Site Use Checklists


Revision Draft

May11, 2010

By: Mark Holthaus

Revision Status
Revision Letter / Date / Authority / Description
Draft / 05/11/2010 / M. Holthaus / Draft Release


Common Checklist

Camping Checklist

Solid Motor Fabrication

Static Firing Checklist

Launch Checklist

Liability Waiver

Common Checklist

Read and sign the Liability Wavier before you get to the site.
Do not bring fireworks, guns, or explosives with you.
If you plan to drive, make sure your vehicle is capable of driving on rough roads. Normal passenger cars can easily make it to the site. Check to make sure oil and radiator fluids are full. Make sure your tires are in good condition and properly inflated.
Drive carefully. The road to the site is narrow dirt and gravel with many bumps, rocks, and turns.
Drive slowly past the ranch houses at the end of Munsey Road to reduce dust clouds. Watch for large holes in the road.
Allow faster vehicles and vehicles going the opposite direction to pass. Pull off to the side of the road to allow them to pass.
Wear proper clothing for the weather. Dress in layers.
  • Summer dress: light weight and light colored clothes (hot during the day, hot at night)
  • Winter dress: light clothes during the day and warm clothes at night (hot during day and cold at night)

Wear heavy soled shoes or boots.
Wear a wide brim hat of cap.
Wear sunglasses.
Use sunscreen.
Drink plenty of water. The desert is dry year-round and will dehydrate you.
Bring your own food and drink.
Bring your own toilet paper.
Always follow the instructions from the pyrotechnic operator. The pyrotechnic operator is there to assure your safety.
Ask the pyrotechnic operator to make sure it is okay to take video or photographs of activities.
Be wary of snakes, spiders, and scorpions.
Do not touch or pick up the desert tortoise.
Pick up after your dog.
Make sure you give your dog plenty of water and shade.
Bring trash bags for your trash.
Do not dump food on the ground.
Do not litter. Do not allow any items such as paper, wrappers, cups, plastic bottles, boxes, etc. to blow around the site. Place all trash in your trash bag.
Clean up your mess before you leave.
Pick up your trash and take it home with you.
Take all worn-out, broken, or burned personal items home with you when you leave.
In the event of a fire, venomous bite, injury, or death; CALL 911.

Camping Checklist

Wear proper clothing for the weather. Dress in layers.
  • Summer dress: light weight and light colored clothes (hot during the day, hot at night).
  • Winter dress: light clothes during the day and warm clothes at night (hot during day and cold at night)

Bring a tent with a floor to sleep in or a cot to sleep on. (We do not advise sleeping on the ground.)
Bring a sleeping bag and blankets appropriate for the weather.
Bring plenty of water for drinking and washing.
Bring your own food and drink.
Bring your own cooking utensils.
Bring your own toilet paper.
Bring your own flashlight.
Bring your own fire wood and matches.
Bring your own trash bags.
Build fires only in the fire pit.
Get permission to burn wood found around the site.
Do not throw glass or plastic bottles and cans into the camp fire.
Cook only on a camp stove or on a barbeque grill.
Do not dump food on the ground.
Quiet-hours are between 11:00 pm and 6:00 am.
Do not litter. Do not allow items such as paper, wrappers, cups, plastic bottles, boxes, etc. to blow around the site. Place all trash in your trash bag.
Pick up your trash and take it home with you.
Do not leave any worn-out, broken, or burned camping equipment at the site.
Clean up your mess before you leave.

Solid Motor Fabrication

Coordinate with the pyrotechnic operator 1-week before going to the site to make the rocket motor.
Have the appropriate pyrotechnic operator present for the motor fabrication.
Follow the FAR procedures and checklists for rocket motor fabrication.
Bring your own tools.
Bring your own preparation equipment.
Bring your own chemicals.
Clean all tools and equipment.
Do not dump any chemicals on the ground.
Burn all scraps and chemical residue in the burn pit.
Replace any borrowed items or hardware.
Return all borrowed tools and equipment.
Clean up your mess before you leave.
Pick up your trash and take it home with you.
Get permission to leave anything at the test site.
Complete motors can be stored in the explosives magazine.
In the event of a fire or explosion resulting in injury or death, call 911.

Static Firing Checklist

Coordinate with the pyrotechnic operator 1-week before the firing.
Follow the FAR procedures and checklists for rocket motor static firing.
Have the appropriate pyrotechnic operator present for the static firing.
Follow the directions of the pyrotechnics operator.
Bring your own motors.
Bring your own test stand.
Bring your own propellants.
Bring your own tools.
Bring your own ground support equipment.
Bring spare parts.
Have the appropriate explosives permit for handling electric matches, igniters and black powder.
Get permission to leave anything at the test site.
Do not dump unused propellants on the ground.
Replace any borrowed items or hardware.
Return all borrowed tools and equipment.
Take all spent, damaged, or destroyed rockets, motors and test equipment home with you.
Clean up your mess before you leave.
In the event of a fire or explosion resulting in injury or death, call 911.

Launch Checklist

Coordinate with the pyrotechnic operator 1-week before the launch.
Follow the FAR procedures and checklists rocket launches.
Have the appropriate pyrotechnic operator present for the launch.
Bring your own rocket.
Bring your own motors.
Bring your own tools.
Bring your own launcher.
Bring your own propellants.
Bring your own ignition system.
Bring your own ground support equipment.
Bring spare parts.
Have the appropriate explosives permit for handling electric matches, igniters, and black powder.
Get permission to leave anything at the test site.
Do not dump unused propellants on the ground.
Replace any borrowed items or hardware.
Return all barrowed tools and equipment.
Take all spent, damaged, or destroyed rockets, motors and test equipment home with you.
Clean up your mess if the rocket impacts the ground.
In the event of a fire or explosion resulting in property damage, injury, or death; call 911.

Liability Waiver

_____* I, the undersigned, understand that handling propellants, handling pyrotechnic devices, casting rocket motors, testing rocket motors, launching rockets, and ALL activities in the desert are DANGEROUS and that these activities could possibly result in my ILLNESS, INJURY, or DEATH and DAMAGE or DESTRUCTION to any of my personal property present at these activities.
_____* I AM PARTICIPATING IN THESE ACTIVITIES AT MY OWN RISK and release the Friends of Amateur Rocketry, Inc. (FAR), the Directors of the Friends of Amateur Rocketry, Inc., the Pyrotechnics Operator(s), and other participants in these activities from any and all liability arising from such activities or my participation therein.
_____* I, the undersigned, understand there may be venomous snakes, scorpions, or spiders present on the FAR premises.
_____* I, the undersigned, give FAR permission to use video, photographs, or audio recordings of me involved in these activities to be posted on the FAR website and used in FAR promotional materials without any expectation of financial compensation.
_____* I, the undersigned, DO NOT have permission to use firearms, explosives, and fireworks on the FAR premises.
_____* I, the undersigned, have arrived at the FAR activities with full knowledge of these risky activities or have been given ample time to consider the risks of these activities and have been given the opportunity to leave the area before the risky activities have begun.
Print Organization Name: ______
Print Full Name: ______
Print Address: ______
**Signed: ______Dated: ______
*Please initial each statement.
**Signature of parent or guardian if the participant is a under 18-years of age.

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