Alliance Ouchi ART 1 Class


Course Description

This class is for artists and students that think they just can’t do art at all! Most of this course is based heavily on learning art vocabulary and art production (projects). We are also studying other educational aspects concerning visual art such examining and analyzing artworks, talking about philosophy in art, and critically looking at and improving your skills! Art 1 class is not about possessing a talent in art, it is about building knowledge and skills, forming new appreciations, and creating!

Rules and Interventions: I have zero tolerance for disrespect and discrimination. Failure to abide any of the classroom’s five simple rules and/or Ouchi’s school wide rules will be immediately followed by the necessary interventions. Please refer to the school-wide positive behavior intervention support model as those rules apply in all classrooms at Ouchi.

Rules* / Interventions
·  BE PROMPT: Come to class on time & prepared
·  BE RESPECTFUL: to everyone and everything
·  BE “SKINNY”: No food or gum. Water is ok!
·  BE FOCUSED: Stay on task! No electronic devices (confiscated and turned into office).
·  BE CLEAN: Clean and tidy up after yourself / 1.  Verbal warning/Name written on board
2.  Personal conversation and behavior logged
3.  Extra clean up time after class.
4. Referral conference schedule with parent or guardian

*A further breakdown of the rules will be explained the first day of classes. ALL OUCHI HS WIDE RULES ARE ENFORCED!!!

**If you receive the 2nd intervention this means you earned an after school clean up duty. The cleanup duty is based off classroom needs such as sweeping, wiping tables, emptying trashcans, etc. This choice is up to the teacher discretion after a one-on-one discussion with the student.

***If there is any severe misconduct of the school wide rules some interventions may be bypassed upon teacher discretion.

Rewards: I also reward students for good behavior and participation during class. Rewards may include:

·  Raffle tickets: used for raffles at the end of any grading period for prizes.

·  Raffles will happen at the 10 week and 20 week mark of each semester

Art Money and Supplies:

Unfortunately due to the nature of this course, art class tends to get a little pricey because of the materials needed. A $10 contribution to an insured access to the full range of quality materials is highly encouraged rather than buying your own art materials. Students will not be able to keep art supplies or take the supplies home. Students may also be asked to bring or collect materials as homework such as printed out pictures or recyclables. Although all supplies stay in my class, the created masterpieces at the end are student property to take home!

Required Supplies:

All students are expected to bring the 5 items below everyday to class. These are materials that you must get independently from what I will provide with the art money. Failure to come to class prepared results in deduction in your formative grade.

1.  Two pencils

2.  Big eraser (Pencil cap sizes not acceptable!)

3.  Spiral bound or hardcover sketchbook

4.  Wide or college ruled paper

** Used sketchbooks are available for free, please ask me before I check for sketchbooks.

How You Will Be Graded

Summative/Formative Grading Scale / In Class Grading
A = 3.40 – 4.00
B = 2.70 – 3.39
C = 2.00 – 2.69
NP = 0 – 1.99
Please note: Anything below a C level is considered Not Passing according to Ouchi Policy / 4 Advanced
3 Proficient
2 Basic
1 Non Proficient
0 No attempt, No credit
Z Not turned in
X Excused

Life Skills Grade:

*Attendance: Failure to be fully present and arrive on time greatly impacts your summative grade as well. When you are absent you lose valuable time in the classroom where you can be progressing on a big project. The only way you can catch up on your project is by showing up after school.

Formative Grades:

Formative Grades Count: If you are not proficient in your formative grades it will be very difficult to understand and gain skills for your summative grade! These assignments are to ensure your success in your summative grades. Also note that if your formative grades are not at a B or higher, you cannot submit ANY late assignments.

*Materials and Supplies: Please bring all necessary materials! You will get marked down on your life skills grade if you are missing required supplies.

*Some Class Work: Class work includes Cornell notes done in class, worksheets, practice work that will lead up to the projects. If you miss the work because of an excused absence you must make me aware of it and turn it into me by the end of the week or credit will be lost. Class work can be assigned as homework if it is not completed.

Summative Grades:

*Summative Classwork Assignments: Some classwork may be summative depending on discretion of the teacher depending on student mastery of previously accomplished class work.

*Sketchbook Checks: This is where Do Now(s) and sketches are done. Students are expected to be in their seat, quiet, and working on their Do Now for the first 5-8 mins of every class. Sketches for projects and classwork practice are also included.

*Tests: Tests will be given out based on the element or principle of art learned. These elements and principles of art will be directly connected to the project that we are doing in class. Pop quizzes are subject to be a surprise upon my discretion. Finals will be cumulative of a semester’s work or a final project based on the tests.

*Writing responses: Students will be given writing responses that need to be turned in together with the project. A rubric will be provided and help will be provided for students that need assistance in class and during tutoring.

*Homework: Is assigned periodically depending on the project that we are working on. This may include worksheets that we have not finished during class, extra recyclables we need for a project, printed out pictures for reference, and other small assignments. There will be some times depending on the assignment where homework can be counted as a summative grade!

*Studio Goals: Studio goals are posted at least a week in advance and are meant to keep students on track to finishing their project. Failure to meet these goals by their strict deadlines can affect your grade!

*Projects: Projects are graded solely off a rubric (not talent) in which students are informed of before project is due. You will be taught skills before you are expected to do the projects. Projects are weighted heavier than other summative assignments since weeks are spent on a single project.


SCHOOL WIDE POLICIES: All school-wide policies apply. Please refer to student handbook.

*Clean Up: Keeping my classroom clean is a vital part is running my art classes. Failure to put away materials and clean up properly holds the whole class back until the room is approved by the teacher.

Bathroom Policy: There are three EMERGENCY passes you get that I keep track of. Bathroom break is absolutely not allowed during the first or last 15 mins of class.

Absence and Tardy Policy: I expect you to be working on your Do Now as soon as the tardy bell rings. If you are even a minute late go to the office for a tardy pass. Do Now credit may be lost if you are tardy if you do not do it. If you were absent and need any missed handouts, instructions, or demos it is your responsibility in whether or not you get that handout or information outside of regular class time. If you would like to catch up on a project and you must make up time after school.

Late Work Policy: Tutoring is available specifically for students that are absent or missing work.. Students will be permitted up to 1 PROJECT. I will keep track of how many late projects you might have turned in. Late projects can be turned in only one week after orginal due due. Please note if you do not turn in your projects or if it is incomplete in any way, including missing rubric, it is a zero. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to catch up if you are falling behind.

If you have any direct questions or concerns it is best to contact me by e-mail at:

Keep the first page for your records. After thoroughly reading the syllabus please sign, date, and return this page with the parent email and phone number.

I, (Student’s Name) ______, am aware of what Ms. Zendejas’s class requires and I am fully aware that there rules and consequences to follow.

Student’s Signature:______Date ______

I, (Parent/Guardian’s name) ______, am aware of what Ms. Zendejas’s class requires and I am fully aware that there rules and consequences to follow.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______Date ______

Email and phone number that the PARENT can be best contacted at:

Email (if none write N/A): ______

Primary number: ______

Secondary number: ______

**If you have any comments or concerns about anything (medical, religious holidays, accommodations, etc) I may need to know about your student please write a note below or e-mail me. I am open to your concerns.

Art 1 Class’s Wish List

The success of your student’s and their classmates’ education can be greatly enhanced through donations! Please take a look and donate anything you can! I’ll be happy to take any donations of what you think may be helpful for my class. Please circle it below so I can thank you for it!

Simple items Wish List: I would be extremely grateful if I can get these items for our classroom to make sure my class is sanitary and running smoothly. I will also give you raffle tickets and hero points for donating items!

·  Kleenex/tissue

·  Hand sanitizer

·  Band-aides

·  Black expo markers

·  Old Newspaper

·  Old Magazines

·  Brooms

DONATIONS: Any extra monetary donations are extremely helpful. Please turn in the money to Mr. Aviles in the front office. The students and I am extremely grateful for any support for the arts!