Use of Pupil Premium at Ecclesfield School

These pages show a summary of how the school has used Pupil Premium in the past year and the impact this has had.

How much do we receive? This table shows the level of funding over the past three years.

Financial year / Total Amount of Pupil Premium Funding
2012-13 / £49, 217
2013-14 / £78, 146
2014-15 / £104.000
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Percentage of FSM/CLA pupils / 19% 19% / 24%(ROL data published 24.10.14)
Nature of support 2012-13
• Appointment of a new learning mentor supporting children and their families
• Supporting behaviour, attendance and additional breakfast mornings
• Purchase of new resources (including ICT, reading and phonic resources) to support pupil attainment
• Supporting key children with a little extra 1-1 adult support
• Targeted adult support for individual and small group work including the setting up of nurture groups
• To support family learning activities
• To finance after extra-curricular activities and visits
Monitoring and measuring the impact of PPG spending
The school will evaluate the impact on each pupil on a half termly basis through the use of our assessment system. Evaluation will focus on academic gains and how pupils’ self-confidence has developed as a consequence of the interventions put in place. Measurement of impact for the children accessing external support will be assessed through the use of Personal Education Plans, FCAF and Reviews.
Impact for all Pupil Premium Pupils 2012-13
·  KS2 are in line with National. The pupil premium gap is decreasing for reading, writing and maths combined. (Raise online 2013)
·  There is evidence of an upward trend in KS1. (Raise online 2013)
·  There is an improving trend in standards in EYFS.
·  The learning mentor liaises with 65% of families who are currently entitled to the PPG. School based evidence suggest that attendance and behaviour is improving
·  Provided children with rich and memorable experiences that have expanded their horizons, build their self-confidence and provide them with a sense of the wider world.
·  See also Parents views and comments regarding educational visits 2013:
‘Value for money should not be a factor on a trip, the child experience is more important.’
‘I have two children in school and they have never been disappointed’
Nature of support 2013-14
The amount of pupil premium paid to schools increased for the financial year 2013 -14. The school received £78,146
We have continued to spend as for 2012-13, with the following refinements
-Our learning mentor continue to supports children and their families, supporting behaviour and attendance and additional breakfast mornings
-Extra teaching staff and support across school including tuition for maths
-‘Achievement for All’ which is a whole school improvement framework that raises the aspirations, access andachievement of vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils.
-Purchase of new resources such as Numicon which is a proven multi-sensory approach to teaching mathematics for the primary National Curriculum that raises achievement across all ability levels.
-CPD for staff to improve the quality of interventions
Monitoring and measuring the impact of PPG spending 2013-2014
The school will evaluate the impact on each pupil on a half termly basis through the use of our assessment system. Evaluation will focus on academic gains and how pupils’ self-confidence has developed as a consequence of the interventions put in place. Measurement of impact for the children accessing external support will be assessed through the use of Personal Education Plans, FCAF and Reviews.
Impact for all Pupil Premium Pupils 2013-14
·  The attainment for disadvantage pupils in KS2 for reading, writing and mathematics has risen and the gap between disadvantage pupils and other pupils is closing. (Raise on line 2014)
·  The attainment for disadvantage pupils in KS1 for reading, writing and mathematics has risen. (Raise on line 2014)
·  In KS1 and KS2 evidence shows an upward trend over 3 years for disadvantage pupils.
·  Progress is good in EYFS and the GLD is currently above national 2013. (2014 National Data Pending)
·  Continue to provide children with rich and memorable experiences that have expanded their horizons, build their self-confidence and provide them with a sense of the wider world.
Nature of support 2014-15
The amount of pupil premium paid to schools increased for the financial year 2014 -15. The school received £104.000
We have continued to spend as for 2013-14, with the following refinements:
·  Extra teaching staff and support across school with a focus on creative writing
·  Curriculum specialist to teach various subjects such as PE and music
·  We will be in our second year regarding the ‘Achievement for All’ which is a whole-school improvement framework that raises the aspirations, access and achievement of vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils.
·  Purchase of new resources such as Reading books to support the new Curriculum
·  CPD for staff to improve the quality of interventions including family SEAL
·  A tracking and evaluation grid to promote both social, moral, cultural and spiritual development alongside British values in school
An analysis of the effectiveness of this expenditure will be reported in Autumn 2015
Performance of pupils eligible for Free school meals
How do pupils in receipt of this funding do at Ecclesfield Primary school L4 or above at key stage 2
Overall Attainment % / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Disadvantage pupils / 69 / 73 / 82
Other pupils / 89 / 92 / 90
Closing the gap / -20 / -19 / -8
Disadvantage pupils / 44 / 64 / 71
Other pupils / 83 / 92 / 83
Closing the gap / -39 / -28 / -12
Disadvantage pupils / 50 / 73 / 76
Other pupils / 86 / 94 / 80
Closing the gap / -36 / -21 / -4
English Grammar, punctuation and Spelling
Disadvantage pupils / 55 / 65
Other pupils / 70 / 71
Closing the gap / -15 / -6
2012-2013 Average point scores Disadvantage pupils
Progress / Reading / Writing / Mathematics
Y111 / 10.1 / 8.0 / 9.6
Y2 21 / 14.0 / 13.0 / 15.1
Y312 / 19.0 / 17.1 / 18.8
Y412 / 19.7 / 19.2 / 20.4
Y518 / 24.4 / 22.4 / 23.9
Y6 11 / 25.4 / 26.5 / 27.0
2013-2014 Average point scores Disadvantage pupils
Progress / Reading / Writing / Mathematics
Y1 9 / 10.4 / 10.3 / 11.2
Y2 11 / 16.5 / 14.1 / 16.1
Y3 21 / 18.8 / 16.9 / 15.6
Y4 12 / 23.2 / 20.8 / 22.9
Y5 12 / 24.7 / 22.0 / 24.3
Y618 / 27.4 / 27.0 / 28.1