SHAC Meeting

February 27, 2017

Members present: Ann Gosdin, Melissa Box, Rene Shelton(for Amy Lawrence), Meghan Davis(for Barbara Garrett, Cecilia Holt, Barb Haflich, Liz Raftery(for Robin Wantland), Kathy Malmberg

The meeting started at 3:30. Only 8 members in attendance. Kathy Malmberg started by reporting on employee wellness. These updates included: Lunch and Learn monthly sessions for employees at Central Services area. The fourth Wednesday of the month, employees can walk over to Health Services and eat lunch, while learning about different health topics. March will feature a Physical Therapist from Texas Health who will talk about strengthening your back. April will feature Dr. Samuel Foster who will talk about allergies, prevention and proper use of medications. May our speaker will be Linda Piatt, R.N., FPN, who will address nutrition topics. We will not have sessions during the summer, but will plan for the following school year.

Reported on the ongoing diabetic class being taught Monday nights for 2 ½ hours for 6 weeks by Texas Health. We have a full class and we have not had anyone drop out. We will plan to offer this class again next school year.

Lice- reported on the change being made to the guidelines. Parents will have 1 day in addition to the day they are sent home to treat lice. This replaces the 3 days we had previously. This is to help improve attendance for those families that have frequent issues.

Mumps-reported on the current mumps outbreaks in Denton. As of this meeting, no Mumps in Denton ISD.

Nutrition update- Liz Raferty reported on the new apps available to parents. They can access menus, nutrition information, allergy information.

Olga Andrews-reported on a Back to School Event that she is helping with in cooperation with community people, the mayor, other organizations. This is to eventually have a one stop event for our students who need help to receive school supplies, eventually haircuts, immunizations, vision testing and glasses. They will start small and build on it every year.

The meeting ended at 4:30.