nov 3 / Reading Quiz #4
Journal: Turn to "The Three Sisters". Pick a theme that this vignette develops and defend it with citations from this vignette and others.
*Practice tone with "What Sally Said" and "Red Clowns"
*"Bums in the Attic", "Beautiful and Cruel"and "Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes" activity in groups
*Discuss the other vignettes, if time permits / *Read and bring notes onpp. 86-110
"Bums in the Attic", "Beautiful & Cruel", "A Smart Cookie", "What Sally Said", "The Monkey Garden", "Red Clowns", "Linoleum Roses", "The Three Sisters", "Alicia & I Talking on Edna's Steps", "A House of My Own", "Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes"
Nov 5 / The House on Mango Street Final Exam
*This exam will be open book and open note
*Reading notes will help you with this exam, which will require you to pick a theme and apply/defend it (citing evidence from Cisneros' vignettes) / *The House on Mango Street Reading Guide is due
Nov 9 / Peer Review / *The House on _____ Street rough draft is due
Nov 11 / Have students share their vignettes in partners, in groups, and with the class / *The House on _____ Street final draft is due