2.1. Administrative structure diagram of the institution

Research and Development National Institute for Metals and Radioactive Resources, has come into being Government Decision H.G.no.537 released on 08.05.2003 and operates according to Government Disposition O.G. no. 57/2002 and Requisition O. no 6/26.01.2011 for the modification and compliment of Government Disposition OG. no. 57/2002 concerning the scientific research and technological development.

Research and Development National Institute for Metals and Radioactive Resources ICPMRR Bucharest (INCDMRR-ICPMRR) represents a Romanian juridical person who works under the authority of Ministry Economy, Commerce and Business Environment according to the annex no.2 of Government Decision H.G. no.1720/30.12.2008, published in Monitorul Oficial al României (Romanian Official Monitor), part. I, no.8/6.I.2009 entitled: “Units subordinated, under the authority or coordinated by Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment”.

INCDMRR – ICPMRR activity is grounded on Organizing and Functioning Regulation (HG nr. 537/2003) respectively on R&D National Institutes’ Organizing and Functioning Frame Regulation (HG nr. 637/2003), OMFP 946/2005 for approval of Internal Control Code, including standards of internal management/control of public entities and for the development of managerial control systems. One states that INCDMRR-ICPMRR is accredited and certified in the quality management -ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO/IEC 27001- and is authorized by CNCAN in the field of research and designing of nuclear objectives.

The institute is organized according to the organizational structure presented in the figure advised by the Administration Council minute on 27.05.2010 and approved by Disposition Ordinul no. 1433/03.08.2010 of Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment.

Figure 2.1.1 . Structure diagram of INCDMRR

The institute is administrated and conducted by:

-  Administration Council.

-  Steering Committee.

-  General Director and President of Administration Council.

-  Scientific Director.

-  Executive Directors (scientific director, technique director, economic director, director CIT – CENTIREM).

Administration Council is constituted of 7 members Romanian citizens, appointed by coordinator ministry’s order, authorized by the state authority of research and development, on the motion of the director of the authority where they come from, for a mandate of 4 years that can be renewed. The administration council must include:

-  The General Director of the institute –president.

-  A representative of Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment.

-  A representative of Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport.

-  A representative of Ministry of Public Finance.

-  A representative of Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection.

-  Scientific Council president.

-  An expert in the institute activity field proposed by Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment.

Administration Council designates by vote the vice-president from its members.

Steering Committee assures the operative conducting of the institute and consists of the general director, the executive directors and the coordinators of the labs and departments of the institute organizational structure.

Steering Committee establishes the necessary concrete actions for objectives accomplishment resulted from:

-  Institute development proposals strategy.

-  Annual research-development program.

-  Annual production program.

-  Investments program.

-  Products (metals and radioactive resources) and specialty services activities quality assurance system.

-  Achievement of the institute assignments stipulated by the collaboration contracts and agreements in the fields of research, production, health survey actions.

-  Expenditures and incomes budget.

Scientific Council represents the highest decisional forum regarding the orientation, coordination and assessment of research-development activity, the strategy and scientific conduct of INCDMRR-ICPMRR. The decisions of the Scientific Council are presented to the Administration Council for their approval and they become its responsibility to implement the elaborated scientific and technological research strategy. Scientific Council of INCDMRR-ICPMRR is consisted of 7 members, representing all the research and technological development activities of the institute. The Members of the Scientific Council are secretly voted by the university educated employees. The Genera Director and the Scientific Director are members of law.

Main attributes of the Scientific Council are as follows:

-the involvement in the elaboration of R&D specific activity development strategy and plans;

-the Annual Scientific Research and Technological Development Program elaboration and subjection to the approval of Administration Council;

- the contribution at the achievement of scientific and technological objectives of the Annual Scientific Research and Technological Development Program;

- the examination and approval of scientific research projects and their achievement;

- to be responsible with and organize the activity of Technical Economical Commission for Analysis and Approval of R&D works and it propose recompenses or sanctions for the people in charge with the accomplishment of the R&D works;

- to propose professional training measures and research staff ranking within the professional grades frame;

- to make suggestions concerning the organization of contests for ranking and promotion of research staff and approves the respective commissions competence;

- to propose the commissions for position promotion contests according to the enforced legislation with respect to the competence limits;

- to organize and coordinate scientific actions;

-to coordinate activity of Internal and International Scientific and Technical Cooperation Compartment;

- to assure conformity to professional ethical principles during the entire R&D activity;

- to approve the granting of scholarships and professional training stages in Romania and abroad;

- to approve the participation proposals at the national and international scientific manifestations and participants funding from institute funds;

- to approve the sponsorship technical-scientific actions (advertising, papers and books, fairs, patent requests, etc.);

- to approve scientific rewarding.

The following compartments are under the General Director’s direct subordination:

1. Juridical Office.

2. Compartment of Strategies Management, International Relationships.

3. Compartment of Internal Audit.

4. Compartment of Quality Management, Radioprotection& Labor Protection.

5. CIT – CENTIREM Technological Information Centre for Mineral Resources.

Those assure the part of organizational management and internal control in respect with the enforced legislation.

Direct participants involved in all the managerial and decisional aspects are the directors of the main directions of the institute, respectively: scientific director, technique director and economic director, who coordinates and controls all three types of activities, by establishing the collaborations on vertical and horizontal level in order to provide the best function of all components of research-development-innovation and administrative system within the institute frame.

The following labs and working points are under the scientific director’s subordination, coordination and control:

- Laboratory of Geo-mining Techniques and Technologies.

- Laboratory of Mineral Resources Processing Techniques and Technologies.

- Laboratory of Environment Protection Techniques and Technologies.

- Laboratory of Radioactive Materials Assay.

- Laboratory of Structural and Chemical Analysis.

- Pilot Station Merisani (in preservation).

Their main assignments could be summarized as follows:

- the achievement of R&D activity based on contract;

- the responsibility with micro-production accomplishment (if is the case) according to the programs established (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.) by the institute directorate;

- the participations at competitions and/or auctions organized by Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport or other economic agents for the accomplishment of R&D and micro-production programs and to those organized by international forums and companies;

- to assure the accomplishment of research studies grounded on contract;

- to accomplish the scientific cooperation actions of the institute with foreign companies;

- to accomplish micro-production using own technologies and installations;

- to substantiate the works necessary to maintain the production capacity of the subunit;

- to elaborate and forward for approval raw material and consumable, spare parts, energy and fuel necessary;

- to substantiate the endowment necessity and supervise after the approval the required equipment or apparatuses purchasing; it is hold responsible with the patrimony integrity preservation;

- to draw up the documentation concerning cassation, preservation, dismantling or sale of actives;

- to make suggestions concerning the needed staff for micro-production and research activity on crafts and appointments, on themes, which correlated with the work volume, has to assure tasks accomplishment;

- to takes the responsibility with the following of labor protection, radioprotection and environmental protection norms correspondent to the subunit.

The following compartments are under the technique director’s subordination, coordination and control:

-  Compartment of Mining Sites Technological Development.

-  Compartment of Mining Sites Closure and Ecological Reconstruction.

-  Compartment of Economical Substantiation, Projects Approvals and Agreements.

-  Compartment of Security Structure, Classified Archive, INFOSEC

The main responsibilities of technical direction are:

- the achievement of R&D activity based on contract;

- the responsibility with production accomplishment according to the programs established by the institute directorate;

- the participations at competitions and/or auctions organized by coordinating ministries or other economic agents for the accomplishment of R&D and micro-production programs and to those organized by international forums and companies;

- assures accomplishment of feasibility studies, drawing up of technical-economical documentations and investments projects grounded on contract;

- to accomplish the scientific cooperation actions of the institute with foreign companies;

- to accomplish micro-production using own technologies and installations;

- to substantiate the endowment necessity and supervise after the approval the required equipment or apparatuses purchasing;

- to secure the existing installations and equipments function according to the technical specifications;

- to be hold responsible with the patrimony integrity preservation;

- to draw up the documentation concerning cassation, preservation, dismantling or sale of actives;

- to configure and implement computer complex network;

- to administrate the licenses for each utilized software by the operating system and the acquisitions in the field;

- to accomplish the replacement of the network equipment;

- to administrate the data basis of the institute if it is necessary.

The following compartments are under the economic director’s subordination, coordination and control:

- Compartment Budget – Finance, Accountability.

- Compartment Technical – Administrative and Provisioning.

- Compartment Contracting and Public Acquisitions.

- Compartment Personnel – Salaries & Professional Training.

- Compartment Archive, Secretariat, Protocol.

The main assignments of economic direction are:

- to substantiate and subject to approval the level of economic-financial indexes, merchandise production, turn-over, financial expenditures, incomes, profit, losses, profitableness, cash flow, reserves, price, etc., follows the framing within the approved quantum and to propose remediation measures in case of their non-accomplishment; after the approval to split up the indexes on subunits and to follow their accomplishment;

- to draw up the budget, the income and expenditure balance annually and quarterly, profit and loses account, financial results and liabilities situation;

- to substantiate the circulating means necessary on the society assembly;

- to supervise the framing of expenditures within the programmed quantum for the society and subunits as well;

- to carry on works, studies, analyses specific for economic activity such as: credits obtaining, cashing of services and works value, payment in due term of society liabilities, compensations, etc;

- to exert the financial and administration control of units and its subunits in respect with the enforced legislation;

- to be involved in the elaboration of the Annual Scientific Research and Technological Development Program for the entire institute in collaboration with the subunits mobilizing in this way all the material, financial and human resources in order to provide an efficient operation of the society;

- to provide the production assignments splitting on subunits and time intervals, and the information of staff concerning the submission forms and documentation submission in due time;

- to assure the R&D program correlation with the other plan sections (investments, etc.);

- to establish the normative plan and rough guide levels, programs substantiation elements in order to submit them to the subunits;

- to draw up prognosis concerning institute economic indexes;

- to supervise the accomplishment of R&D program and to take measures to be respected the contractual deadlines;

- to take responsibility of drawing up and launching of R&D, projects, micro-production contracts of society;

- to secure costs control and framing within the contact value;

- to write invoices according to the contract deadline, based on the annexes (approval minute, internal approval minute, receiving minute, estimate post calculus);

- to grant the preventive financial control visa for all the contracts involving production activity;

- to assure the clearing of all expenditures on themes.


The Research and Development National Institute for Metals and Radioactive Resources – ICPMRR, Bucharest was founded in 2003 according to the GD no. 537/08.05.2003, as Romanian legal person under the authority of the Ministry of Economy.

According to the available legislation, the institute objective is to deploy research activities, technological development and engineering in metals and radioactive resources, participating to elaborate the development strategy and implementation especially the scientific and technological objectives of the National Plan of research-development-innovation, part of the European Research Area (ERA) and also by engineering and consulting activities to solve some concrete problems in the valorization and processing area of the uraniferous resources and other radioactive, rare or precious metals ores.

We are looking back, during 2007 – 2011, with great satisfaction, because all those years meant to us a continuous scientific, technological, economic and social progress. That statement might be considered, under the context of the present economic and financial crisis, optimistic, but it’s motivated by increasing contribution to knowledge through a large number of scientific articles published in reviews and at leading scientific events, major accomplishments, significant investments, services and technologic transfer achieved by our institute.

All that fact is due to the INCDMRR – ICPMRR dedication and determination to accomplish the integration objective in the shortest time in the research European area increasing the competitiveness level, upgrading and maintaining the work quality, enlarging the RDI services range in the field of primary and secondary mineral resources and environmental protection.

The research funds dynamics, in the same period (figure 2.2.1), highlights that, after almost one decade, 2009 is the first year that the governmental authorities don’t launch any national competition for the research projects, affecting the all institutional strategy of development by the „domino effect” in the INCDMRR policies.