Marie-Astrid PASCAL

61 rue Porte Dijeaux



Mobile: (00 33) 648 141 766


Date of birth: December 26, 1986

French citizen

Driver’s license


To secure a 6-month internship between

December 2009 and June 2010 in an International Business department

Education and Qualifications

2007-2010INSEEC Business Management School, Bordeaux, France

Degree in Business Administration: 3rd year student of a 3-year programme which alternates intensive course work with internships in France and abroad and which prepares students for a career in International Business

2005-2007Lycée Nicolas Brémontier, Bordeaux

BTS Commerce International, 2-year higher technical diploma in International Business

Intensive courses in International Business alternating with significant field experience

2005French Baccalauréat

Tertiary Science and Technology majors with honours, equivalent to high school diploma

Professional Experience

-Missions and internships:

2008BAOBAG, Cenon, France, export assistant

2-month internship. Development of the export department, to explore the West African market

2007BIPERO, Biarritz, France, export assistant

Export mission in Amsterdam, Holland, for a firm which produces sangria

2006MENEAU, Saint-Loubès, export assistant

Export mission in Shanghai, China, for a firm which produces organic syrups

Merrill Lynch, The City-London, Great Britain

2-month internship in an American investment bank

Excellent practical experience to understand the financial word and to improve my English

CMA – CGM, freight zone-Bruges, commercial assistant

1-month internship in the third shipping carrier in the world

Developed organizational skills and knowledge about worldwide shipping transport

2004Jean Guillot wine merchant dealer, Sainte-Eulalie, export assistant

1-month internship

First observation of the life in a company, to become aware of this job

-Jobs and summer works:

2009Lamrock café, Sydney, Australia, waitress

Summer work as a waitress to improve my English skills

2007-2008Galeries Lafayette, Bordeaux, sales assistant in children’s wear department

Sales and advice Cadet Rousselle clothing line

Work every Saturdays to finance my studies

2007Galeries Lafayette, Bordeaux, sales assistant in women’s wear department

Summer work as a sales assistant and adviser for French Underwear line Princesse Tam-Tam and German upscale ready-to-wear Escada

Developed my communication skills and taught me the importance of direct contact with customers

Work experience to finance my studies

2005-2006E. Leclerc hypermarket, Sainte-Eulalie, saleswoman

Practical experience of animation and sales

Work experience to finance my studies

2001-2002Château Fonchereau, Montussan, Bordeaux region


Languages and Information Technology

FrenchNative speaker

EnglishFluent, TOEFL score: 583

SpanishSpoken and written

SoftwareWord, Excel, Power Point, Internet

Personal Interests and Activities

2009 Member of DORIAN, a non profit organization which fight against youngsters violence in the city of Bordeaux

2007Member of M.H.I.G.E., a humanitarian non profit organization (sponsored by French Management schools) which collects food and medical supplies and organizes convoys for their distribution in Eastern Europe

2006Member of SUKHALI, a humanitarian non profit organization which supports Senegalese women in the development of their country

2005-2006Participation to TELETHON, a French non profit organisation, sale of products to raise funds

HobbiesTheatre, reading, music, tennis

TravelsEngland, Egypt, Canada, Portugal, Spain, China, Holland, Australia

References available on request