March 9, 2016
The Borough Council met in an Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. and in a regular session at 8:00 p.m. at the William Reinl Recreation Building on the above date with President Short presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and led by President Short.
Council members present: H. Short; C. Maniaci; S. Oropollo;P. Rankin;
S. Durso; S. Urban; M, Corrigan
Council members absent:
Officers present:J. Perks, Asst. Borough Secretary;P. Close, Engineer;
Mayor Hopely;J. McBlain, Solicitor; J. White, Borough Manager
Officers absent:
On a motion made by Councilwoman Rankinseconded by Councilman Maniacithe minutes from the February 10, 2016Council Meeting be accepted as presented and unanimously approved.
Council President Short recognized and presented Mike Xavier with a token of appreciation for this time of service on the Aldan Borough Council.
Mayor Hopely dedicated the month of March “Aldan Townwatch Month”. The Mayor read Proclamation recognizing Townwatch for their service since their start in 1974. The Proclamation was presented to Herb Hayes on behalf of Aldan Townwatch. Mr. Hayes shared with the audience that Townwatch is a volunteer organization that provides additional patrols of the borough and acts as “eyes & ears” for the police. Townwatch is a great way to meet people and form lifelong friendships. The organization will be running a fund drive for donations as well as people interested in joining Townwatch.
Aldan Council along with the Mayor recognized and presented Brennan Sullivan with an award for his honorable achievement of becoming an Eagle Scout. Brennan was accompanied by his parents Trish and Vince Sullivan.
No. 5853
Nothing to report.
Mr. White reminded residents the Boosters are sponsoring the annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 19th on the fields at the end of Bonsall Avenue.
Due to Ms. Quinn’s absence Councilwoman Rankin read the Treasurer’s Report:
General FundState Highway Fund Sewer Fund
Balance of cash on hand$ 247,015.34$ 39,671.20 $ 47,274.43
Receipts for period $ 115,063.91$ .76 $ 42,422.56
Expenditures Last Month$ (134,037.86)$ (6,492.49) $
Loan from Reserve$ $$( 1,300.25)
Ending Balance$ 228,085.39 $ 33,719.47 $ 88,396.74
Councilwoman Rankin asked for council’s approval to release checks from the following funds; from the general fund checks totaling $128,859.84, from the state highway fund totaling $6,552.26, and from the sewer fund totaling $78.75.
Councilwoman Rankin made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to pay the bills, seconded by Councilman Maniaci and unanimously approved.
Mr. McBlain reported on two properties that have had previous issues with delinquencies or nuisancefees. The property 124 Springfield Road owes approximately $3500 in delinquent trash and sewer fees and we have been contacted by a title company asking for payoff for this property so hopefully we will be collecting those fees shortly. The second property 207 E Maryland Avenue has a lien filed by the borough for approximately $1000 for nuisance issues pertaining to property maintenance, this is a vacant property that is scheduled for Sheriffs sale this month so once the property is taken over we will collect the lien.
Mr. McBlain informed council and residents of the order received from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court eliminating Aldan and Clifton Heights from District Court 32-1-26 and consolidating with Judge Kelly Micozzie’s court 32-2-52 effective January 1, 2017. This change will be more convenient for our officers due to the closer proximity of the courts location. Until the consolidation cases will continue to be heard by senior judges at the current District Court 32-1-26.
The borough is preparingan ordinance in the coming months which is expected to be adopted dealing with the extension of Aldan’s participation with the Delaware County Solid WasteAuthority. All municipalities in Delaware County originally made a 25 year commitment and that period is approaching its end and the Solid Waste Authority is looking to renew those commitments.
No. 5854
Tom Morse, tax collector asked Mr. McBlain, regarding 124 Springfield Road, if the property is transferred does that cancel out the scheduled judicial tax sale. Mr. McBlain responded that it would be the case if the property was purchased before the scheduled May judicial tax sale date.
Mr. Morse confirmed with the Mr. McBlain that all previous open liens have been transferred over from the prior solicitor.
Mr. Close reported relative to 2016 Road Program the county aid application was submitted on February 11th for this year and carry over from last year. A meeting will be set in the near future to select roads for repair.
Secondly, a visit was made to a resident on Aldan Avenue who was having some issues with standing water and some suggestions were discussed that they can consider remedy the problem. Lastly, relative to the MS4 storm water permit program, we are required to submit a biannual progress report which is due in May and work will begin to complete the report for the May deadline.
Dan Procopio (Aldan Avenue) asked the Aldan Avenue address where the visit occurred for the water issues; Mr. Close answered 313 Aldan Avenue.
Councilman Durso reported on upcoming events; Children’s Dental Access Program, the program provides free dental care to children and teenagers, in order to participate you need to call to make an appointment, flyers are available after the meeting with additional information. On Saturday April 30th we will hold the National Drug Take Back Day for prescription drugs at the municipal building, on the same day the Boosters will hold their annual plant sale at the municipal building.
Waste totals for the month of February were 120.11tons.
Carol Murray (Woodlawn Avenue) addressed council regarding the recycle waste blowing around on Woodlawn Avenue and her concern with the trolley and a possible safety hazard.
Mr. Durso suggested he call Suburban Waste to see if they could collect Woodlawn Avenue first on their route to alleviate the time the waste is sitting out and potential of blowing around.
Councilman Maniaci reported on a small snow event that occurred for a total of $924.
Mr. Maniaci noted the Aldan Boys Club basketball is doing very well this season, the 12-14B team collected a championship trophy, and the remaining teams are all in the semi-finals.
Councilman Oropollo announced he and the borough manager will be out during Easter week looking at roads and sewer drains to note any issues that need to be monitored or addressed.
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Dan Procopio asked which section of town they will be looking at during Easter week; Mr. Oropollo answered Oak Ave. to Springfield Road, Providence Road to Rively Ave.
Councilwoman Rankin announced the tax collector will be at the municipal building for the remaining Monday evenings in March for collection of taxes.
Dan Procopio asked the councilwoman if she had the reserve fund balances, Ms. Rankin reported the following balances, general fund $201,509.25, sewer reserve $435,557.29, police capital reserve $1,701.38.
Councilwoman Corrigan reported on the Fire Marshalls findings; for the month of February there were 8 fire call responses as well as 37 ambulance and paramedics calls in the borough. January’s report consists of 9 fire calls, one being Giant which has significant damages reported at $90,000 damages on contents and $40,000 damages to the building. Ambulance and paramedics responded to 28 calls in the borough in January.
Councilwoman Urban reported there were 10 building permits issued in the month of Februarywith a total construction value of $47,283. Fourteen transfer and mid-term inspections were made by the residential inspectorand the plumbing inspector issued 2 permits in Februarywith a total construction value being $2,195.
President Short reported Caucus will be Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. at the Municipal Building. Council will meet Wednesday, April 13,2016 at 7:30 PM for Executive Session and General Meeting starting at 8:00 PM at the William Reinl Recreation Building.
Dan Procopio noted the rain date for the Easter Egg Hunt is March 26th. Mr. Procopio on behalf of the Boosters thanked John White and Jennifer Perks for their help with copying all the flyers printed for the various events sponsored by the Boosters and other organizations in the borough.
Carol Murray presented a bag of broken concrete she picked up from Woodlawn Avenue that is breaking up from the new concrete poured during the Septa project on south Woodlawn Avenue. Mr. Short assured Ms. Murray that the project is not closed and the borough will be addressing the maintenance and deficiency issues with Septa.
No. 5856
Bill McNally (Willows Lane) thanked John White for getting the lights repaired on Willows Lane. Mr. McNally asked if the traffic lights on Springfield Rd and Maryland Avenue will continue to be a double light, John White responded that there have been a few calls regarding the timing of the lights since the update and John will monitor the lights for a day and contact PennDOT to address the issue.
Jerry Springer (W. Wayne Avenue) asked if we are trading in the two old police cars, John White updated that the cars have been sold to Darby Borough.
On a motion made by Councilwoman Rankinand seconded by Councilman Durso, unanimously approved, the regular meeting of the Borough Council was adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Jennifer Perks
Asst. Borough Secretary