MINUTES of Regular Meeting of the Governing Board of the Peach Springs Unified School District

Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 6:00 pm

Peach Springs Unified School District #8- Governing Board of Education

403 Diamond Creek Road (Elementary School)

Peach Springs, Arizona 86434

Pursuant to A.R.S. $ 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Governing Board and the Public that the board will hold a meeting open to the public on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 6:00 p.m., in the Governing Board meeting room, Peach Springs Unified School District No.8, 403 Diamond Creek Road (Peach Springs Elementary School), in Peach Springs, Arizona. Information regarding agenda items, with the exception of materials relating to Executive Sessions, may be reviewed in the District Administrative Offices located at 403 Diamond Creek Road, Peach Springs, Arizona.
The Governing Board of the Peach Springs Unified School District #8 may vote to meet in executive session intermittently throughout the meeting pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03, to review and discuss certain matters which are marked by an asterisk(*). Additionally, the Board may vote to go into Executive Session on any matter listed on the agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A) (3), for discussion or legal advice from the Board’s attorney, which may occur via person or telephone. Any Executive Session discussions will not be open to the public. However, all Board decisions will be made in the open public meeting.
If any disabled person needs any type of accommodation, please notify administration at (928) 769-9034 prior to the time scheduled for the meeting. All members of the public wishing to address the Board are required to sign the attendance sign-in sheet and complete a Public Comment form. Board members of the Peach Springs Unified School District may attend either in person or, when necessary, by telephone, video conferencing, or internet conferencing.





IV.  ROLL CALL Roger Mueller –I, Emma Tapija- I, Michelle Zephier -1

V.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA- Emma motioned to approve agenda and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0

VI.  CALL TO THE PUBLIC (This is the time that the public may comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not on the agenda. Therefore, action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter of scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.) - NA

VII.  Approval of Governing Board Meeting Minutes:

1.  October 15, 2016

Michelle Zephier made motion to accept October 15, 2016 meeting minutes and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0


1.  Emma Tapija’s letter request to Mike File to continue as board member from November 1, 2016.

Roger Muller motioned to recommended Emma Tapija’s letter request to Mike File as board member and Michelle Zephier second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0

2.  Discussion and possible action to approve Statement of Assurance for prior board approved Teacher Evaluation System Status (FY 2016-2017) A.R. S. $15-952.A & A.R.S. $15-537 with board president or designee signature

Emma Tapija motioned to accept action to approve Statement of Assurance for prior board approved Teacher Evaluation System Status (FY 2016-2017) A.R.S. $15-952.A & A.R. S. $15-537 with designee signature and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0


1.  November and December Calendar and newsletter school updates- FYI

2.  Discussion and possible action to revise Memorandum of Agreement between Hualapai Detention Center and Peach Springs Unified School District (same agreement just correcting minors with correct title of Detention Center

Roger Mueller motioned to accept the revised MOA between Hualapai Detention Center and Peach Springs Unified School District correcting the minor title error of Detention Center and Emma Tapija second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0

3.  Discussion and possible action to approve Letter of Agreement between Peach Springs Elementary and Sundance helicopters to provide fieldtrip experience for PSUSD students

Roger Mueller motioned to accept the Letter of Agreement between Peach Springs Elementary and Sundance helicopters to provide fieldtrip experience for PSUSD students at no cost to district beyond bus transportation and Emma Tapija second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0

4.  Discussion and possible action to accept temporary help from Aanya Smallcanyon (Arizona certified psychologist) for $1,000 per student for psychologist testing for current IEPs re-evaluations and preschool upcoming evaluations to meet deadline as our current psychologist’s schedule is full for next few months. To meet deadlines set by sped law, we need assistance to remain in compliant. The cost is all inclusive for travel, testing, and written reports per student.

Jaime Cole explained that we currently have a school psychologist, Kathy Scoggins but her schedule is full as she is also providing testing services to Kingman and Valentine school district and she will not be available for weeks. From email evidence, Jaime explained that she has tried to locate and find bids for a number of psychologists for MET testing for upcoming meetings where students’ 3-year re-evaluations were coming up and two additional students were referred from preschool. With the deadlines quickly approaching, we need to take urgent action to obtain a temporary school psychologist. We are not making recommendation to hire full time, but to use immediately in December 2016 to not miss deadlines needed to remain in compliance and meet deadlines to test after parents signed initial permission for testing for preschool. Without going into details on student names, we have a few re-evaluations that need assessment data to make determination of students. After talking with ADE representative Jan Pender if I could ask Aanya Smallcanyon as a well- known psychologist and family member of staff at Peach Springs USD to provide psychologist testing assessments, she emailed that we need to provide transparency with the board and her supervisor. We are in a situation where we need to ensure the best interest of children and the $1000 cost per student includes all travel and expenses as she does not live in the area.

Emma Tapija motioned to accept the temporary help from Aanya Smallcanyon as an Arizona certified psychologist for $1000 per student testing for current urgent needed re-evaluations for METs and two preschool upcoming students while keeping our current psychologist, Kathy Scroggins that was prior board approved and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0


1.  Discussion and possible action to approve and Expense Vouchers 1517, 1617, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1717, 1817 and payroll 2017

Emma Tapija motioned to approve Expense Vouchers 1517, 1617, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1717, 1817 and payroll 2017 and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0

2.  Discussion and possible action to approve ASBA/ASA 59th Annual Conference for board members December 14-16, 2016 at the Arizona Biltmore for board training

Emma Tapija motioned to approve ASBA/ASA 59th Annual Conference for upcoming new board members December 14-16, 2016 at the Arizona Biltmore for board training and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0

3.  Discussion and possible action for retroactive training for Jeren Smallcanyon, business manager to attend grant accounting workshop November 4, 2016 in Glendale, Arizona AASBO

Emma Tapija motioned to approve the retroactive training for Jeren Smallcanyon, business manager to attend grant accounting workshop November 4, 2016 in Glendale, Arizona AASBO and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0

4.  Discussion and possible action for Superintendent and selected administrative team to attend upcoming recruitment efforts in Michigan, Wisconsin, New York, and California as we still have vacant core certified positions this year from 1st, 7th grade, special education teacher, instructional coach/title 1 teacher.

Michelle Zephier asked who would be attending the recruitment efforts and Jaime Cole mentioned Jeren Smallcanyon as business manager and Mikhail Smallcanyon for interviewing candidates and herself as superintendent. With many of the larger recruitment events, many schools send multiple staff to set up interviews, conduct background/reference checks, interview, explain benefits of school and work as a team to encourage good teachers to join our team. If you go as 1 person, some candidates may question how team and staff work together as well. Along with attending recruitment in Arizona, we are seeking to attend in top university where the most effective teachers graduate to recruit the best teachers in the country as native students in rural community deserve the best teachers.

Emma Tapija motioned to approve the Superintendent and selected administrative team to attend upcoming recruitment efforts in Michigan, Wisconsin, New York, and California as we still have vacant core certified positions this year from 1st, 7th grade, special education teacher, instructional coach/title 1 teacher and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0

5.  Discussion and possible action for business manager Jeren Smallcanyon to attend Maintenance and operation training Jan.13, 14, 20, 21 8:30-4:30pm in Phoenix, AZ from AASBO topics on SFB, budgeting, procurement, contractors

6.  Discussion and possible action to approve business manager Jeren Smallcanyon to attend AASBO school business winter conference January 31, 2017-February 1, 2017 in Phoenix, Az

7.  Discussion and possible action for business manager Jeren Smallcanyon to attend 1099-MISC requirement on January 9, 2016 from Heinfeld Meech training

For items 5- 7, Emma Tapija motioned to approve business manager training for Jeren Smallcanyon to attend Maintenance and operation training Jan.13, 14, 20, 21 8:30-4:30pm in Phoenix, AZ from AASBO topics on SFB, budgeting, procurement, contractors, AASBO school business winter conference January 31, 2017-February 1, 2017 in Phoenix, Az, 1099-MISC requirement on January 9, 2016 from Heinfeld Meech training and Roger Mueller second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0


A.  Discussion and possible of change of Prop 301 funding payout time frames to include half in December 2016 and half in May 2017 with statement that teachers will return funding if they do not complete the school year contract.

Jaime Cole explained that teachers could get paid half of the percent that board prior approved and gave a few examples of the teachers that are struggling to pay college courses as they are working, two moved from other countries still paying expenses, and others have expressed the benefit of providing some prop 301 in December and the rest in May 2017 if meeting the qualifications. She explained that the business manager has stated that this is common in other school district as it also increases the morale of the teachers. It was made clear if teachers leave before their contract ends, they will be held accountable to repay the amount received to the district.

Michelle Zephier motioned to approve change of Prop 301 funding payout time frames to include half of percent allowed in plan in December 2016 and the other percent in May 2017 that is earned with statement that teachers will return funding if they do not complete the school year contract and Emma Tapija second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0

B.  Discussion and possible action to recommended Lisa Payton as substitute on call as needed as board approved substitute rate.

Jaime Cole explained that Lisa Payton has not submitted Arizona emergency substitute because she did not have qualifications when she applied for position.

Roger Mueller accepted recommendation of Lisa Payton as substitute on call as needed pending background check and needed qualifications (fingerprint clearance, emergency substitute certificate) and Emma Tapija second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija- no vote, Roger Muller- denied, Michelle Zephier- denied

Vote: 0, 2, 1

C.  Discussion and possible action to recommend Keatra Jones part time with one on one student with IEP based on behavior plan at $10 an hour pending background check clearance for 5 hours daily in the mornings 7am-12pm retroactive November 14, 2016 until as needed for school year 2016-2017 only.

Michelle Zephier motioned that we tabled Personnel C at 7:02 pm to interview board candidates and then return to personnel item C after interviews due to the time frame of candidates waiting and Emma Tapija second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0

After interviewing two board member candidates, board members returned to Personnel C item.

Jaime Cole explained that we have a student that would benefit for extra assistance that has worked well with Keatra Jones although she does not have a high school degree but is working on her GED. In board policy, applicants must have high school degree or GED to qualify. After speaking with ADE representative and special education ADE representatives (see email), I was instructed to contact Beth Ferry (email provided) as a specialist in our area. Beth Ferry stated that is a good idea for the student but recommended that Keatra Jones be considered as a student worker paid out of impact aid instead of a special education assistant. The agreement would be that Keatra Jones be giving a time frame to pass her GED as a student work while helping student with special needs part time as an at will as needed or from 7am-12 pm at rate of $10 prorated back to November 14, 2016.

Roger Mueller motioned to approve Keatra Jones as an at will part time student worker at $10 an hour pending background check clearance for up to 5 hours daily 7am-12pm or as needed retroactive November 14, 2016 and with time frame set with superintendent on deadlines for obtaining her GED and Emma Tapija second motion.

Motion: Emma Tapija-I, Michelle Zephier-I, Roger Mueller-I

Vote: 3, 0, 0

D.  Discussion and possible action to recommend change in employment status of Alexandra Crook from on call substitute to instructional assistant at $13.00 an hour with full benefits.