Administrator’s note:
Thanks to everyone who came out to the Egg and I fundraiser. We appreciate your support.
Don’t forget each Friday we are having “CCS Spirit Days”. This Friday (9/21) is “Summer Day” to welcome the first day of Autumn – wear your Hawaiian shirts and bright clothes and shorts! Friday (9/28) will be “Patriotic Day” – wear red, white and blue.
The “Love Liner” dinner theater is that evening – a Patriotic-themed dinner “cruise” on the “Love Liner”. That is our next big fundraiser. We hope you come out for an evening of dinner and entertainment. Please pre-purchase your tickets at the office soon!
Mrs. Childs
When you are picking up your student after school, if you find you have to wait, please pull into a parking space to permit traffic to flow.
We appreciate your help with this.
Remember tuition is due the first of each month through May 1. Late fees are added after the 10th of the month.
Upcoming Events/ Holidays:
Thursday, October 4 will be the annual History Fair in the gym from 5 to 8 p.m. Come by and see what all our students have been doing in their history classes.
There will be a teacher work day and parent teacher conferences on Friday, October 5, followed by our Fall Break from Monday, October 8 through Friday, October 12.
Fridays – Early Release
Don’t Forget, each Friday is early release at 11:15 for all students. “Friday Afternoon Club”, FAC, is for those students whose parent work and cannot pick students up until later in the day.
If you cannot pick your student up, we appreciate your reservation so we can plan accordingly.
FAC will be in Mrs. DuCray’s room. They will need to bring their lunch!
The cost for this is included in your tuition. However, if you don’t pick up your student by 3:30,
day care costs will be incurred.
Thank you for only
using FAC when needed!
Check out our website for all the details about the 2012/2013 school year: christiancommunityschoolsgj
September 17, 2012
May the words of my mouth… be pleasing in your sight, O Lord!
Psalm 19:14
Happy Birthday -
To everyone born in September!
On Going Fundraisers
· Use SchoolMall for your online purchases. Christian Community Schools gets a percent back.
· Bring in your used ink cartridges. Planet Green recycles them and makes a donation to the school.
· Let the office know your City Market Value Card number – they make a donation to the school each time you use your card!
· Bring your BoxTops and your Coca Cola points into the office. We send them in regularly.
Fan Cloth Fundraiser
Falcon gear orders from the Fan Cloth catalog have been sent out. If you didn’t get to order, we will do it again just before the holidays.
Junior Varsity (5th through 8th grade) practices are Monday and Wednesday after school from 3:30 to 5:00 and Tuesday and Thursday during school elective from 2:00 to 3:15.
Varsity (9th through 12th grade) practices are Monday and Wednesday during school elective from 2:00 to 3:15 and Tuesday and Thursday after school from 3:30 to 6:00.
THERE WILL BE NO PRACTICE THIS FRIDAY, September 21. All students will be released at 11:15 a.m.
NEXT Games:
CCS Junior Varsity team will scrimmage Caprock on Monday, September 17, at 5:30 and 6:30 here at CCS.
Varsity A will play Varsity B team at 2:00 on Wednesday, September 19, here in the gym. Come join the entire school for this fun game!
Thursday, September 20, JV will play Messiah at 4:00 here, followed by Varsity B vs. Life at 6:00. Then, Varsity A will go to Bookcliff Activity Center to play Grand Junction Home School at 8:00 p.m.
Upcoming Events:
Friday, 9/28
“Love Liner”
Interactive Dinner Theater
6:30 p.m.
Reservations required.
Purchase Tickets in the office by September 25 –
$40 - Family Pass (those living in your household!)
$25 - Dinner for 2
$15 - 13 and older
$5 – 6 to 12 years
Free – 5 and under
Great evening of family fun!
This Fundraiser supports CCS.