Due January 5th /6th

For this book report you will be required to create a movie poster based on the theme of The Minister’s Black Veil. You will be graded on your creativity, attention to detail, as well as the information that you provide. It should look like a movie poster that you see in the theatres—informative and interesting to the viewer.

Project Requirements:

Must be created on poster board or digitally

Title of novel must be in large writing and should stand out on your movie poster. Must say ―Based on the book by (list the author’s name)

Your name will appear on the poster as the director.

A major illustration should be the focus of your poster. It must contain original art to represent the theme of your novel. (Do not copy the book cover or any existing material.)

Two quotes from the story—can be actual quotes from actual critics (works cited on the back of poster).

List THREE famous movie stars and ―cast them in the main character roles for your ―movie. The ―stars of your ―movie should be named and pictured on your poster (you may print or cut out pictures of these actors).

The movie poster must have a catchy line that interests the audience and describes the basic plot/theme of the movie

You must fill out the Book Report Sheet and turn it in with your poster.

WARNING: If you choose a book that has already been made into a film, DO NOT use anything from the film in your report! All ideas and work must be your own.


Directions: Complete this after you read your book. This will assist you in completing your project and in your presentation. Attach to the back of poster.

Book Title: ______

Author: ______

Describe 3 main characters. Then thoughtfully chose which actor would play each

character in your movie and why.


















Did you like or dislike the book? Why? Please be specific. ______

Grading: Possible: Earned: Book Report Worksheet / /80 points
Creativity/appearance / /120 points
2 quotes from book 5 points each / /40 points
Three “stars” 5 points each / /60 points
Two quotes 5 points each / /40 points
Catchy line / /40 points
Met all Due Dates / /20 points
Total / /400 points