Mrs. Lenora Nelson's Classroom Policies & Procedures

Nelson’s 3 B’s:

Be on time.

Be prepared to learn.

Be respectful to self, others, & property.


Be on time:

  • Sharpen pencil.
  • Get calculator.
  • Get out materials.

Be prepared to learn.

  • Study as needed.
  • Participate in class.

Be respectful to self, others, & property.

  • Be kind.
  • Keep room clean.


  1. Notebook/Binder with pockets for any handouts and loose leaf
  2. Pen for writing problem/taking notes. Pencil for working out problems.
  3. 4-pack of AAA batteries
  4. TI-84 Graphing Calculator (optional, class set is available)

Course Description:

Subject / Textbook / Major Skills-Guaranteed Curriculum
Geometry (G) / Geometry (McDougal-Littell)) ©2004 (and workbook) / Unit 1 – Shapes & Patterns: Inductive Reasoning
Unit 2 – Lines, Angles & Transformations
Unit 3 – Triangles
Unit 4 – Polygons: Deductive Reasoning
Unit 5 – Solids
Unit 6 – Circles
Unit 7 – Deductive Reasoning
Algebra II (G) / Algebra for College Students, 4th Edition (Addison-Wesley) ©2000 / Unit 1 – Functions (follow textbook order)
Unit 2 – Polynomial Equations & Inequalities
Unit 3 – Rational Equations & Inequalities
Unit 4 – Radicals & Complex Number Systems
Unit 5 – Quadratic & Higher Order Polynomial Functions

Grading Policy:(No Extra Credit Assignments will be given)

  1. 80% of the student's grade will come from the following:

Classwork – After instruction, an assignment will be made that may be turned in for points. Also lab-type activities will have a written portion to be turned in for points.

Quizzes – May be pop/announced. Cover material on lessons within a unit.

Tests – Tests will cover a whole Unit or part of a Unit.

Projects/Performance Task – Projects on Units being covered.

  1. 20% of the student's grade will come from the Exam.

Class Participation

In order to be successful in class, students must actively participate in the learning process. Concepts can be learned if the student pays attention, takes notes, and asks questions in class.

Homework Expectations

Homework is not graded; therefore it is assigned as Extra Practice. Students will be given page numbers or links to material that will help them practice the skills we learned in class. It is the student’s responsibility to do as much of this extra practice as needed to master the material. The student will have an opportunity to ask questions about the extra practice in class the next day. Following this opportunity for review, there may be a pop quiz on the material. This provides the necessary reinforcement of material.

Math Facts

The best way to learn new math skills is if the student has the basic math facts memorized. Without this memorization students may become frustrated with new math material. Students need to be able to get 30 math facts in one minute. I will give timed quizzes on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. If a student consistently has trouble with these quizzes because of the stress for timing, the parent should contact me and I will make other arrangements to assess the student’s knowledge.

Make Up Policy

Students will ONLY be allowed to make up work if their absence is EXCUSED.

Student Information Form

Geometry (G)

Algebra II (G)

Student:______Grade ______Period______/______

1st Sem / 2nd Sem

Current Age: ______DOB: ______Favorite Candy/Etc. ______

Junior High Attended: ______Years in Gifted: ______

Friends at this school: ______





Career Goals: ______


Other: ______





Mailing Address: ______

Father: ______

Home: ______

Work: ______

Cell: ______

Email: ______


Home: ______

Work: ______

Cell: ______

Email: ______

Preferred method of contact: ______

------do not write below this line------

Date / Comments