Nottingham Insolvency and Business Law eJournal



The Centre for Business and Insolvency Law is calling for submissions to the Nottingham Insolvency and Business Law eJournal (HYPERLINK ""NIBLeJHYPERLINK "")for the Volume 5: Winter 2017. TheNIBLeJis an open access, peer reviewed academic journal (Dr Paula Moffatt and Dr Jennifer L. L. Gant, editors) that boasts an eminent cast of reviewers. Submissions must comply with the following requirements:

·  Content must have some relation to business and/or insolvency law, but innovative political, social, or theoretical perspectives are welcome as well as comparative discussions, cross-discipline investigations, and relationships with other legal areas.

·  Manuscripts should be between 10,000-15,000 words (including footnotes). 15,000 is the upper limit.

·  Referencing must conform to the OSCOLA style. See the following website for both a quick reference guide and full guidance: In-line referencing (Harvard Style) is not accepted.

·  Submissions should be sent to Jennifer L. L. Gant on or beforeFriday 29thSeptember 2017in order to be included in this volume.

·  Submissions must include full name or names if more than one author and title. Authors are welcome to include academic affiliations, and qualifications, and teaching position, or any other relevant author information as a first footnote.

Please note that only manuscripts in the English language will be accepted.Manuscripts submitted for publication are subjected to anonymous peer review by expert academics and legal practitioners to ensure high quality publications.

If you would like to look at previous submissions to theNIBLeJ, please see the following: ""yHYPERLINK ""_journal/index.html. A full style guide is also available here: httHYPERLINK ""ps://

The deadline for the final submission of article manuscripts isFriday 29 September 2017. For additional information, pleasecontactJennifer L. L. Gant in the first instance using the abovecontactdetails, or check theNIBLeJwebsite on the link above.