Content Area & Arts Discipline: Science, Math, and Music
Overview of the lesson: Observe and describe the change in pitch due to a change in measurement
Grade Level:2
Proposed Time Frame:30-45 minutes
Date Lesson Created:2/25/14
Lesson Author: C. Leigh Gillam
Room Requirements & Arrangement: classroom
Materials/Equipment: (boomwackers, drinking straws, scissors, ruler, tape, rubber- band, pencil, paper)
Vocabulary: (pitch, length, units, centimeters, inches) / BIG IDEA & LEARNING OBJECTIVES
Students will observe and describe various pitches in sound
Students will be able to use standard units to measure objects.
Students will be able to compare the length of an object compared to other
Students will explain the relationship between measurement and sound
List the steps of the lesson by following the outline below:
The teacher/teaching artist will engage students (“the hook”) by:exploring sound with boom-wackers (musical cylinders designed to play a specific note)
The teacher/teaching artist will build knowledge by:recording student observations about the musical instruments; Students will experiment with a ruler, rubber band, and pencil to discover the answer to the essential question: Does measurement affect sound/pitch?
The teacher/teaching artist will model the experience: Steps to make a kazoo out of a plastic straw
The teacher/teaching artist will guide the practice with the students by:building straw instruments and learning how to play the note, shortening the length using a ruler and observe the changes in pitch
The students will apply understanding by:Measuring straws of different lengths to build a pan-pipe that is organized by from lowest pitch to highest pitch and record the measurement of each straw on a chart.
The teacher/teaching artist will create opportunities for reflection (Closing) by: Answering questions related to sound and pitch:
Which straw had the highest pitch? The lowest? What was the difference in length between straw A and straw D? What would we need to do if we wanted to add another straw between straw B and C? How does measurement affect sound?
The teacher/teaching artist will assess the students’ learning by:Informal observation; Formative Assessment- Student measurement/recording sheet
Please list the standards/competencies from the following:
State Content Standards: MATH- 2MD.2 Measure the length of an object twice, using units of different lengths and describe how the measurements are different. 2MD.4 Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another… PHYSICAL SCIENCE- 2g- Identify vibration as the source of sound Arts Standards: Music Connections 9.a Describe various ways people make music
Principles of Universal Design for Learning: Perception 2.5 Illustrate through multiple media; Expressive Skills and Fluency 5.3 Build fluencies with graduated levels of support for practice and performance Engagement 7.2 Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity
Extended Learning Activities:Water volume and pitch; Research into other instruments
Created by the Whole Schools Initiative at the Mississippi Arts Commission