Monday 28th April 2014

7.00 pm Waipu Cove Surf Life Saving Club



PRESENT: L. Judd (Chair), P. Baker, R. King, R. Pullan

E. Walker (Minutes Secretary)

APOLOGIES:A. McCulloch (Secretary), K. BakerR. Pullan/R. King Carried

ATTENDING: L. Fernee, A. Trist, R. Stolwerk


Minutes of the last meeting as published and circulated P. Baker/ R. PullanCarried




25 April Lorraine Owen Request for dispensation.Approved by board


8 AprilDave Speedy Letter granting request for dispensation

Moved: Inwards correspondence be received and outwards approved R. King/ R. PullanCarried


  • Financial Report (attached)P. Baker/ R. Pullan Carried
  • Management Report (attached)R. King/ R. PullanCarried


  • Dune and beach monitoring.Meeting with Laura Shaft (NRC) went well. Waiting on resource consent to remove under-rubble and restore dunes (area located between the Surf Club and the Northern playground). Camp managers are to advise the chair when resource consent has been granted, and an article to be written with Regional Council to notify the public. The board also discussed the possibility of shifting sand and restoring the Southern end of the Cove with dune planting at the same time. There was also a suggestion to invite Northtec horticulture students to contribute to the project.
  • Rubbish trial review by the board. Due to the success of the trial,having no rubbish bins will become policy. The board will: write to the WDC thanking them for the cooperation and advising them of the decision, continue working with both the dairy and the café to help iron out any issues that might arise; and explore opportunities to educate dog owners on how to bring their pet to the beach and reserve without impacting on other users and wildlife. R. King/ P. Baker Carried

There were also discussions about the possibility of an Ambassador over the peak season who would monitor the launching of boats, dogs, the car park, and reserve; and hand out information on fishing etc.

  • Bunk room accommodation trial review by the board. Due to the success of the bunkrooms, the board recommend that the camp continue with this. P. Baker/ R. Pullan Carried
  • Landscaping proposal by Dr David Burgin approved by the board. The timeframe being two months for the plan to be completed from confirmation to engagement. L. Judd/ R. King Carried
  • Fencing quote for outstanding work.Approved by board
  • Company motor vehicle policy. Approved by boardR. Pullan/ R.King Carried
  • Upcoming events on the reserve and local area
  • Waipu Markets; First Saturday of the month, and second Sunday of the month.
  • Future Meetings –May 26th(TBC) June 23rd, July 28th(TBC), August 25th, September 29th


Financial Report - March 2014

March 2014 / March 2013 / Year end 2013 / Year-end forecast 2014 / Comments
Revenue / $ 82,080.00 / $ 60,305.00 / $ 944,656.00 / $ 1,019,585.00 / $74,929 up on LY
Payroll / $ 27,609.00 / $ 24,913.00 / $ 345,475.00 / $ 316,830.00 / $28,645 Savings due to restructure, this years figure also includes leave liability which is not in LY figures
Expenses / $ 70,004.00 / $ 71,323.00 / $ 839,598.00 / $ 794,126.00 / $45,472 saving on LY
Surplus/deficit / $ 12,076.00 / -$ 11,019 / $ 105,058.00 / $ 225,459.00 / $120,401 increase on LY surplus

Year end

We are forecasting year end revenue of $1,019,585 and a surplus of $225,459, our year end surplus is up 114% (or $103,505) on last year and up 186% (or $130,000) on 2012.

Revenue month

Revenue at $82k v $60k last year with an increase of 36% on last year.

Expenses month

Expenses at $70k and were down 2% on last year.

Manager’s Report –March 2014.

Easter has seen the camp busy once again, despite the tail end of Cyclone Ita causing havoc the day before Good Friday. The storm also caused some surface flooding around the camp (including the camp garage) and power was down for around seven hours.

The Easter storm has destroyed the sand dunes at the far end of the public reserve and some of the fencing will now have to be replaced. These fences had only just been completed earlier in the month. Fortunately, the boat ramp only received minor damage this time, after having just been fixed up after Cyclone Lusi in late March.

Cyclone Lusi not only caused some damage around the camp, but it also affected cabin and site occupancies as it fell over what would have been a busy weekend.

On a more positive note, we have received our Qualmark results back this month. We have upped our Enviro rating from Bronze to Silver, and increased our Qualmark grading to just 2% shy of gaining a 4.5 star rating. We are confident that next time we are assessed we will move up into that 4.5 star category.

In late March we had a visit from the new WDC District Promotions and Tourism manager Paul Davis, along with the manager of Whangarei I-Site. They were visiting a few different accommodation providers to familiarise Paul with what was on offer in the area.

We are now listed on Booking.com (one of the biggest online booking engines in the world) which has been a steady source of online bookings ever since – so far generating over $2000 worth of revenue in the last few weeks. It also opens us up to the European market, as it’s one of the most popular booking engines in Europe.

We have put together a corporate rates package and are now in the process of getting these out to various companies in and around Waipu, who may be looking for accommodation for staff and visitors.

Also this month, we have met with the surf club to discuss putting together school camp packages for the next school camp season. We are currently working on a brochure that will be distributed to schools in the Auckland/Northland area, we have obtained a database from Ministry of Education with correct contact details for each school and appropriate person.

We have met with Laura Shaft from NRC, and Andre and Robin Labonte this month to discuss the upcoming resource consent application for dune scraping. Andre and Robin will go ahead and prepare the application on behalf of the camp.


Anton and Lucy

Occupancy for March 2014.

Both occupancy and revenue were down in March in comparison with the previous March. This can be attributed to the timing of Easter – which last year fell in late March. In addition to this, Cyclone Lusi in late March affected our occupancy, as it fell on a weekend.