Elijah and Zadok Unite
A Study on Separation and Set-Apartness
Revelation 22:11-14: “He who does wrong, let him do more wrong; he who is filthy, let him be more filthy; he who is righteous, let him be more righteous; he who is set-apart, let him be more set-apart. Behold, I am coming speedily and My reward is with Me, to give to each according to his work. I am the `Aleph’ and the `Tav’, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the Tree of
Life, and to enter into the gates of the City.”
“And you shall set yourselves apart, and shall be set-apart, for I am Yahuweh (the Father) your Elohim (God), and you shall guard My laws and do them. I am Yahuweh, who sets you apart”. Leviticus 20:7-8
“He who believes in the Son possesses everlasting life, but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Elohim remains on him”. John 3:36
This is a study on set-apartness and separation unto the Father and Messiah. I also have done an extensive study just about the “fear of Yahuweh”. If we are set-apart and pure unto Yahuweh, then there is a natural fear of displeasing Him that comes with it. We know the bottom line is this: “The fear of Yahuweh is the beginning of wisdom”.
I have studied and taught on the end times since the 1960’s. I taught classes on end-time prophecy at my church in Ft. Worth, Texas in the early 1990’s. For these classes, I studied many hours a day. I investigated every area of the end-times, not only from the Word, but also from world politics, economics, and the shadow government that rules our world. I had shocking information every week, and even the Pastor attended the classes enthusiastically.
After years of giving out information, I was in an evening service at the church. It was a communion service and everyone was kneeling. With a broken heart, I said to the Father: “I’ve given them everything I know to give them. Now, what do You want me to teach them?” I didn’t expect what happened next, but He spoke to me in an audible voice—the strong, powerful voice of the Father: “PREPARE MY PEOPLE FOR TABERNACLES”.
I’d taught on the seven appointments of Yahuweh, from Leviticus 23, since 1963, so I knew what He meant. He was telling me to stop being an information peddler and start preparing the people for the 1,000-year reign of Messiah on the earth—the time when He would “tabernacle” with man.
In John 1:14 we read that He took flesh so that He could tabernacle among us. He came to us during this Feast time from the 15th of the month of Tishre
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(September/October), to fulfill the first part of the prophecies of the Messiah
--the Messiah ben (son of) Yoseph—the “suffering servant” of Isaiah 53, Daniel 9:26, Psalm 22, and other passages.
Now, He is preparing to come as Messiah ben (son of) David, the conquering King, the “Lion of the tribe of Judah”, and rule and reign for 1,000 years. He will rule with a rod of iron, and His headquarters will be Jerusalem.
Since the early 1990’s my focus has been to prepare His people for His coming as King of Kings. This article, like all my articles and teaching, is designed to prepare a remnant of people who have as their goal, Revelation 22:4—to spend eternity in His presence, as a Bride would live with her Bridegroom.
In Revelation 11 we read about two powerful witnesses who will come and defy the anti-messiah (a lawless world ruler that comes “in the place of” Messiah, a counterfeit) for 3 ½ years. He is called “the lawless one”, the “beast”, the “man of sin”, the “idle or worthless shepherd” and by other names. He is called “lawless” not because he has no laws or rules by which to rule from, but because he is lawless in regards to the Torah (the Instructions and Teachings) of Israel’s Elohim –Yahuweh, the Father. He works to fulfill the dream of Lucifer-- Satan under the deception of “the illumined one”, “the light bearer”, the “shining one”)--which is to destroy everything of Yahuweh and His Kingdom.
We know from several Scriptures that one of the two witnesses is the prophet Eliyahu (Elijah). (Eliyahu means: “My Elohim is Yahuweh”.) Scriptural indications are that the other one is Moses. (Revelation 11:3-19; Matthew 17:3)
But, there are two forerunning companies of set-apart people now in the earth, which include the famous 144,000. Some in these companies will be martyred for His sake. There is the martyred remnant, and the remnant that is marked, and is alive when He comes. There is a group who is like Stephen (Acts 6:7-8:2), and there is a group like Enoch and Elijah who will never die. In Revelation 2 and 3 there are messages from Yahushua to seven congregations of believers—seven assemblies. The message to Smyrna is a message to the martyred ones. The message to the assembly at Philadelphia is a message to the Bridal remnant that is marked for preservation.
He has always dealt with a remnant of His people. Therefore in any situation, I always pray for the remnant to come out of bondage and be restored to Yahuweh and His Torah. That was why Messiah came, to draw out the “few”, who would enter the narrow gate, and walk the narrow path to life. (Matthew 7) He never came to establish some huge monolithic religion, but to bring back—redeem—the “lost sheep of the house of Israel”, so that He could unite all the tribes of Jacob together in these last days. This is a major theme of the whole Bible.
Basically, the Eliyahu Company is to fulfill Malachi 4:5-6—to restore the house of Israel back to the fathers—Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Eliyahu was a prophet to the house of Israel—the 10 northern tribes of Jacob who lived north of Jerusalem
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(also called the “house of Ephraim, or the house of Joseph). For more information on this, please ask for my article: Who are the Ten?
The Eliyahu Company calls out to the whole body of Messiah, with a strong message of repentance, and choosing sides. In I Kings 17 and 18, we read about Eliyahu and about the contest on Mt. Carmel.
I Kings 18:21: “And Eliyahu came to all the people, and said, `How long would you keep hopping between two opinions? If Yahuweh is Elohim, follow Him; and if Baal, follow him”. (Baal was a pagan sun god, who is still worshipped in “hidden” ways by most of the world’s people.) Eliyahu was called to the northern “house of Israel”, to call them to repentance and return to faithfulness to Yahuweh. They had not totally rejected Yahuweh as their Elohim, they had just added the worship of other gods to their made-up religion. They changed the set-apart day of worship, the days of the Festivals of Yahuweh, worshipped idols, and had a different priesthood. But, their worship of pagan things, mixed with the worship of Yahuweh, eventually led them further and further away from Yahuweh, until they also practiced child sacrifice to the gods.
The end-time spirit of Eliyahu will call them back to the pure worship of Yahuweh, demanding that they let go of everything that is a mixture with paganism.
The northern ten tribes began to scatter themselves from approximately 1,000BCE to set up colonies on their own. By the time Assyria came in capture and scatter the northern tribes (722BCE), there were only three tribes intact. In all of their scattering, on their own and by Assyria, they basically went to the north and then to the west, and then into all nations on earth.
Many nations in which they settled in great numbers, later on became “Christianized nations”. The end-time company of Eliyahu will call the Christians out of their pagan-based religious system, started by the Greeks and Romans, back to the Father and His Torah. That is what Messiah meant when He told His Apostles to only go to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel”. He came primarily to restore Israel back to the Father and covenant relationship with Him. In Matthew 15:24, He says: “I was not sent, except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”.
Eliyahu was a prophet to the northern 10 tribes. His forerunning company also concentrates of the “lost sheep” to tell them who they are, and how to return. It is the call for the “prodigal son to come home”—to leave the pigpen and return to the Father, His Torah, and the one fold of the Messiah of Israel.
Moses (Moshe) was a Kohathite--a Levite in the clan of Levi’s son, Kohath. From Kohath came the High Priests (Cohenim)--beginning with Aaron, Moshe’s brother. To the Kohathites was given the responsibility to take care of the most set-apart things of the Tabernacle and Temple. Thus, Moses (Moshe) represented
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the southern Kingdom of Judah, which was comprised of Judah, the Levites (the priestly tribe) and the little remnant of the tribe of Benjamin. Moses was also a prophet also, as was Eliyahu. These two--Eliyahu and Moshe--represent the whole house of Jacob—the two houses of Israel and Judah combined.
Note: The Father changed Jacob’s name to Israel. (Genesis 32:24-30 and 35:10-12) Jacob—Israel--in prophesying over Joseph’s two sons, in Genesis 48, prophecies that Ephraim, the younger son, would take the birthright (since the first born Reuben “defiled his father’s bed”), and be a company of nations, and the older son, Manasseh would also be a great nation. Jacob also said that his name would be “called upon Ephraim”—this is why the birthright holder Ephraim, being the chief of the northern tribes, became the leader of what was known as the “house of Israel”—or the “house of Ephraim”. Judah was given the “scepter” of rule until Messiah (called Shiloh) came to rule over the earth. The southern tribes were led by Judah--the “lawgiver”. (Genesis 49:10)
There were not two houses until after the death of Solomon, and the Kingdom of Israel was divided into two parts—the northern and the southern kingdoms. Today, as part of a process to fulfill Scripture, which began around the late 1800’s, Yahuweh is restoring the two houses into one fold again. Read carefully Ezekiel 37:15-28—this is a sovereign act of the Spirit of Yahuweh.
From the line of Aaron, came the High Priest Zadok, in the days of King David and Solomon. In Numbers 25:1-13, we read about Phinehas--a grandson of Aaron--who saved the Israelite people from Yahuweh’s wrath, by a daring act of zeal. Therefore, Yahuweh said he would have an eternal priesthood. Zadok came from the lineage of Phinehas. When our covenant-keeping Father says something is eternal, it is eternal. He doesn’t not change His mind, nor break His end of the covenant. Even though man breaks his end of the covenant, Yahuweh is not a man. (See Jeremiah 33:14-26)
Today, by DNA testing, scientists have located a special chromosome in the DNA of Levite males, which can trace their lineage back to Aaron. Many of this new breed of Kohanim (Cohens) are being trained in the ways of the Temple, and are ready for the Third Temple under Messiah.
There is a natural, flesh and blood line of Kohenim, and there is a spiritual company of Kohenim of the Zadok-type. In Ezekiel 44:15-24 we read about the Zadok Priesthood, which will be restored in our day. This is the natural priesthood that Ezekiel is talking about. But, there is the spiritual counterpart, which is now forerunning the natural ones, as well as the witness representing them.
Eliyahu drew the line in the sand--the plumb-line of truth--and demanded that people get on one side or the other. The High Priest, Zadok, and his son, were faithful to David and Solomon when the other clan of Levites was not faithful. Therefore, the Zadok priesthood stands for the faithful ones who won’t
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compromise for any reason. The company of Zadok concentrates on the remnant that is being set-apart to instruct them in Yahuweh’s right rulings.
So while the end-time company of Eliyahu is restoring the children of Yahuweh to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as per Malachi 4:4-5, the end-time
company of Zadok is teaching the restored children the basics of the Kingdom, as per Ezekiel 44:23.
Ezekiel 44:15-24 give a basic outline of the nature and duties of the end-time Kohathites. But, in verses 23-24, we read their prime responsibility to their spiritual ministry: “They are to teach My people the difference between the set-apart and the profane (common) and make them know what is unclean and clean…And they are to guard My Torot (plural of Torah, meaning teachings and instructions), and My laws in all My appointed festivals and set-apart My Sabbaths”. (Italics mine)
Thus the two companies today are to take the two aspects of the ministry of Eliyahu and Zadok, and combine them to prepare His people for Tabernacles—the last great Festival of His appointed times. They are the
forerunners of the witnesses, the 144,000--the Bridal remnant--and of the Messiah Himself.
(Note: If you want thorough information on Zadok, please ask for my two articles: The Zadok Priesthood, and The Zadok Priesthood Part II—Correct Intercession and Spiritual Warfare in the Garments of the High Priest.)
The two companies are merging now. In the early 1990’s the Eliyahu Company began to be noticed on the earth. Around 2003, the Zadok Company began to be apparent, even though prophecy about them began around 1990.
Now, the two are merging, because their messages are merging: Come out from the Luciferic world system, be separate and set-apart unto Yahuweh, and “touch not the unclean thing”—the defiled, the profane.
In this study, I will give you many of the Scriptures, as I usually do, on the subject of defilement and the fear of Yahuweh. Without the fear of Yahuweh, no one cares if they are defiled or not. Yahuweh has absolutes. Yahuweh has boundaries. Yahuweh has right-rulings to be a part of His Kingdom. Yahushua came to expand and to magnify those requirements, from just laws to be obeyed by outward action, to righteous acts of obedience from a loving heart (Jeremiah 31:31-34). Therefore, we are either law-abiding citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven, or we are lawless rebels.