Spanish Conversation


Sra. (Mullins) Moomey

CHS Room 140
Office 136


Welcome to Spanish Conversation at CHS!

My name is Mrs. Heather Moomey. I am a native of Missouri. I studied and worked in Mexico for many years. I taught at two private, multi-lingual international schools: Westhill Institute and The American School Foundation, both in Mexico City.

This is my 11th year teaching Spanish in the School District of Clayton. This year I am teaching Conversation, Spanish III and Spanish I. I am excited to guide you in your acquisition of the Spanish Language!

Course Overview

Each week students will have intensive speaking practice using the concepts from previous Spanish courses - with games, role-playing, conversation and other activities. This is an exciting new offering to give you more time to hone speaking skills. This class is designed to compliment other classes and will review and reinforce indicative, preterit, imperfect and future verb tenses plus work on evolving conversation skills and pronunciation.

The global citizenry component of the course will focus on Latin Americans and will examine the roots of contemporary Latin American culture and highlight traditional cultural topics and issues in daily life in the Spanish-speaking world. Short articles and videos will be the basis for discussion on these topics, with a focus on vocabulary expansion and structured conversation exercises both in groups and pairs.


  • To increase the quality and richness of conversation.
  • To improve grammar and vocabulary, which are the main tools to create discussions and to acquire better conversational skills.
  • Discussion, research and presentation of various topics of interest.

Classroom Guidelines

Academic Expectations.

  • Use only Spanish in class.
  • Be positive about your learning.
  • Complete all homework with care and accuracy.
  • Come to class prepared and ready to start.
  • Come to class with all materials.
  • Communicate any concerns you may have to promote the best learning environment possible.
  • If the material is challenging, come for help!
  • Make an appointment and come to see me before school, 2nd or 7th periods. (7th period I will be in the WL office.)

Behavioral Expectations

  • CHS TARDY POLICY: Three tardies per quarter will result in an after school DETENTION. Please be on time. Tardies restart each quarter.
  • Cell Phone Policy. Turn off and put away your cell phone before entering the classroom. The first time your cell phone is out during class, you will receive a warning. The second time, your cell phone will be confiscated and will be kept in the front office. Your parents/guardians will be notified and will be required to pick it up.
  • Bring all your materials to every class. YOUR HOMEWORK, BINDER, etc. (you will lose 5 participation points if you aren’t prepared).
  • Keep all of your HANDOUTS in a three ring binder with paper to take notes. You WIIL NOT be permitted to go to your locker after class has started.
  • Please do not lose your handouts. I make only ONE copy per student. Be responsible and respect our environment!
  • Be attentive in class and listen, speak and discuss when appropriate, in SPANISH. Absolutely no chatting in English!
  • Respect the teacher’s position as a leader in the classroom: follow teacher’s directions and suggestions.
  • Be considerate and respectful to all others; refrain from teasing, interrupting or criticizing others, refrain from using inappropriate language, refrain from acting out anger and/or frustrations through fighting or other unacceptable behavior. Based on the severity, you will receive one warning and if behavior continues, your parents will be contacted and further disciplinary action will be discussed and implemented.
  • Our class time is precious!!! Failure to adhere to any of the guidelines will result in a reduction of your participation/cooperation/collaboration grade(s).
  • NO GUM, FOOD OR DRINKS in class without teacher permission!


  • If you are absent for one day and it is the day of a quiz or test, you must take the test the following day.
  • If you are absent the day before a quiz or a test, you must take it with the rest of the class.
  • Find out what the homework was before coming to class or come see me before school.

PLEASE communicate any concerns you may have so I may give you the help you need. I have office hours 2nd and 7th periods or by appointment.


Class Materials: Bring these materials to class everyday.
  1. Pen and pencil
  2. A three-ring binder where you can put loose –leaf paper, handouts and other materials *Exceptions discussed in class.
  3. Planner



Oral quizzes/tests/projects 50%

Participation/homework 50%

The non-written midterm and final exam count as 20% of your semester grade.