Postgraduate Taught Committee

March 13th, 2014

12:30, Room 534


Attendees; Prof. Denis Mareschal [Chair], Prof. Rick Cooper, Dr Eddy Davelaar, Dr Iroise Dumontheil, Dr Natasha Kirkham, Dr Anne Miles, Naomi Adams, Rasa Striukaite, Francesca Carter [minutes]

1.  Apologies

Prof. Matthew Longo

2.  Welcome new members

The Committee welcomed new members Dr Natasha Kirkham and Rasa Striukaite.

3.  Approval of previous minutes and matters arising

3.1.  Dissertation Mark sheet

FC sent current mark sheet to module leaders. Module Leaders would like clarification on what needs to be updated.

3.2.  Allocation of PG Markers

A clear allocation of markers for postgraduate modules was created and distributed to the department. This is now working well.

4.  Admissions overview

Rasa Striukaite updated the Committee on current recruitment numbers as below.

CC / CNN / DS / EN / PRM / MRes Func. NI / MRes Psych / MPSY
MSc / MA / MSc / MA / MSc / MA / MSc / MSc / Mres / Mres / MSc
FY / MSc 1Y / PG Dip FY / PG Dip 1Y
Unconditional / 2 / 1 / 4 / - / 2 / 2 / 4 / 1 / - / - / 6 / 1 / 4 / 1
Accepted / 2 / 1 / 3 / - / - / 2 / 2 / 1 / - / - / 3 / - / 1 / -
Conditional / 1 / - / 13 / 1 / 2 / - / 6 / - / - / - / 4 / - / 2 / -
Accepted / - / - / 4 / - / 2 / - / 6 / - / - / - / 1 / - / 1 / -

DM confirmed that these numbers are comparable to last year’s figures. He encouraged Admission’s Tutors and Administrators to keep growing recruitment numbers by replying to applications quickly by maintaining the standard entry requirements (2:1 Honours degree and 7.0 IELTS with at least 7.0 in writing sub-test)

ED reported that the changes to the MSc Psychological research methods course to allow specialisation may have the effect at increasing recruitment for the other master’s courses because it makes applicants think about what specialisation they would like to take.

RC reported that information was distributed to Admissions Tutors regarding a pre-sessional module for postgraduate students to improve their IELTS score. The Committee agreed that this should only be offered in special circumstances. Applicants should meet entry requirements before commencing the course due to the high level of English writing required for the courses.

5.  Curriculum Review

5.1.  Module and Course Amendments

DM reported that all module and course amendments put forward were submitted to the College Board. They are as follows;

·  Change of module title from Contemporary Psychological Research 2: Methods and Practices to Contemporary Psychological Research. This is necessary since Contemporary Psychological Research 1 no longer exists.

·  Replacing an existing 2 term 30 credit Matlab module with 2 1 term 15 credit Matlab modules, the first introductory and the second more advanced. This will enable us to offer the introductory portion to a greater range of programmes. We therefore need to create these two 15 credit modules.

·  Reconfiguration of the overall curriculum of the Masters in Psychological Research Methods. This programme was initially created in response to research council requirements for pre-PhD level methods training. These requirements are no longer relevant and the existing programme has seen a dramatic fall in numbers. In response to this, we propose a new curriculum that (1) maintains the core research methods training, and (2) offers more flexible optional choices for students, and (3) has no programme specific module, consequently reducing the overall teaching cost of the programme. This change has been approved by our external examiner.

5.2.  Timetable Review

FC asked the Committee to approve the proposed timetables for 2014/15. All were approved apart from the change to Case Studies in Computational Modelling. DM, ED and RC to discuss this change and inform FC of what was agreed post meeting.

POST MEETING: It was agreed that Case Studies in Computational Modelling should be moved to term 2 and Advanced MatLab module timing changed to accommodate.

5.3.  Feedback on dissertations

FC asked the Committee to agree on a policy for dissertation feedback. The Committee agreed that students should receive anonymised feedbacks from their dissertation with final marks removed.

ACTION: Dissertation Module Leaders should remind markers that feedback will be given to students.

5.4.  Proposal for electronic feedback

FC and RS proposed that feedback is now returned via email to students since all feedback is now completed and returned electronically by markers. This would make the process more efficient and reduce paper waste. The Committee agreed to feedback being returned in PDF format via email to students.

5.5.  Enriching module information on BBK website

The Committee agreed that the module information on the website should be updated using the Module Handbooks. An illustrative reading list should be used.

ACTION: Administrators to update module information using Module Handbooks. Course Directors to liaise with Module Leaders for confirm recommended readings.

6.  Arrangements for Francesca’s leave

NA to co-ordinate and oversee FC duties with new member of staff. FC has provided the following list of duties upcoming;

·  Admissions – PhD and continue to support Rasa with MSc

·  Enrolment

·  Welcome letters

·  Handbooks

·  Setting submission deadlines

·  Confirming room bookings

·  Processing all coursework and preparing for June meeting

·  Organise Mit Circs meeting

·  Check module diets

7.  Input from Student Representative

It was noted that the next staff student exchange meeting is to be held on 21st March.

ACTION: DM to report back to PG Taught Committee at next meeting.

8.  Podcasts

DM reported that Roz Dixon put together some promotional podcasts for the UG courses. There will also be 2 promoting Developmental Sciences and Educational Neuroscience to be done my DM and ID respectively. These will be put on the department website for prospective students.

NK suggested that some promotional activities are targeted towards non-developmental PG courses.

9.  June Meeting

DM reminded the Committee that it was agreed that a meeting would be held in June to discuss re-assessments for any students that have failed modules. It was confirmed that only Course Directors that have students that have failed modules need attend. This meeting should be held the third week of June.

ACTION: FC/RS to organise meeting

10.  Date of Exam Board

DM confirmed that the date of the joint masters exam board is Friday 19th September 2014 for

MRes courses, Developmental Sciences, Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology, cognition and Computation and Psychological Research Methods.

AM explained that the MSc/PG Diploma Psychology course would again have two exam boards, one for finalists and one for continuing students, to aid with progression.

It was confirmed that the Mitigating Circumstances and next PG Taught Committee should be in early September.

11.  Research Design and Critical Analysis

ID raised concerns over the increase to marking to this module for 2014/15 as MSc Psychology students will be taking the module. DM confirmed this will be taken into consideration when marking allocation is decided.

12.  Date of next meeting

September 2014