Spanish 2CP

Course expectations

S. Ward 2010-2011

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español 2CP! This year, besides reviewing and practicing much of what you learned in Spanish 1, you will learn lots of new vocabulary, study six grammatical tenses, read authentic literature and become more proficient in Spanish. The class will be conducted in Spanish as much as possible. You will apply your knowledge of Spanish as you read, write, hear and speak Spanish everyday.

The “keys to success” in this class are to:

▪ be present in class each day

▪ be prepared for class each day

▪ participate regularly in class

▪ take accurate notes

▪ do your homework everyday

▪ study vocabulary regularly

▪ do your best on all tests and quizzes

▪ stay for extra help when you need it

▪ read Spanish, write Spanish, listen to Spanish and speak Spanish!

Please read the following course expectations carefully and discuss with your parent or guardian. Then please return this signed sheet to your teacher, indicating yourunderstanding of the expectations and agreement to comply with all expectations.

Materials: you need to bring to class everyday:

- a 2 inch wide 3 ring binder with 5 dividersthat have pockets

- a pen or pencil

- your NHS agenda

- 4 highlighters of different colors

- covered textbook Buen Viaje 2

Note: A Spanish / English dictionary is highly recommended but is not required.

Common Courtesy: Pleasetreat all people and materials in the classroom with respect.

- Arrive on time to class and be in your assigned seat ready to work when the bell rings.

- Please do not consume food or beverages or chew gum during class time.

- Please refrain from interrupting class time with requests to use the lavatory or go to the nurse unless it is an emergency.

- When learning a foreign language everyone makes mistakes. Do not laugh at others’ mistakes - the next mistake might be yours!

- Respect and help protect all classroom books and decorations (many are irreplaceable).

- Do not touch the SMARTboard unless invited by the teacher to do so!

Homework:is assigned everyday and is to be done beforeentering class.

- Write down homework assignments in your NHS agenda each day (homework assignments will be written on the whiteboard in the back of the classroom and are visible from the hallway. They are not posted on-line. It is each student’s responsibility to write down the homework assignment before leaving the classroom).

- Label all homework with your name, class, date and assignment.

- Complete and submitall homework on 8x 11 inch white lined paper.

- Write complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation.

- Make up work is your responsibility and should be submitted promptly upon returning to class.

Projects:there will be one assigned per quarter.

- Projects are intended as a learning tool, application and alternate assessment of the material that has been introduced in class each quarter.

- An assignment sheet and rubric will be distributed at least 2 weeks before each project is due.

- Follow all instructions carefully and present / submit all projects according to the specified deadlines.

Language Lab: class will be in the language lab every Friday.

- It is important that you read, sign, submit and adhere to the language lab contract (attached).

- Do your best in the language lab each week by listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish as much as possible.

- Follow all instructions in the lab and respect the lab components

- Lab assignments are graded asignments

Tests / Quizzes: at least two (2) of each per quarter

- Stay for extra help (Wednesdays / other days are negotiable).

- Studybefore arriving to class!!!!!

- Do your own work!

- Try your best to complete all extra credit points on the quizzes and tests.

- Any missed tests or quizzes must be made up within three days after absence, as stipulated in the NHS student handbook.

- Make up work cannot be done during class time.


- All homework assignments, participation, quizzes, tests and projects are worth pointsthat accrue each quarter. Your grade will be calculated according to the number of pointsthat you earn divided by the number of points available to earn that quarter.

- The total points for each semester are fixed and there are no extra credit opportunities at the end of each quarter to improve grades.

- Do your best and work consistently during the entire quarter if you want to earn a good grade in Spanish. (See “keys to success” in first paragraph).

If you have questions or concerns about the Spanish 2CP course expectations, please e-mail me at .

We understand and agree to adhere to the Spanish 2CPcourse expectations as explained above.


Student’s signatureParent’s signature

