HTH 590
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Non-General Fund Information
Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division
Hawaii State Department of Health Healthy Hawaii Initiative
1.Hawaii State Department of Health Healthy Hawaii Initiative
a.Diabetes Prevention and Control Program: Address the prevention of diabetes and its complications, with a focus on reducing disparities among high-risk populations, through collaboration with state diabetes health system partners.
b.Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program: Develop state tracking system for and develop population-based interventions for the prevention of heart disease and stroke.
c.Obesity and Associated Risk Factors- Nutrition and Physical Activity: Improve healthful eating, and physical activity to prevent obesity and other chronic diseases by implementing population-based strategies and interventions.
d.School Health: Promote the adoption of policies and systems changes in the school setting to increase healthy eating and physical activity.
1.Hawaii State Department of Health Healthy Hawaii Initiative: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
- Hawaii State Department of Health Healthy Hawaii Initiative: Basic and Plus Grant from the CDC funding provides for the four program areas to work across the seven strategies below to promote:
- Adoptionand implementation of food service guidelines/nutrition standards, which include sodium reduction.
- Adoption of physical education/physical activity in schools.
- Adoption of physical activity in early child care and education and worksites.
- Reporting of blood pressure and A1C measures; and initiate activities that promote clinical innovations, team-based care, and self-monitoring of blood pressure.
- Awareness of high blood pressure among patients.
- Awareness of pre-diabetes among people at high risk for type 2 diabetes.
- Participation in American Diabetes Association-recognized, American Association of Diabetes Educator-accredited, state-accredited/certified, and/or Stanford licensed Diabetes Self-Management Education programs.
- Creation of supportive nutrition environments in schools.
- Implementation of quality improvement processes in health systems.
- Use of team-based care in health systems.
- Use of diabetes self-management programs in community settings.
- Use of lifestyle intervention programs in community settings for primary prevention of type 2 diabetes.