Migration Assessment Guide

Guide to Leading Fortis to DocuWare Migrations

Table of Contents

MAG Introduction

MAG Goals

MAG Steps


Current System

Migration Tools

Current Functionality of the Migration Tools

Manual Migration

DocuWare Migration: Cloud vs. On-Premise

DocuWare Cloud

DocuWare On-Premise

Things to Consider

Migration License Calculator


Database Lookups


System Snapshot Tool

System Snapshot Tool Download:

Permissions Tools

Contact DocuWare Professional Services

Planning / Determining Effort


Migration Preparation

Migration Process

Migration with Tools

Testing / Training



Partner Migration Training

Providing Training to End Users






Tips & Tricks to Help Drive Adoption

Appendix A: Migration Quote Template

MAG Introduction

Since DocuWare acquired Westbrook in 2013, our strategy has been to leverage the very best technology from the Westbrook and DocuWare products to create a new, even more compelling, software offering. We took an in-depth look at the Fortis and DocuWare technology architectures before we decided to move the Fortis product lines to the DocuWare platform. We’ve taken on a two-plus year development project to create an outstanding combined product and a migration path from Fortis to DocuWare.

This Migration Assessment Guide has been created by the DocuWare Professional Services Team to educate ADPs on the migration process and to help your customers prepare for the transition from Fortis or FortisBlue to DocuWare.

MAG Goals

The goalsthat this document is designed to achieve are;

  • Provide a clear and repeatable process for all ADPs to follow that will ensure successful migration of Fortis and FortisBlue customers to the DocuWare platform.
  • Provide tools and the knowledge required to use them in order to facilitate a successful migration for customers.
  • Outline standards for collecting information from and providing useful migration information back to customers to ensure they are well informed during the course of the migration process.

MAG Steps

  1. Discovery – Understanding and Documenting current system configuration
  2. Planning / Determining Effort – Using Migration Discovery to help customers choose the right DocuWare System to migrate to and to provide them with an estimate of effort.
  3. Migration – Execution of the migration plan crafted from steps 1 & 2
  4. Testing / Training– Testing the DocuWare System to ensure complete and successful migration.Training Outline on what to show the customer on their new DocuWare System.


One of the most important steps in any Fortis / FortisBlue to DocuWare migration plan is to understand and document the current system configuration and collect information about the existing data structures and document record counts. This information is vital to being able to effectively estimate the amount of effort to perform the migration and to help in planning out the design of the customer’s new DocuWare System.

Let’s talk about what type of information we recommend you gather as part of any migration discovery.

Current System

First obtain system information to see what the client is using today. This provides a baseline view of what the migration will entail and where to begin. Please refer to the table below for a listing of recommended system configuration data that you should document as part of the discovery process. The table’s second column contains sample data illustrating how we recommend you document the information.

EDM System Analysis / Customer: Paperless and Co
Product Name / Version / Fortis 2.5.0 SP3
Product Serial Number / 2199999
Number of Concurrent User Licenses / 2 Scan, 3 Edit, 5 View (10 Total)
Licensed Modules / Barcode, Full Text, Image Enhance, OCR
Server OS / Windows Server 2008 R2
Server CPU / RAM / Intel Xenon E3-1280 3.6GHZ / 12 GB RAM
Database Platform / Version / Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP2
Document Archive Storage Used / 5.1 GB / 100,472 files
Number of Scan / Import Scripts / 5 Scan / 5 Import
Number of In Baskets / Inboxes / 5
Authentication Method (Fortis / LDAP) / Fortis Username / Password
Workflow / Number of Processes / Fortis Webflow / 1 Process / 9 Steps
Custom Apps / Integrations / ImageIt provides lookups on PO Number in MS Dynamics.
Database Lookup populates 3 fields from MS Dynamics

There are also several tools that will be made available by the DocuWare Professional Services team which will gather additional vital discovery documentation about the databases, document types, folder structure and security / permissions settings. It is essential for any migration discovery that the output files from these tools are included along with the information detailed above. The tools themselves are called System Snapshot Tool and Permissions Tool and are discussed in more detail in a later section of this document.

Once all of the migration discovery documentation is gathered the next step is to determine when the customer would be a good candidate for migration to the new environment. To do that we need to talk briefly about the two types of migrations that will be available and the limitations of each.

Migration Tools

This type of migration will become available with the release of Fortis / FortisBlue / DocuWare 6.9. A migration tool will be included with Fortis / FortisBlue 6.9 that will partially automate the migration process to a target DocuWare 6.9 System either Cloud or On-Premise. The migration steps with the tools are slightly different and the expectation is that the automated portion of the migration will reduce the amount of labor required to perform it.

1)Migration Discovery

2)Migration Planning

3)Install / Configure DocuWare

4)Run the Fortis / FortisBlue Migration Tool

5)Post Migration Tool DocuWare Configuration Updates

6)Verification and User Acceptance Testing

7)DocuWare moved to Production

Current Functionality of the Migration Tools

The following is a list of known features of the current migration tools and a rough milestone estimate if / when each new feature might be addressed with updated tools.

Included in Migration Tools / Notes
Database / Maps to File Cabinet
Document Type / Maps to Search, Store, Results and Info Dialogs.
A Select list of Document Types is created
Fields / Added as “Doctype – Field Name” ex: AP Checks – Check Number
Picklist / Now called Select Lists, will be applied to appropriate fields in dialogs
Users / All active users are created
Groups / All groups are created as Roles, including membership
Inboxes / In Baskets / Create as Document Trays
Queries / Search Dialogue per Doc Type, also create Default Search dialog with all Fields in File Cabinet
Versions / All versions are copied to the document history
Index Data / Index data will be copied to the new fields
Exception: FortisBlue Field groups cannot be migrated
Folder / Maps to index fields “Level 1: Accounts payable, Level 2: Checks, etc. “(can be used to set security in new system)
Annotations / Annotations are copied with the exception of Signatures in Fortis and FortisBlue, and Redactions in Fortis
Not Included in Migration Tools / Action to Recreate / Expected inclusion in Migration Helper
Fortis / FortisBlue Security & Permissions / Reassignment Required
Nested Pick Lists / Recommend a consultation with DocuWare Professional Services (Manual Rebuild with new multi-column select lists –does not automatically migrate)
Pick List Alias Columns / Recommend a consultation with DocuWare Professional Services
Database Lookups / Data Entry Assistant / ReconfigurationRequired
Import / Scan Scripts / ReconfigurationRequired
Format Masks / ReconfigurationRequired
Related Links / ReconfigurationRequired
Redactions / Fortis: Manual Export / Import
FortisBlue: Supported
Fortis Office / ReconfigurationRequired using Connect to Mail/Outlook or DocuWare Printer
Fortis ERM Documents / Manual Export / Import
ImageIt / ReconfigurationRequired using DocuWare SmartConnect
Fortis EnableIt / Recommend a consultation with DocuWare Professional Services. DocuWare SmartConnect may work for some use cases.
FormIt / ReconfigurationRequired
Fortis / FortisBlue Workflow (includes ApproveIt, Inflo and Webflow) / Reconfigurationusing DocuWare Workflow or Task Manager Required
Fortis Planet / ReconfigurationRequired
eCopy Connector / Recommend contacting Nuance Communications
Fortis / FortisBlue Customizations / Recommend a consultation with DocuWare Professional Services

Manual Migration

This type of migration is available today andis the most labor intensive, but the advantage is that there is complete control over the redesign and implementation of the DocuWare System. With a manual migration, we strongly recommend adequate time is allocated to planning out the DocuWare System design using the migration discovery data to ensure that the DocuWare System is going to meet the business needs of the customer.

NOTE: There may be scenarios / considerations for doing a Manual Migration. If you encounter a scenario where you think Manual Migration may be a good solution, we recommend you consult with DocuWare Professional Services and we will be happy to advise you.

DocuWare Migration: Cloud vs. On-Premise

An equally important part of the Migration Discovery is a conversation with the customer about what type of DocuWare system is best suited for their business needs. There are two main system types to choose between and it is possible to migrate to either one. Here is a brief description of each and some information about a few differences that could impact the customer’s decision.

DocuWare Cloud

Unique to DocuWare – the cloud system is full-featured with the same core functionality as in the on premise software. In two of the three subscription plans available, the price is based on amount of storage used with an unlimited number of users permitted. DocuWare is the first and – continues to be the only - established ECM provider to offer true “Software as a Service” on the cloud. Fifteen years ago, the company began moving in this direction, setting the stage for today’s DocuWare software that is multi-tenant, service-oriented and scalable. Thanks to the early migration to browser-based technology, DocuWare has comprehensive experience in the cloud arena, which 4,000 users are currently benefiting from. The collective use of a highly scalable cloud system typical of SaaS offers tremendous cost advantages that DocuWare is able to pass along to its users. Since the same technology is used for both cloud and in-house systems, there is no need to develop on separate tracks and every expansion or improvement benefits both cloud and in-house systems equally. Some of the key benefits are;

  • User-friendly interface
  • Simple administration
  • Rapid integration
  • Absolute data security
  • Flexible scalability
  • Secure future

DocuWare On-Premise

DocuWare is a modern document management system for professional enterprise content management. Install the on premise solution on your servers and use it throughout the company. Our flexible license model and various software modules allow you to perfectly tailor the software to your work processes and company requirements.

Things to Consider

DocuWare On-Premise and DocuWare Cloud sharing a single common development track means that for virtually all customers either solution will provide customers with a powerful document management system for many years to come. However, there are a few things to be aware of that may impact the customer’s decision.

  • What is the customer’s current IT infrastructure? Are the hardware, OS and platforms current and up to date? Will the customer have to spend a significant amount of money to upgrade their infrastructure to properly support DocuWare On-Premise? If so, then we recommend they seriously consider looking at DocuWare Cloud as a cost effective alternative.
  • Customers who require complex integrations, particularly with database connections may want to consider choosing DocuWare On-Premise. Direct database integration and customizations can be very tricky with any SaaS based application. If DocuWare Cloud is still the best solution for the customer, please consult with DocuWare Professional Services about any potential integration projects before proceeding. Our team has a wealth of experience in performing complex integrations with both DocuWare Cloud and On-Premise solutions.

Migration License Calculator

Our team has put together an online tool that will allow you to enter information about the customer’s current Fortis / FortisBlue licenses and modules and then give you the option to select either Cloud to get an estimated monthly subscription cost or choose On-Premise to get an estimated annual maintenance and support cost. You can find the tool by logging into the DocuWare website partner portal and be using the URL below:


DocuWare has a powerful REST-based API providing functions very similar to the functions provided by the Fortis FCOM and Fortis Web Services APIs. Detailed documentation can be found at:

In some cases, one or more DocuWare standard products like AutoIndex and SmartConnect may eliminate the need for a customization.

DocuWare Professional Services has the source code for any Fortis customizations developed and supported by DocuWare. A DocuWare Professional Services consultant will examine the code, determine the level of effort and provide a quote to rebuild it using the DocuWare API.In the case of Fortis customizations for which the source code is not available the DocuWare Professional Services consultant will need to gather detailed information about how the customization works in order to determine the effort to migrate it.

Unlike Fortis, DocuWare does not support a DDE API. This means that customizations builtaround this toolset, such as Fortis EnableIt, will need to be re-engineered rather than migrated. The DocuWare Professional Services consultant will architect a blend of standard DocuWare products and custom code to meet the business requirements.

Database Lookups

Database Lookups can be accomplished in DocuWare but it will require a little effort. Please make sure your discovery documentation includes information about the data source like what the host application is, what credentials if any are required to access the data, and the specific table(s) and row(s) in the data source that are being used. It is also important to note the target(s) within the current Fortis / FortisBlue system and how the data is currently being used.

Figure 1 Database Lookup Discovery Example

Database Lookups / Integration is another item to be aware of as part of the DocuWare Cloud vs. DocuWare On-Premise decision making process. Using the DocuWare AutoIndex module in the Cloud System is a little more complex as you must package the data to be used by AutoIndex into one or more files and then an FTP connection must be configured and used to upload the data files to the DocuWare Cloud so that AutoIndex can make use of them. This is not a problem per se but this type of configuration should be performed by a DSC Certified ADP or by DocuWare Professional Services.


The DocuWare Professional Services team has developed two migration tools to access the current Fortis configuration and help in planning the migration.

System Snapshot Tool

The first tool runs on a Fortis workstation. The tool prompts for an administrative username and password and then presents a list of databases. The user selects a database and specifies a location for the results. The tool then gathers configuration data into multiple CSV files zipped into a single file.

For each database, the resultant CSV files detail:

  • The folders with number of documents in each folder and the total number of documents
  • The query sets, queries and results fields
  • The document types and index field details and the total number of documents per doctype
  • The picklists

The CSV files are designed to be opened using Excel and stored as worksheets within a workbook.

Figure 2System Snapshot Tool Example – Document Types

System Snapshot Tool Download:

Permissions Tools

The second tool uses a two-step process. The first step is to use the Fortis System Administration tool, Output Security option to create an XML file containing the permissions for the Fortis installation. This XML file is then sent to DocuWare Professional Services for processing.

Email for sending XML File:

Professional Services uses the second tool to extract the permission data into a series of CSV files stored within a single ZIP file. This ZIP is returned to the partner or customer.

The tool reads the XML file and creates a CSV file for each Fortis user. Each CSV contains the System Feature Access (admin and user), Database Feature Access (admin and user), Database Access, In Basket Access, Folder Access, Query Set Access and Document Type Access settings for that user.

Figure 3Permissions Tool Example – User Security Output

The tool then creates similar CSV files for each Fortis group. Finally, the tool zips the user CSVs into one ZIP file and the group CSVs into another.

Figure 4Permissions Tool Example – Group Security Output

Contact DocuWare Professional Services

The best way to contact DocuWare Professional Services to send Migration Discovery documents or to inquire about DocuWare Migration on behalf of customers it to email us:

Planning / Determining Effort

Now that we have uncovered the use case, system details and permissions, we can put together a price quote on the Professional Services work to do the migration. Customers are already starting to try and plan abudget for the migration so being able to provide them with a quote is an important part of the process. DocuWare Professional Services has put together some general guidelines based on actual project data of migrations we have performed. The formulas below describe how we are currently estimating migration projects using the documentation collected as part of the migration discovery. Depending on the complexity of the current system you may need to adjust the baseline estimate for each task up or down accordingly. It also includes a sample calculation for illustration purposes.